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Lum   Listen
Lum  n.  
A chimney. (Prov. Eng. & Scot.)
A ventilating chimney over the shaft of a mine.
A woody valley; also, a deep pool. (Prov. Eng.)

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"Lum" Quotes from Famous Books

... Patty, who knows more Scripter' dan ennybuddy h'yar, havin' been teached by de little gals from Kunnel Jasper's an' by dere mudders afore 'em. I reckin she know' de hull Bible straight froo, from de Garden of Eden to de New Jerus'lum. An' dar are udders h'yar who knows de Scripters, some one part an' some anudder. Now I axes ebery one ob you all wot know de Scripters ef he don' 'member how de Bible tells how our Lor' when he was on dis yearth cas' seben debbils ...
— Amos Kilbright; His Adscititious Experiences • Frank R. Stockton

... timan hit gelamp tht him to becom for geneosunge thingon swa swa his theaw ws Servandus se diacon and abbod ths mynstres the Liberius se ealdormann in getimbrode on suth Langbeardena landes dlum. Witodlice he geneosode Benedictes mynster gelomlice . to tham tht hi him betwynon gemnelice him on aguton tha swetan lifes word . and thone wynsuman mete ths heofonlican etheles . thone hi tha gyta fullfremedlice geblissiende ...
— Anglo-Saxon Literature • John Earle

... when there is a mystery, so put your nose to the ground, my good friend, and find the spot where this Mr. Werwolf, witch, or bear flies the canyon, and maybe, like the husband of 'The Witch of Fife,' we may find the 'black crook shell,' and with its aid fly out of this 'lum." ...
— The Black Wolf Pack • Dan Beard

... the remains of their breakfast of oat-cake and milk—the fire Janet had left on the hearth was a spongy mass of peat, as wet as the winter before it was dug from the bog, so they had had no porridge. The water kept coming in splashes down the lum, the hillocks of the floor were slimy, and in the hollows little lakes were gathering: the lowest film of the torrent-water ran down the rock behind, and making its way between rock and roof, threatened soon ...
— Sir Gibbie • George MacDonald

... Geraldine, No flow'r was ever seen so toodle um. You are my lum ti toodle lay, Pretty, pretty queen, Is rum ti Geraldine and something teen, More sweet than tiddle lum in May. Like the star so bright That somethings all the night, My Geraldine! You're fair as the rum ...
— A Nonsense Anthology • Collected by Carolyn Wells

... ize pen' du lum dil' i gent ly sig nif' i cance auc tion eer' per sist' ent ly in ex haust' i ble un der stood' hope' less ...
— De La Salle Fifth Reader • Brothers of the Christian Schools

... Southern California. The pastor of the church, Rev. J.B. Silcox, assisted in the opening services. The Chinese boys were catechized by Dr. Pond, and showed by their answers that they were being grounded in the fundamental truths of the Bible. Lum Goon Kee recited the Twenty-third Psalm, and Chung Chong the Ten Commandments, and another "The Apostles' Creed." The first and second commandments received a new meaning to us as we heard them recited ...
— American Missionary, Volume 43, No. 4, April, 1889 • Various

... have their walls thicker than the auricles, but they differ in their internal structure. From the interior of these cavities arise fleshy columns, called co-lum'nae car'ne-ae. The walls of the left ventricle are thicker and stronger than ...
— A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene (Revised Edition) • Calvin Cutter

... Hua lin se (in Cantonese Fa lum se, i.e. Temple of the Flowery Grove) is situated in the western suburbs of the city of Canton. Its principal attraction is the vast hall, the Lo-han t'ang, in which are arranged in numerous avenues some five hundred ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 2 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... An' I went close up t' th' bushes So's to put my face right into a flower. Mis' Priest, jest's I got breathin' in that laylock bloom I saw, layin' right at my feet, A man's hand! It was as white's the side o' th' house, And sparklin' like that lum'nous paint they put on gate-posts. I screamed right out, I couldn't help it, An' I could hear my scream Goin' over an' over In that echo be'ind th' barn. Hearin' it agin an' agin like that Scared me so, I dar'sn't scream ...
— Men, Women and Ghosts • Amy Lowell

... Loy," and "Kum Lum," come "Witkowski," "Bukofski," "Rowminski,"—who keep Russian caviar, etc. Some day, when we feel a little tired of our ordinary food, we think of trying the caviar, or perhaps a gelatinous bird's nest, ...
— Life at Puget Sound: With Sketches of Travel in Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon and California • Caroline C. Leighton

