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Milieu  n.  Environment. "The intellectual and moral milieu created by multitudes of self-centered, cultivated personalities." "It is one of the great outstanding facts of his progressive relation to the elements of his social milieu."

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"Milieu" Quotes from Famous Books

... queen of France,—never names her, nor, as such, the place of her birth,—but contributes only to the knowledge of the young student this beneficial quota, that Gondeband, "plus politique que guerrier, trouva au milieu de ses controverses theologiques avec Avitus, eveque de Vienne, le temps de faire mourir ses trois freres et de recueillir ...
— Our Fathers Have Told Us - Part I. The Bible of Amiens • John Ruskin

... try to explain these statements by attributing to their authors moral perverseness; the explanation must be sought in the conditions that surrounded them. We have already alluded to the fact that our moral conceptions are absorbed from the social milieu in which we are reared. The prevailing ideals of family, business, the social, political or national group of which we happen to be members we absorb as part of our "social copy" and build into the fabric of ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

... avoit parie 25 louis qu'il traverseroit le grand bassin des Thuileries par un froid tres rigoureux; il alla jusqu'au milieu, renonca a son entreprise, et revint par le meme chemin en disant, "J'aime mieux perdre vingt-cinq louis que ...
— Tales and Novels, Vol. IV • Maria Edgeworth

... riverside neighbourhood easy to recognise. I could never get myself quite to believe that Stephen's friend, Egerton, accessory after the fact, would so long and so tamely have borne the suspicion of it; but for the rest Mr. HERBERT'S study of his milieu shows a very intimate observation. If his Stephen, in whom the highest poetic talents are found tainted with a touch of coarseness, may not always be credible, the passion for self-expression which leads him on to versify his own experience ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, November 10, 1920 • Various

... d'une coupole qui regne au-dessus, est des plus riches.... Une fontaine artificielle et jaillissante, dont le bassin est d'un pretieux marbre verd qui m'a paru serpentin ou jaspe, s'elevoit directement au milieu, sous le dome.... Je me trouvai la tete si pleine de Sophas de pretieux plafonds, de meubles superbes, en un mot, d'une si grande confusion de materiaux magnifiques, ... qu'il seroit difficile d'en donner une idee claire."—Voyages, 1727, ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... shadows and potent as light. It is the way of putting things that tells, rather than the value of the things themselves. This world of draperies and amenities, of dinners and conversaziones, of epigrams, coquetries, and sparkling trivialities in the Frenchwoman's milieu. It has little in common with the inner world that surges forever behind and beneath it; little sympathy with inconvenient ideals and exalted sentiments. The serious and earnest soul to which divine messages have been whispered ...
— The Women of the French Salons • Amelia Gere Mason

... Deesses, Venez calmer mon chagrin; Aidez, mes belles Princesses, A le noyer dans le vin. Poussons cette douce Ivresse Jusqu'au milieu de la nuit, Et n'ecoutons que la ...
— Letters of Horace Walpole - Volume I • Horace Walpole

... de fois contemolant cet amas de maisons Quetreignent nos remparts couronnes de gazons, Et ces faubourgs naissants que la ville trop pleine Pour ses enfants nouveaux eleve dans la plaine. Immobiles troufieaux ou notre clocher gris Semble un patre au milieu de ses blanches brebis, Jai pense que, malgre notre angoisse et nos peines, Sous ces toits paternels il existait des haines, Et que des murs plus forts que ces murs mitoyens Separent ...
— George Sand, Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings • Rene Doumic

... pointing to Sirius. They are not so bright as Sirius, but they are sufficiently bright to attract attention. A long tradition gives them the name of the Three Kings. Dupuis (1) says: "Orion a trois belles etoiles vers le milieu, qui sont de seconde grandeur et posees en ligne droite, l'une pres de l'autre, le peuple les appelle les trois rois. On donne aux trois rois Magis les noms de Magalat, Galgalat, Saraim; et Athos, Satos, ...
— Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter

... In this seething milieu, this medley of practical humanitarianism and social fantasies, the labor movement was revived. In the forties, Thomas Mooney, an observant Irish traveler who had spent several years in the United ...
— The Armies of Labor - Volume 40 in The Chronicles Of America Series • Samuel P. Orth

