"Lote" Quotes from Famous Books
... q{u}am u it findes witterlike. He slagen [be] and we agen driuen. 375 Jn{}to raldom eu{er}mor to liuen. He gan hem ransaken on and on. And fond it or sone a{}non. And nam o breere eu{er}ilk on. And ledde hem sorful a{}gon. 380 And brogte hem bi{}for iosep. Wid reweli lote and sorwe and wep. o q{u}at iosep ne wiste ge nogt. at ic am o wol witter ogt. Mai nogt longe me ben for{}holen. 385 Q{u}at{}so{}eu{er}e on londe wur stolen. Lou{er}d q{u}ad judas do wi me. Q{u}at{}so i ... — Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 - Part I: Texts • Various
... favoured me and fled, * 'By Allah picture him nor add nor 'bate in least degree!' Replied the Dream, 'I leave him though he die of thirst,' I cry, * 'Stand off from water-pit and say why this persistency.' Rained tear-pearls her Narcissus-eyes, and rose on cheek belit * She made my sherbet, and the lote with bits ... — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton |