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Misprision   Listen
Misprision  n.  
The act of misprising; misapprehension; misconception; mistake. (Archaic) "The misprision of this passage has aided in fostering the delusive notion."
Neglect; undervaluing; contempt. (Obs.)
(Law) A neglect, negligence, or contempt. Note: In its larger and older sense it was used to signify "every considerable misdemeanor which has not a certain name given to it in the law." In a more modern sense it is applied exclusively to two offenses: 1. Misprision of treason, which is omission to notify the authorities of an act of treason by a person cognizant thereof. 2. Misprision of felony, which is a concealment of a felony by a person cognizant thereof.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Misprision" Quotes from Famous Books

... But Glaucon I know, if I know any man. The charges even if proved are nigh incredible. For of all the thousands in Hellas his soul seemed the purest, noblest, most ingenuous. Therefore I will not hasten on his death. I will give the gods a chance to save him. Let Democrates arraign me for 'misprision of treason' if he will, and of failing in duty to Athens. There shall be no pursuit of Glaucon until morning. Then let the Eleven(7) issue their hue and cry. If they take him, let the law deal with him. ...
— A Victor of Salamis • William Stearns Davis

... traced under different denominations, but more particularly by their family title. This we might expect the Greeks to have rendered Chusos, and to have named the people [Greek: Chusaioi], Chusaei. But, by a fatal misprision, they uniformly changed these terms to words more familiar to their ear, and rendered them [Greek: Chrusos], and [Greek: Chruseios], as if they had a reference to gold. I have before mentioned the various parts of the world where the Amonians settled, and especially ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.) • Jacob Bryant

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