... them make on other people. I believe what I just wrote is nonsense. I only mean to say that I am only intolerant of intolerance. I think the ordinary rules of good behavior demand a certain amount of tolerance and with that any milieu is possible. I am sure of a few things but these few things are very firmly fixed in ...
— Nelka - Mrs. Helen de Smirnoff Moukhanoff, 1878-1963, a Biographical Sketch • Michael Moukhanoff

... plans a simple life that shall drink inspiration in the youth of a new, virgin continent. He falls in with another German, Lentz, whose outlook upon life is at first the very opposite to Milkau's blend of Christianity and a certain liberal socialism. The strange milieu breeds in both an intellectual langour that vents itself in long discussions, in breeding contemplation, mirages of the spirit. Milkau is gradually struck with something wrong in the settlement. Little by little it begins to dawn upon him that something of the Old-World hypocrisy, fraud and insincerity, ...
— Brazilian Tales • Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis

... variable forms, the characters which they consider of specific value are unchangeable. To give an example from a conscientious writer (10/139. Godron 'De l'Espece' tome 2 page 64.) who, relying on the labours of M. Naudin, and referring to the species of Cucurbita, says, "au milieu de toutes les variations du fruit, les tiges, les feuilles, les calices, les corolles, les etamines restent invariables dans chacune d'elles." Yet M. Naudin, in describing Cucurbita pepo (page 30), says, "Ici, d'ailleurs, ce ne sont pas seulement les fruits qui ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication - Volume I • Charles Darwin

... leave of absence he fell in with a country-woman and an old family friend, Madame La Poissonnier, who had been appointed head nurse to the Duke of Burgundy; and, as the child in her charge required lulling to sleep, Cazotte composed the favourite romances (ballads), Tout au beau milieu des Ardennes, and Commere II faut chauffer le lit. These scherzi, however, brought him more note than profit, and soon afterwards ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton

... narrative I have hinted at an idea corresponding to the above French heading, and now feel it incumbent upon me to devote a whole chapter to that idea, which was one of the most ruinous, lying notions which ever became engrafted upon my life by my upbringing and social milieu. ...
— Youth • Leo Tolstoy

... luster in age, of pleasing rather than pretty features, decidedly expressive countenance, rich brown hair very effectively and not at all elaborately arranged, neither too tall nor too short, too plump nor too thin—in brief one of those juste milieu persons, the perfection of common sense physically exhibited. Miss Anthony's oratory is in keeping with all her belongings, her voice well modulated and musical, her enunciation distinct, her style earnest and impressive, her language ...
— The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 1 of 2) • Ida Husted Harper

... of his entrance into the Coffee House, Spout's career was assured—encouraged by his amazing success in a milieu to which many aspired but few attained, he at once wrote about it, probably his most world-famed novel, "The Continuous Fall of Harriet Ramsbotham." To say that this daring attack upon existing social conditions caused a sensation is to put the case mildly—it was a positive ...
— Terribly Intimate Portraits • Noel Coward

... Toledo, a body of the Carlists, commanded by Orejita, whose numbers more than trebled his own. In reward for this exploit he was persecuted by the government, which, at that time, was the moderado or juste milieu, with the most relentless animosity; the prime minister, Ofalia, supporting with all his influence numerous and ridiculous accusations of plunder and robbery brought against the too- successful general by the Carlist canons of Toledo. He was likewise charged with a dereliction of duty, ...
— The Bible in Spain • George Borrow

... donc un fragment? Non. Il existe a part. Il a, comme on le verra, son exposition, son milieu et sa fin. ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... his dark eyes burned with fires they had captured in South Africa. Sitting in the old room with its homely and ecclesiastical look, he had an oddly remote appearance, she thought, as if he belonged to a very different milieu. Always dark, he now looked almost gipsy-like; yet he had the unmistakable air of a soldier. But if there had ever been anything there was now nothing left of the business ...
— In the Wilderness • Robert Hichens

... allowed them to imagine the convulsions of a delivery? How could minds, as polished and as amiable as these, fully adopt the sentiments of an apostle, of a monk, of a barbarian or feudal founder; see these in the milieu which explains and justifies them; picture to themselves the surrounding crowd, at first souls in despair and haunted by mystic dreams, and next the rude and violent intellects given up to instinct ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine

