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Memoria   Listen
Memoria  n.  Memory.
Memoria technica, technical memory; a contrivance for aiding the memory.

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"Memoria" Quotes from Famous Books

... wilderness that was to become New England. The power of the United States is emphatically the "Imperium quo neque ab exordio ullum fere minus, neque incrementis toto orbe amplius humans potest memoria recordari." ...
— The Fifteen Decisive Battles of The World From Marathon to Waterloo • Sir Edward Creasy, M.A.

... scales, which were used only for special purposes, and without in any way interfering with the use of the number words already in use. "Thus the scholars of India, ages ago, selected a set of words for a memoria technica, in order to record dates and numbers. These words they chose for reasons which are still in great measure evident; thus 'moon' or 'earth' expressed 1, there being but one of each; 2 might be called 'eye,' 'wing,' 'arm,' 'jaw,' as going in pairs; for 3 they said ...
— The Number Concept - Its Origin and Development • Levi Leonard Conant

... perhibent; de quo multoties interrogatus ubi esset, cum risu respondere solitus erat: 'Job, Johannes, et Zacharias vel vobis vel posteris indicabunt'; idemque aliquando adiicere se inventuris minime invisurum. Inter alia huius Abbatis opera, hoc memoria praecipue dignum indico quod fenestram magnam in orientali parte alae australis in ecclesia sua imaginibus optime in vitro depictis impleverit: id quod et ipsius effigies et insignia ibidem posita demonstrant. Domum quoque ...
— Ghost Stories of an Antiquary • Montague Rhodes James

... remembrancer^, flapper; memorial &c (record) 551; commemoration &c (celebration) 883. [written reminder] note, memo, memorandum; things to be remembered, token of remembrance, memento, souvenir, keepsake, relic, memorabilia. art of memory, artificial memory; memoria technica [Lat.]; mnemonics, mnemotechnics^; phrenotypics^; Mnemosyne. prompt-book; crib sheet, cheat sheet. retentive memory, tenacious memory, photographic memory, green memory^, trustworthy memory, capacious memory, faithful memory, correct memory, exact ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... 'In memoria eterna manet amicus' BUTLER COLE ASPINALL. The print of generous frankness in your forehead, of benevolence in your eyes, of having no-two-ways in your nose, of sincere boldness in your mouth; your height, fine complexion, noble deportment, indicate in you ...
— The Eureka Stockade • Carboni Raffaello

... Mr. Grey's Memoria Technica was designed as an artificial language to remember numbers, as of the eras, or dates of history. This was done by substituting one consonant and one vowel for each figure of the ten cyphers used in arithmetic, and by composing words of these letters; which ...
— The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society - A Poem, with Philosophical Notes • Erasmus Darwin

... passed before our birth, in spite of all difficulties from the dissolution of the body, 'Nihilominus,' he says, 'sentimus experimurque nos aeternos esse. Nam mens non minus res illas sentit quas intelligendo concipit, quam quas in memoria habet. Mentis enim oculi quibus res videt observatque sunt ...
— Short Studies on Great Subjects • James Anthony Froude

... same, he went on, with the road to the cemetery; why should it not be continued right up to the cape of the Column as in olden days, over ground dove ogni passo e una memoria: where ...
— Old Calabria • Norman Douglas

... the obsequies of Pope Innocent VIII lasted—as prescribed—nine days; they were concluded on August 5, 1492, and, says Infessura naively, "sic finita fuit eius memoria." ...
— The Life of Cesare Borgia • Raphael Sabatini

... cousin lent me was in French, and here the little I had learnt at school was useful, for with the help of a dictionary I made out the sense. What annoyed me was my memory not being good—I could remember neither names nor dates. Years afterwards I studied a "Memoria Technica," then in fashion, without success; yet in my youth I could play long pieces of music on the piano without the book, and I never forget mathematical formulae. In looking over one of my MSS., which I had not seen ...
— Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville • Mary Somerville

... and wherefore of them. Chittenden's one fault was his tendency to "force" a receptive boy, and to develop his intellect too quickly. As in the Pelm—(I had very nearly written it) system, he made great use of memoria technica, and always taught us to link one idea with another. At the age of ten I got puzzled over Marlborough's campaigns. "'Brom,' my boy, remember 'Brom,'" said Mr. Chittenden. "That will give you Marlborough's victories in their proper sequence—Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, ...
— The Days Before Yesterday • Lord Frederick Hamilton

... filas delante se compongan, 5 Y otros, fingiendo voces lastimeras, Sigan de planideras, Y dirijan entierro tan gracioso Al muladar mas sucio y asqueroso; "Y en aquella basura 10 Un hoyo hondo y capaz te faciliten, Y en el te depositen, Y alli te den debida sepultura; Y para hacer eterna tu memoria, Compendiada tu historia 15 Pongan en una losa duradera, Cuya letra dira de ...
— Modern Spanish Lyrics • Various

... Robert, King of Sicily, as unsurpassed by any living prince in reputation and the glory of his deeds, but the meanness of his avarice, we are told, clouded the splendour of his virtues: "At quid illustrius est etiam hodie regis illius memoria, fama, nomine, gloria rerum gestarum ... si avaritia in eo virtutis ...
— Tacitus and Bracciolini - The Annals Forged in the XVth Century • John Wilson Ross

... interior sensitive powers of apprehension there are some habits. And this is made clear principally from what the Philosopher says (De Memoria ii), that "in remembering one thing after another, we become used to it; and use is a second nature." Now a habit of use is nothing else than a habit acquired by use, which is like unto nature. Wherefore Tully says of virtue ...
— Summa Theologica, Part I-II (Pars Prima Secundae) - From the Complete American Edition • Saint Thomas Aquinas

... unam Veteris et aliam Novi Testamenti.... In die vero Sabbati vel Dominico utrasque de Novo recitant Testamento; id est, unam de Apostolo vel Actibus Apostolorum, et aliam de Evangeliis. Quod etiam totis Quinquagesimae diebus faciunt hi, quibus lectio curae est, seu memoria Scripturarum."—Instit. lib. ii. c. 6. ...
— The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark • John Burgon

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