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Mora   Listen
Mora  n.  A game of guessing the number of fingers extended in a quick movement of the hand, much played by Italians of the lower classes.

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"Mora" Quotes from Famous Books

... Mora, three hours; a walled city, and capital of Mandara, a small city, containing not more than ten thousand souls. The Sultan has five hundred cavalry and one thousand eunuchs. These poor devils are made here. The Kerdies or ...
— Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa Performed in the Years 1850-51, Volume 2 • James Richardson

... impellat ad societatem belli, existimans publice privatimque aere alieno oppressos, praeterea, quod natura gens Gallica bellicosa esset, facile eos ad tale consilium adduci posse. Umbrenus, quod in Gallia negotiatus erat, plerisque principibus civitatium notus erat atque eos noverat; itaque sine mora, ubi primum legatos in foro conspexit, percontatus pauca de statu civitatis, et quasi dolens ejus casum, requirere coepit, quem exitum tantis malis sperarent. Postquam illos videt queri de avaritia magistratuum, accusare ...
— De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino • Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)

... passos ora atee onde mora a que tem o mantimento celestial. [p] Ireis ali repousar, comereis alg[u]s bocados confortosos, porque a hospeda he sem par em agasalhar os que ...
— Four Plays of Gil Vicente • Gil Vicente

... In the peace and quiet of this evening, time seemed a thing of no especial account. The great jungle trees might always have been lifeless emerald water-barriers, rather than things of a few centuries' growth; the ripple-less water bore with equal disregard the last mora seed which floated past, as it had held aloft the keel of an unknown Spanish ship three centuries before. These men came up-river and landed on a little island a few hundred yards from Kartabo. Here they built a low stone wall, lost ...
— Edge of the Jungle • William Beebe

... Tuesday; the 22nd at Villarta: here rises the river Guadiana, that goes under ground seven leagues before. On the 23rd, we lay at Consuegra; here Don John of Austria was nursed. The 24th, we lay at Mora; on the 25th, we lay at the famous city of Toledo, two leagues from that town. The Marquis of——, Governor of Toledo, met us, in whose coach my husband went with him towards the town, where within half a league he was met by four persons ...
— Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe • Lady Fanshawe

... Walpole. Her young companion and reader, who became a rival and robbed her salon of its brilliance, Mlle. de Lespinasse (1732?-76) might cherish a calm friendship for D'Alembert. When M. de Guibert came to succeed M. de Mora in her affections, she poured out the lava torrent of passion in those Letters which have given her a place beside Sappho and beside Eloisa. Madame Roland in her girlhood had been the ardent pupil of Rousseau, whose Nouvelle ...
— A History of French Literature - Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II. • Edward Dowden

... to give him the chance. You seem to forget that there are churches between, and priests not over-scrupulous. For instance, the cure of Anton Chico, and his reverence who saves souls in the pueblita of La Mora. Either one will make man and wife of you and the Senorita Adela without asking question beyond whether you can produce coin sufficient to pay the marriage fees. Disbursing freely, you may ensure the ceremonial in spite ...
— The Lone Ranche • Captain Mayne Reid

... Toro. all the shipps meeteing att Lessoones carreeneing Key aforesaid, wheir was orders for our randevous, capt. Coxon concludes to goe upp to the goulden Islands and to travill over land to Pannamau, otherwise to a place which the Indians tolde us of, cal'd Toca Mora. all our English concluded to goe, but capt Lessoone and capt Jno. Rowe their Peopple refus'd, being man'd all with French. The Indians being very familliar came uppon a Key to our shipps, men, Women and children, Informing us that whilst wee weare ...
— Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Illustrative Documents • Various

... Mora Salcedo I have appointed corregidor of the jurisdiction of Leyte, Zamare, and Babao, and captain and military commander there, as he has the qualifications and ability demanded by the office. He came ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume XXII, 1625-29 • Various

... signalizing himself under Steen Sture, to his death in 1560; but as all this could not be regularly related without destroying the unity of the poem, it was thought most convenient to begin with his introduction among the Dalecarlians at Mora, and conclude with his first election to the royalty, in 1523; the rest being introduced by means ...
— Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker

... Gunhild opened the box, she found that all these things had been taken out, and in their place lay a letter. It was a letter that she herself had written. A year or two before, she had made a trip to Mora by boat across Lake Siljan. The boat had capsized. Some of her fellow-passengers were drowned, and her parents had been told that she, too, had perished. It flashed upon Gunhild that her mother must have been made so happy on receiving a letter from her daughter telling of her safety, that she ...
— Jerusalem • Selma Lagerlof