... des Idees Religieuses en Allemagne despuis le milieu du XVIII' siecle a nos jours. Paris, 1873. Transl., with ...
— Edward Caldwell Moore - Outline of the History of Christian Thought Since Kant • Edward Moore

... contenter ses frivoles dsirs, L'homme insens vainement se consume; 795 Il trouve l'amertume Au milieu des plaisirs. ...
— Esther • Jean Racine

... the author of the first great treatise on Naval Tactics, quotes Tromp's formation as a typical method of retreat; but his account is vitiated by what seems a curious mistake. He says: 'Il rangea son armee en demi-lune et il mit son convoi au milieu: c'est a dire que son vaisseau faisait au vent l'angle obtus de la demi-lune, et les autres s'etendoient de part (sic) et d'autre sur les deux lignes du plus- pres pour former les faces de la demi-lune qui couvroient le convoi. Ce fut en cet ordre qu'il fit vent arriere, ...
— Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX. • Julian S. Corbett

... mon imagination et flatte mes sens a un point inexprimable; elle reveille avec volupte le sentiment de mon existence. Sous le tranquil abri du toit paternel, j'etois heureuse des enfance avec des fleurs et des livres; dans l'etroite enciente d'une prison, au milieu des fers imposes par la tyrannie la plus revoltante, j'oublie l'injustice des hommes, leurs sottises, et mes maux, avec des livres et des fleurs." These pleasures, however, are too simple to ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 12, Issue 337, October 25, 1828. • Various

... Foire du pain d'epice—which lead to nothing; there are interiors, there are interviews, there are the two work-girls, Celine and Desiree, and their lovers; there is what Zola himself described as tout ce milieu ouvrier, ce coin de misere et d'ignorance, de tranquille ordure et d'air naturellement empeste. And with it all there is a heavy sense of stagnancy, a dreary lifelessness. All that is good in the book reappears, in ...
— Figures of Several Centuries • Arthur Symons

... FRERE—N'ayant pu mourir au milieu de mes troupes, il ne me reste qu' a remettre mon epee entre les mains de ...
— Germany from the Earliest Period Vol. 4 • Wolfgang Menzel, Trans. Mrs. George Horrocks

... goes on, which is ever extending the process of the assimilation of Europeans, their increasing detachment from the conditions under which, climatically and hereditarily, united races originate, their increasing independence of every definite milieu, that for centuries would fain inscribe itself with equal demands on soul and body,—that is to say, the slow emergence of an essentially SUPER-NATIONAL and nomadic species of man, who possesses, physiologically ...
— Beyond Good and Evil • Friedrich Nietzsche

... French audience do not permit the spirit of Hamlet's father to appear on the stage: "L'apparition se passe, (says Madame de Stael)[3], en entier dans la physionomie de Talma, et certes elle n'en est pas ainsi moins effrayante. Quand, au milieu d'un entretien calme et melancolique, tout a coup il apercoit le spectre, on suit tout; ses mouvemens dans les yeux qui le contemplent, et l'on ne peut douter de la presence du fantome quand un tel regard l'atteste." The remark is perfectly just, nothing can be imagined ...
— Travels in France during the years 1814-1815 • Archibald Alison

... delightful milieu. The prospect of certain bears in the near future—a dear old friend to frolic with in the immediate present, and the problematic joys of a possible affair to be indulged in meanwhile. No wonder he was in the best of ...
— His Hour • Elinor Glyn

... In this milieu, as new to Michael as some suddenly discovered country, he found himself at once plunged and treated with instant friendly intimacy. Hermann, so he supposed, must have given him a good character, for he was made welcome before ...
— Michael • E. F. Benson

... recourse to champagne in that I constantly felt depressed and bored, owing to the fact that I was living in the most bourgeois commercial milieu imaginable—a milieu wherein every sou was counted and grudged. Indeed, two weeks had not elapsed before I perceived that Blanche had no real affection for me, even though she dressed me in elegant clothes, and herself tied my tie ...
— The Gambler • Fyodor Dostoyevsky