... setting fire to the lum"—suggests a rival in the trade. "Here's a fine veal, ma'am, fatted upon ...
— Life in the Clearings versus the Bush • Susanna Moodie

... As I went lum'rin' down de street, down de street, A 'ansom gal I chanc'd to meet, oh, she was fair to view. Buffalo gals, can't ye come out to-night, come out to-night, come out to-night; Buffalo gals, can't ye come out to-night, and dance by the light of ...
— Charles Dickens and Music • James T. Lightwood

... night, and Katie was there, and the piano going, and everybody enjoying themselves, when the young feller at the piano struck up the tune what Katie danced to in the show. Catchy tune it was. 'Lum-tum-tum, tiddle-iddle-um.' Something like that it went. Well, the young feller struck up with it, and everybody begin clapping and hammering on the tables and hollering to Katie to get up and dance; which she done, in ...
— The Man with Two Left Feet - and Other Stories • P. G. Wodehouse

... readily agreed that the receipt should be burnt, and the laird threw it into the chimney with his ain hand. Burn it would not for them, though; but away it flew up the lum, wi' a lang train of sparks at its tail, and a hissing noise ...
— Redgauntlet • Sir Walter Scott

... him, "come along," Tu ri lum diddle day. "The weather is certainly fine just now," Fum lum dum skiddle fay. But the grasshopper fell in a deep, dark bog, And I pulled him out on a sunken log, And then came along a bad, savage dog, And ...
— Buddy And Brighteyes Pigg - Bed Time Stories • Howard R. Garis

... been like they represented. There was John Rau, the mate, a bullet-headed Belgian, who used to walk just like he did and copy all his little ways slavish, reading the cyclopediar, too, and stopping at R from discipline. And Lum, the China cook, a freak of a fellar, with coal-black hair all round his head like a girl's, and who'd out-Coe Coe till you'd split. The rest of the crew was just the usual thing—Rotumah boys, an Highwayman or ...
— Wild Justice: Stories of the South Seas • Lloyd Osbourne

... example, where a beggar, who had diagnosed a changeling, was allowed to try his hand at disposing of it, he made a large fire on the hearth and held a black hen over it till she struggled, and finally escaped from his grasp, flying out by the "lum." More minute directions are given by the cunning man in a Glamorganshire tale. After poring over his big book, he told his distracted client to find a black hen without a single feather of any other colour. This she was to bake (not living, but dead, as appears by ...
— The Science of Fairy Tales - An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology • Edwin Sidney Hartland

... little tour after the wedding is over. They are doing that way a good deal in Boston this season. I thought you would like a pointer in the very lum-tumest thing to do, and so I write this. So long as you have the means to do this thing right, I think you ought to do so. You may never be married again, princess, and now is the time to paint ...
— Remarks • Bill Nye

... leather, youngun. Roun wi the nappy. Here, Jock braw Hielentman's your barleybree. Lang may your lum reek and your kailpot boil! My tipple. Merci. Here's to us. How's that? Leg before wicket. Don't stain my brandnew sitinems. Give's a shake of peppe, you there. Catch aholt. Caraway seed to carry away. Twig? Shrieks of silence. Every cove to his gentry mort. Venus Pandemos. Les ...
— Ulysses • James Joyce

... up Ally Bazan, "I knows a bit about that gyme. They's a bally kind o' Lum-tums among them Chinese as sports those syme skins on their bally clothes—as a mark o' ...
— A Deal in Wheat - And Other Stories of the New and Old West • Frank Norris

... morning meal was being dispensed the anxious little woman thrust a bite or two into her own mouth, and ate as she moved about. Then she told the old people she was "gauin' up the lum to look aboot her." Without more ado she dipped into the fireplace and disappeared ...
— The Red Man's Revenge - A Tale of The Red River Flood • R.M. Ballantyne

... ither. 'Preserve's a'!' cried Rob; but or he could say anither word, butt the house, scushlin in her bauchles, comes Nancy, rinnin', an' opens the door wi' a scraich: 'Preserve's a'!' quo' she, 'Robert, the lum's in a low!' An' fegs! atween the twa reeks, to sunder them, there was nothing but Nancy hersel. The hoose was as fu' as it cud haud, frae cellar to garret, o' the blackest reek 'at ever crap oot o' coal. ...
— Alec Forbes of Howglen • George MacDonald

