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Misericordia   Listen
Misericordia  n.  
(O. Law) An amercement.
(Anc. Armor.) A thin-bladed dagger; so called, in the Middle Ages, because used to give the death wound or "mercy" stroke to a fallen adversary.
(Eccl.) An indulgence as to food or dress granted to a member of a religious order.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Misericordia" Quotes from Famous Books

... de palabra, tenia pena de muerte, y si tenia posible para Rescatar la Vida, tenia de pena quince taes De oro, y si no tenia conqe o los parientes le ayudauan, a su Rescate; y El delinquente pedia; misericordia conqe seria esclauo se le otorgaua la vida y asi quedaua Por Esclauo del ynjuriado porqe la pena del dinero era para El teniendo posible y si la pendencia, era entre personas yguales, principales tratandose por justicia y por sus leyes tenia la mesma pena y si no ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Volume V., 1582-1583 • Various

... time of their death, [Marginal note: A very good order that they haue in those Countreys for the recouering of the goods of the dead.] and howe this may be done very securely. In all the cities that the Portugales haue in the Indies, there is a house called the schoole of Sancta misericordia comissaria: the gouernours whereof, if you giue them for their paines, will take a coppy of your will and Testament, which you must alwayes cary about you; and chiefly when you go into the Indies. In the countrey of the Moores and Gentiles, in those voyages alwayes there ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 9 - Asia, Part 2 • Richard Hakluyt

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