... advancing to a consummation never entirely to be attained, demands however some sort of static "milieu" as well as some sort of static "material" in the midst of which and out of which it moulds its premeditated future. It is precisely this static "milieu" or "medium," and this static "material" or formless "objective mystery," which Bergson's philosophy, of the "elan ...
— The Complex Vision • John Cowper Powys

... existence of weariness or exhaustion. To be bored even is natural enough, if one is bored by, say, forced inaction, or obligatory action of a futile, meaningless kind. But negative boredom; to be uninterested, not because adverse circumstances confine you to this or that barren and uncongenial milieu, but because you see nothing of interest in life as a whole; because life seems to you a dull, empty, or prosaic business—that argues a kind of blindness, a poverty of imagination, which amounts to disease, and, surely, to disease of a ...
— The Record of Nicholas Freydon - An Autobiography • A. J. (Alec John) Dawson

... Il paroit meme qu'en divers endroits, ou ces veines ont la forme d'un sigma ou d'une M couchee M, ce sont les grandes jambes du sigma, qui ont la direction des couches. Enfin, j'observai plusieurs couches, qui dans le milieu de leur epaisseur paroissoient remplies de ces veines en zigzag, tandis qu'aupres de leurs bords, on les voyoit toutes ...
— Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V) • John Ruskin

... cenotaphs have been erected to Voltaire and Rousseau. As it is (since December 15, 1840) he sleeps under the Dome des Invalides. Above the entrance are these words, which are taken from his will: "Je desire que mes cendres reposent sur les bords de la Seine, au milieu de ce peuple Francais ...
— The Works of Lord Byron - Poetry, Volume V. • Lord Byron

... "Ainsi au milieu de ces matieres calcaires qui forment le sol montueux des environs d'Elbingerode, paroit encore le schiste sur lequel elles ont ete deposees: Et en montant a la partie la plus elevee de ces memes environs, on trouve que la pierre a chaux est recouverte elle-meme d'une pierre ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... genius; certainly, we may venture to assume that he is, at all events, a fine talent, a careful observer, a painstaking worker, possessed of inventive powers within limitations. He knows his genre and his milieu, and he knows his job. He observes his people with an artistic sympathy. He is an etcher, loving his line, rather than a photographer. Vast mural decorations ...
— The Best British Short Stories of 1922 • Edward J. O'Brien and John Cournos, editors

... S[OE]UR,—La presence du digne epoux de votre Majeste au milieu d'un camp francais est un fait d'une grande signification politique, puisqu'il prouve l'union intime des deux pays: mais j'aime mieux aujourd'hui ne pas envisager le cote politique de cette visite et vous dire sincerement combien j'ai ete heureux de me trouver ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... exception perhaps of Torres, which resembles in form the madreporitic island of Medinilla), and appear to be without reefs.—MANGS, however, is described (by Freycinet, page 219, "Hydrog.") from some Spanish charts, as formed of small islands placed "au milieu des nombreux recifs;" and as these reefs in the general chart of the group do not project so much as a mile; and as there is no appearance from a double line, of the existence of deep water within, I have ventured, ...
— Coral Reefs • Charles Darwin

... De Sacy, who abstained from detailing reasons and who, forgetting the number of editors and scribes through whose hands it must have passed, argued only from the nature of the language and the peculiarities of style, proposed le milieu du neuvieme siecle de l'hegire ( A.D. 1445-6) as its latest date. Mr. Hole, who knew The Nights only through Galland's version, had already advocated in his "Remarks" the close of the fifteenth century; and M. Caussin (de Perceval), ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... correct transliteration, Pil'nyak) is the pseudonym of Boris Andreyevich Wogau. He is not of pure Russian blood, but a descendant of German colonists; a fact which incidently proves the force of assimilation inherent in the Russian milieu and the capacity to be assimilated, so typical of Germans. For it is difficult to deny Pilniak the appellation of ...
— Tales of the Wilderness • Boris Pilniak

... Ste. Marie. He was still a little resentful, and he said so. He said: "I didn't know it was going to be like this. I came because Stewart went rather out of his way to ask me. I'd known him in a very different milieu." ...
— Jason • Justus Miles Forman