... perpendicularly vpon any region subiect vnto it, if it hath no continuance or abode aboue the Horizon, to worke his operation in, there can no hote effect proceed. For nothing can be done in a moment. [Sidenote: Note this reason.] And this second cause mora Solis supra Horizontem, the time of the sunnes abiding aboue the Horizon, the old Philosophers neuer remembred, but regarded onely the maner of Angles that the Sunne beames made with the Horizon, which if they were equall and right, ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt

... "Cursu veloci pendens in novacula, Calvus, comosa fronte, nudo corpore; Quem si occuparis, teneas: elapsum semel Non ipse possit Jupiter reprehendere; Occassionem rerum significat brevem. Effectus impediret ne segnis mora, Finxere antiqui talem ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 66, February 1, 1851 • Various

... him is an indent for certain articles which he asserts to be absolutely necessary before he can enter on his professional duties. These are a jhule, baldee, tobra, mora, booroos, bagdoor, agadee, peechadee, curraree, hathalee, &c. It is not very rational to be angry, for most of the articles, if not all, are really required. Several of them, indeed, are only ropes, for the Ghorawalla, or syce, as they call him on the other side of India, ...
— Behind the Bungalow • EHA

... nemore umbroso Phyllis mea forte sedebat, Cui mollem exhausit tussis anhela sinum: Nec mora: de loculo deprompsi pyxida loevo, Ipecacuaneos, exhibuique trochos: Illa quidem imprudens medicatos leniter orbes Absorpsit numero bisque quaterque decem: Tum tenero ducens suspiria pectore dixit, "Thyrsi! Mihi ...
— Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure • William Thomas Fernie

... el amor que al mismo amor adora, El que cre las slfides y ondinas, [130] La sacra ninfa que bordando mora Debajo de las aguas cristalinas; Es el amor que recordando llora Las arboledas del Edn divinas, Amor de all arrancado, all nacido, [135] Que busca en vano ...
— El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections • George Tyler Northup

... Fur Company at the forks of the Missouri River, Forts Laramie and Platte on the North Fork of the Platte, Vrain's Fort and Fort Lancaster on the South Fork, Bent's Fort at the mountain exit of the Arkansas River, and Barclay's in the high Mora Valley of the upper Canadian. These posts gathered in the rich pelts which formed the one product of this highland area susceptible of bearing the cost of transportation to the far away Missouri River. Though ...
— Influences of Geographic Environment - On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography • Ellen Churchill Semple

... parts of Arawak, namely, acacias, aloes, lechuguillas, and the Fouquiera splendens. But after a short time this kind of vegetation was succeeded by something far more imposing—by dense masses of trees, many of them at the least one hundred and fifty feet in height: the mora, which from a distance appears like a hillock clothed with the brightest vegetation; the ayucari, or red cedar; and the cuamara, laden with tonka beans. So thick was their foliage overhead that one by one Van Hielen watched the stars disappear; and the path ...
— Werwolves • Elliott O'Donnell

... Mrs. Mora insisted on Olive's retiring for the night. "Your room has a grand view over the Braid Hills. They call them hills here; but oh! if ye had seen the blue mountains sweeping in waves from the old house at home. Night and day ...
— Olive - A Novel • Dinah Maria Craik, (AKA Dinah Maria Mulock)

... The metrical unit in versification is a short syllable, technically called a mora ( v ). A long syllable ( ) is regarded as equivalent to ...
— New Latin Grammar • Charles E. Bennett

... tongues of men and angels. (Takes up a pamphlet.) What has this man got to say? (Reads.) Sic sacerdos fatur (ejus nomen quondam erat Burgo.) Mala mens est, caro pejus, anima infirma, ergo I nunc, ora, sine mora—orat etiam Sancta Virgo. (Thinks.) (Speaks.) So it seems they mean to make her wed the usurer, Nathan Lee. Poor Estelle! her friends forsake her; what has this to do with me? Glad I am, at least, that Helen still refuses to discard Her, through ...
— Poems • Adam Lindsay Gordon

... the king's niece of the same name. In May, 1319, King Haakon died, and Magnus Ericsson, the young son of Duke Eric and Princess Ingeborg, inherited the crown of Norway, and July 8 of the same year was elected King of Sweden, at Mora in Upland. ...
— Norwegian Life • Ethlyn T. Clough

