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Moire   Listen
Moire  n.  
A watered, clouded, or frosted appearance on textile fabrics or metallic surfaces.
Erroneously, moire, the fabric.
A wavy pattern of lines produced by the superposition of two patterns having closely spaced, often curved, lines, so that the lines of the two patterns intersect at an acute angle. When the superposing patterns are moved relative to the observer or relative to each other, a shimmering effect is produced in which the apparent pattern changes, often producing a pleasing artistic effect. The effect may be seen, for example, when the superposed folds of a sheer fabric, such as a window curtain, are observed with transmitted light.
Synonyms: moire pattern.
(Printing) An interference pattern produced by the dots of a color printing process.
Moire antique, a superior kind of thick moire.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Moire" Quotes from Famous Books

... of velvet, feathers, and sea-green moire, Mrs. Montgomery sailed proudly into her pew, convoying her daughter Maud, who was smiling and whispering to her escort; and just behind them came a plainly-clad but happy young mechanic, a carpenter, clasping to his warm, honest heart the arm of his sweet-faced, gentle wife, ...
— St. Elmo • Augusta J. Evans

... she would lie face downward on the sand, which would take on the imprint of her body under her, bathing her face in the thin ripple of water that the surf threw up and sucked back again over the shining beach spangled with all the capricious tracings of moire. ...
— Mayflower (Flor de mayo) • Vicente Blasco Ibanez

... no biographer. M. Walferdin wrote (in an edition of Diderot's Works, Paris, 1821, Vol. XII p. 115): "Nous nous occupons depuis longtemps rassembler les matriaux qui doivent servir venger la mmoire du philosophe de la patrie de Leibnitz, et dans l'ouvrage que nous nous proposons de publier sous le titre "D'Holbach jug par ses contemporains" nous esprons faire justement apprcier ce savant si estimable par ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... modulations to the elbow and wrist, overlaid with a delicate, gleaming lustre. As often as she turned her head the movement sent a slow undulation over her neck and shoulders, the pale amber-tinted shadows under her chin, coming and going over the creamy whiteness of the skin like the changing moire of silk. The pretty rose colour of her cheek had deepened to a pale carnation. Annixter, his hands clasped behind ...
— The Octopus • Frank Norris

Words linked to "Moire" :   watered-silk, patterned, fabric

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