... foudre dans les airs, Et c'est le moindre bien qu'il fit a sa patrie; Au milieu de climats divers, Ou dominait la tyrannie, Il fit regner les arts, les moeurs, et le genie; Et voila le heros que j'offre ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 73, November, 1863 • Various

... hors des limites de ce qui lui a ete connu, Leon d'Afrique nous apprend que la fondation de Tombut par un prince de Barbarie, appelle Mensa-Suleiman, est de l'an 610 de l'Hegire, qui repond a l'an 1213 de l'ere Chretienne, ce qui est posterieur a la geographie d'Edrisi, composee vers le milieu du douzieme siecle. La situation de cette ville n'est pas precisement sur le Niger; mais elle y a son port, nomme Cabra, a quelques milles de distance. Comme aucune des nations commercantes de l'Europe n'a penetre ...
— The Journal Of A Mission To The Interior Of Africa, In The Year 1805 • Mungo Park

... if we may trust Layamon's statement, he dedicated it to Queen Eleanor, who was the ardent propagator in England of the courtly ideals of southern France. Accordingly Wace, perhaps partly because of his own milieu, partly because of his royal patroness, wove into Geoffrey's narrative more pronouncedly chivalric material. The lack of the courtly virtue of mesure (moderation) that is noticeable in Geoffrey's Arthur, Wace is careful to conceal; he gives, furthermore, a place ...
— Arthurian Chronicles: Roman de Brut • Wace

... once suggested, M. Edmond de Goncourt did at first intend to depict the circus-life, after his wont, in true "naturalistic" manner, softening and extenuating nothing: but "par une delicatesse qui s'explique, il a recule devant le milieu brutal de cirques, devant certaines laideurs et certaines monstruosites des personnages qu'il choisis-sait." The two facts remain that in Les Freres Zemganno M. de Goncourt (1) made professional ...
— Adventures in Criticism • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... calculated to increase hunger! You are prepared to take Miss Devorell, a young lady accustomed to luxury, into places like—this!" he peered about him, "into places that smell of paint, into the milieu of 'the people,' into the society of ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... affaires et vos interets le permettront, vous vous occuperez toujours du bien de la Grece; vous lui serez toujours utile partout ou vous vous trouverez; mais si vous voulez lui etre utile plus directement, revenez encore au milieu d'un peuple qui vous connait et qui vous aime, et son gouvernement se hatera de vous mettre a meme de lui rendre encore ...
— The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, Vol. II • Thomas Lord Cochrane

... George Moore, complained of Zola's Gervaise Coupeau, that Zola explained how she felt, never what she thought. "Qu'est que ca me fait si elle suait sous les bras, ou au milieu du dos?" he asked, with most pertinent penetration. He is quite right. Really we only care for facts when they explain truths. The desultory agglomeration of never so definitely rendered details necessarily leaves ...
— French Art - Classic and Contemporary Painting and Sculpture • W. C. Brownell

... object we must pursue. An individual or a class, concentrating their efforts upon their own well-being exclusively, do but beget troubles both for others and for themselves also. No individual life can be truly prosperous, passed, as Obermann says, in the midst of men who suffer; passee au milieu des generations qui souffrent. To the noble soul, it cannot be happy; to the ignoble, it cannot be secure. Socialistic and communistic schemes have generally, however, a fatal defect; they are content with too low and material a standard ...
— Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold • Matthew Arnold

... writings prior to and after Hippocrates have been long lost to the world, most of those that were written by the Coan physician and his followers have been almost miraculously preserved. As Littre puts it, "Les ecrits hippocratiques demeurent isoles au milieu des debris de ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... audience which he had succeeded in completely fascinating by his wit, his brilliant paradoxes, and, at times, his real eloquence. Of course, with regard to the value of beautiful surroundings I differ entirely from Mr. Whistler. An artist is not an isolated fact; he is the resultant of a certain milieu and a certain entourage, and can no more be born of a nation that is devoid of any sense of beauty than a fig can grow from a thorn or a rose blossom from a thistle. That an artist will find beauty in ugliness, le beau dans l'horrible, is now a commonplace ...
— Miscellanies • Oscar Wilde

Words linked to "Milieu" :   surroundings, environment

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