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Locofoco   Listen
Locofoco  n.  
A friction match. (U.S.)
A nickname formerly given to a member of the Democratic party. (U.S.) Note: The name was first applied, in 1834, to a portion of the Democratic party, because, at a meeting in Tammany Hall, New York, in which there was great diversity of sentiment, the chairman left his seat, and the lights were extinguished, for the purpose of dissolving the meeting; when those who were opposed to an adjournment produced locofoco matches, rekindled the lights, continued the meeting, and accomplished their object.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Locofoco" Quotes from Famous Books

... and Henry Clay were the champions of the whigs; Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, of the democrats. In 1834, the democrats began to be called "Locofocos," because, at a meeting in Tammany Hall, the lights having been put out, were relighted with locofoco matches, which several, expecting such an event, had ...
— A Brief History of the United States • Barnes & Co.

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