... the place of execution, on July 1683. These pieces with many more, were printed in quarto; besides which he wrote the following, viz. The History of the Plot in Folio. Caveat to the Cavaliers. He translated into English Cicero's Offices; Seneca's Mora's, Erasmus's Colloquies; Quevedo's Visions; Bona's Guide to Eternity; Five Love Letters from a Nun to a Cavalier; Josephus's ...
— The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) - Vol. IV • Theophilus Cibber

... parecia recien salida[90-8] de manos del Criador y no estrenada todavia por el hombre; a la vista de un mar solitario, unicamente surcado, tal o cual[90-9] noche de luna, por carabos de piratas o buques oficiales de Europa encargados de perseguirlos, 30 30 la mora se puso a lavarse y peinarse, y el moro saco el manuscrito y volvio a leerlo con tanta ...
— Novelas Cortas • Pedro Antonio de Alarcon

... look alive, look sharp! move on, push on! keep moving! go ahead! stir your stumps! age quod agis[Lat]! jaldi[obs3]! karo[obs3]! step lively! Phr. carpe diem &c. (opportunity) 134[Latin: seize the day]; nulla dies sine linea [Latin][Pliny]; nec mora nec requies [Latin][Vergil]; the plot thickens; No sooner said than done &c. (early) 132; "veni vidi vici" [Lat][Suetonius]; catch a weasel asleep; abends wird der Faule fleissig [obs3][German]; dictum ac factum [Lat][Terence]; schwere Arbeit in der Jugend ist sanfte Ruhe im Alter[German: ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... * Massa-mora, an ancient name for a dungeon, derived from the Moorish language, perhaps as far back as the ...
— The Antiquary, Complete • Sir Walter Scott

... sibi monstret iter. Hortus odoratis suberat cultissimus herbis, Sectus humum rivo lene sonantis aquae. 4 Illic Tarquinius mandata latentia nati Accipit, et virga lilia summa metit. Nuntius ut rediit, decussaque lilia dixit, Filius 'Agnosco iussa parentis' ait. 8 Nec mora: principibus caesis ex urbe Gabina, Traduntur ...
— Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce

... pretentious theatre of stone is in course of erection just opposite the little Plaza de Mejia Mora. The dozen large stone pillars of the facade were already in place, and there are other evidences that when finished it will be a spacious and elegant structure. We say when finished, but that will not be this year, or next, probably; building, like everything else in this country, is slow ...
— Aztec Land • Maturin M. Ballou

... roundly replied the Englishman, "for you refuse to do what in reason and law you are bound to do. And the more demands the more 'mora aut potius culpa' in you. You, of all men, have least cause to hold such language, who so confidently and even disdainfully answered our demand for the commission, in Mr. Cecil's presence, and promised to show a perfect one at the ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... A. nardus, L., commonly called "raiz de mora" (mulberry root), "citronella," Eng., possesses the same therapeutic properties as the former. It also possesses an agreeable perfume and yields an essential oil, which, like rusa, is used ...
— The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines • T. H. Pardo de Tavera

... di nacaaalam. A ralan ang napaaaral. Ang ta bo sala, ce, papagdalitain. Ual in bahala sa loob ang casalana nang naccasasala sa iyo. Houag ypalaman sa loob ang pagmo mora nang tauo sa iyo. Aliuin ang nalulumbai. Ipanalangin sa dios ang nabubuhai at ang nanga matai na ...
— Doctrina Christiana • Anonymous

... head-gardener to the Governor, whom I detected a clever boy, among my labourers in 1812, and did a little for him. It is pleasant to see men thrive and be grateful at the same time, so good luck to "Andrew Mora," as we ...
— The Journal of Sir Walter Scott - From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford • Walter Scott

... One." He spoke low. "An' now again I see the faces of those who dance with it. It is the Fires of Mora—come, God alone knows how—from Erin—to this place. The Fires of Mora!" He contemplated the hushed folk before him; and then from his lips came that weirdest, most haunting of the lyric legends of Erin—the ...
— The Moon Pool • A. Merritt

