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Mette   Listen
Mette  v.  obs. Imp. of Mete, to dream.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mette" Quotes from Famous Books

... her this Examinate goe to the sayd Baldwyns house, and aske him some thing for her helping of his Folkes at the Mill, (as aforesaid:) and in this Examinates going to the said Baldwyns house, and neere to the sayd house, she mette with the said Richard Baldwyn; Which Baldwyn sayd to this Examinate, and the said Alizon Deuice[B3a3] (who at that time ledde this Examinate, being blinde) get out of my ground Whores and Witches, I will burne the one of you, and hang the other.[B3a2] ...
— Discovery of Witches - The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster • Thomas Potts

... Qu'il mette en scne le gros fermier fier de son bien ou de ses filles marier, le vieux mdecin de campagne ne comptant plus ses tats de service, le jeune amoureux qui rve au clair de la lune, le vieillard qui repasse en sa mmoire la longue suite des jours rvolus, ...
— The Habitant and Other French-Canadian Poems • William Henry Drummond

... befell upon a tide, As thing, which should tho betide, Under the town of New Troie, Which toke of Brute his first ioye, In Themese, when it was flowende, As I by Bote came rowende; So as fortune hir tyme sette, My leige Lord perchance I mette, And so befelle as I cam nigh, Out of my Bote, when he me sigh, He bad me come into his Barge, And when I was with him at large, Amonges other things seyde, He hath this charge upon me leyde, And bad me doe my businesse, That to his high worthinesse, ...
— The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687) • William Winstanley

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