... the corn am I, Kara! Kara![5] Yoked with the kine we gayly fly, Kara! Kara! The ploughman's hand is strong and drives The glowing soil, the meadow thrives! Before the oxen Sa-lum-mat-u na-si.[6] ...
— Babylonian and Assyrian Literature • Anonymous

... get it back. The other way will wreck public credit. That's what I say. Supposin' some Labour Government takes the notion that soap's bad for the nation? Are they goin' to shut up Port Sunlight? Or good clothes? Or lum hats? There's no end to their daftness if they once start on that track. A lawfu' trade's a lawfu' trade, says I, and it's contrary to public policy to pit it at the mercy of wheen cranks. D'ye no agree, sir? By the way, I havena ...
— Mr. Standfast • John Buchan

... Arthur. 'Let's walk. Evenings beginning to draw in now. Lum-da-diddley-ah. That's what I call a good tune. Give me something lively and ...
— The Man Upstairs and Other Stories • P. G. Wodehouse

... hear a sound like the sneck o' the backdoor turnin', Fash na for it; It's just the crack i' the lum o' the green wood burnin', Ill to be lit; Gin ye hear a step, it's the auld mear loose i' the stable Stampin' the strae, Or mysel' that's settin' the parritch-spunes on the table, Sae turn ye aboot an' sleep, mither, sleep while ye're able, Rest ...
— Songs of Angus and More Songs of Angus • Violet Jacob

... Thirteenth, back of my camp. We made frequent visits to Vicksburg, and always stopped with General McPherson, who had a large house, and boarded with a family (Mrs. Edwards's) in which were several interesting young ladies. General Grant occupied another house (Mrs. Lum's) in Vicksburg during that summer, and also had his family with him. The time passed very agreeably, diversified only by little events of not much significance, among which I ...
— The Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Complete • William T. Sherman

... crime had been stolen entrance into a house in Thrums by the chimney, with intent to rob; and though this old-fashioned family did not see it, not the least noticeable incident in the scrimmage that followed was the prudence of the canny housewife. When she saw the legs coming down the lum, she rushed to the kail-pot which was on the fire and put on the lid. She confessed that this was not done to prevent the visitor's scalding himself, but ...
— Auld Licht Idyls • J.M. Barrie

... but soon extinguished, down the stream—the deil's in the man! —I'll never master him without the light—and a braver kipper, could I but land him, never reisted abune a pair o' cleeks." [*See Note III. Lum Cleeks.]—Some dashed into the water to lend their assistance, and the fish, which was afterwards found to weigh nearly thirty pounds, ...
— Guy Mannering • Sir Walter Scott

... worked hard. He gradually improved in means so that he was able to set up a store. Whilst living in Water Street, New York, he fell in love with Polly Luna, the daughter of a caulker. The father forbade the marriage. But Girard persevered, and at length he won and married Polly Lum. It proved a most unfortunate marriage. His wife had no sympathy with him; and he became cross, snappish, morose. He took to sea again; and at forty he commanded his own sloop, and was engaged in the coasting trade between New York, Philadelphia, ...
— Thrift • Samuel Smiles

... garret o' my heid; an' afore I had time to ken hoo sair frichtit I was, the door begud to open; an', glower as I wad, no believin' my ain e'en, open that door did, langsome, langsome, quaiet, quaiet, jist as my auld Grannie used to tell o' the deid man comin' doon the lum, bit an' bit, an' jinin' thegither upo' the flure. I was turnt to stane, like,'at I didna believe I cud hae fa'en frae the cheir gien I had swarfed clean awa'. An' eh but it tuik a time to open that door! But at last, as sure as ye sit there, ...
— Warlock o' Glenwarlock • George MacDonald

... mizera vesto, sxajnis Al ili, lum' tra nuboj hela; Sxin lauxdis ili, pro okuloj, Piedoj, haroj, mieno bela. Neniam estis en la lando Vizajx' aux cxarm' angxela tia, Kaj jxuris Kofetuo "Estos ...
— The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 2 • Various

... to do is to hire that blind piano-pounder who thumps for the fraternity dances, put a neat red-haired girl in a box on the sidewalk, get one of the football team who's working his way through college to turn the crank, and put on a fil-lum." ...
— Otherwise Phyllis • Meredith Nicholson

... LUM. Light, the fair grandchild to the glorious sun, Opening the casements of the rosy morn, Makes the abashed heavens soon to shun The ugly darkness it embrac'd beforn;[258] And, at his first appearance, puts to flight The utmost relics of the ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. IX • Various

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