... text and a complete English paraphrase of a Tagalog metrical romance which combines incidents from this story with incidents from "The Adarna Bird" (supra). The romance is entitled "The Story of the Life of King Don Luis, his Three Sons, and Queen Mora. Manila 1906." Retana (Nos. 4190, 4362) cites editions 1860-98 and 1902. This story contains the quest for the water of healing, the two hermits, the flight on the eagle's back, the sleeping enchanted queen, the stolen favor and the ...
— Filipino Popular Tales • Dean S. Fansler

... disappoint you in size, they make ample amends in height. Heedless, and bankrupt in all curiosity, must he be who can journey on without stopping to take a view of the towering mora. Its topmost branch, when naked with age or dried by accident, is the favourite resort of the toucan. Many a time has this singular bird felt the shot faintly strike him from the gun of the fowler beneath, and owed his life to the ...
— Wanderings In South America • Charles Waterton

... the powerful Count of Aranda; and the Marquis Caraccioli, who was still at Paris, gave me three letters, one for Prince de la Catolica, the Neapolitan ambassador at Madrid, one for the Duke of Lossada, the king's favourite and lord high steward, and a third for the Marquis Mora Pignatelli. ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... exposition anywhere, and here tellingly illustrated, of reatas, spurs, bits, saddles, and other gear. Californios, Doubleday, Garden City, N. Y., 1949. Profusely illustrated. Largely on vaquero techniques. Jo Mora knew the California vaquero, but did not know the range history of other regions and, therefore, judged as unique what ...
— Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest • J. Frank Dobie

... "Si mora praesentis leti, tempusque caduco Oratur juveni, meque hoc ita ponere sentis, Tolle fuga Turnum, atquc instantibus eripe fatis. Hactenus indulsisse vacat. Sin altior istis Sub precibus venia ulla latet, totumque moveri Mutarive putas bellum, ...
— Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry • John Dryden

... nactus, Vinciar uxori quantum queo nobiliori: Tunc sobolem gignam, se meque per omnia dignam, Cujus opus morum genus omne pribit avorum. Cui nisi tot vit fuerint insignia rite, Fustis hic absque mora feriet caput ejus et [h]ora. Quod dum narraret, dextramque minando levaret, Ut percussisset puerum quasi prsto fuisset Vas in prdictum manus ejus dirigit ictum Servatumque sibi vas ...
— Chips from a German Workshop - Volume IV - Essays chiefly on the Science of Language • Max Muller

... was a bareback riding exhibition, by a pretty, graceful young woman whom the ringmaster introduced as Mademoiselle Mora. ...
— The Circus Boys on the Flying Rings • Edgar B. P. Darlington

... oblectationis causa, exiisset, ac in ulteriore Tuedae ripa praaedam cum canibus leporariis insequeretur, forte cum Scoto quodam nobili, sibi antehac, ut videbatur, familiariter cognito, congressus est; ac, ut fas erat inter inimicos, flagrante bello, brevissima interrogationis mora interposita, alterutros invicem incitato cursu infestis animis petiere. Noster, primo occursu, equo praeacerrimo hostis impetu labante, in terram eversus pectore et capite laeso, sanguinem, mortuo similis, evomebat. ...
— Marmion • Sir Walter Scott

... travelling by diligence in the Sahara Desert on the great caravan route, which starts from Beni-Mora and ends, they say, at Tombouctou. For fourteen hours each day we were on the road, and each evening about nine o'clock we stopped at a Bordj, or Travellers' House, ate a hasty meal, threw ourselves ...
— "Fin Tireur" - 1905 • Robert Hichens

... on the Peshawar border of the North-West Frontier Province of India. It is a small mountain valley, dotted with villages and divided into seven sub-divisions. The Mora Hills and the Ilam range divide it from Swat, the Sinawar range from Yusafzai, the Guru mountains from the Chamla valley, and the Duma range from the Puran Valley. It is inhabited by the Iliaszai and Malizai divisions of the Pathan tribe ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 - "Bulgaria" to "Calgary" • Various

... explore. Climbing up a little bank of clay, we found ourselves on a flat meadow, covered with grass and weeds, through which narrow trails ran to a few scattered palm-thatched huts. With a letter from the jefe, we called at Senora Mora's house. This lady was a widow, whose husband had but lately died; she was well to do, and promised to supply us with animals after we should have had our breakfast. This was long preparing, but at last good coffee, fine enchiladas and cheese were served, and, after eating heartily, we found six ...
— In Indian Mexico (1908) • Frederick Starr

... After posting it was discovered that there were several missing pages from the section titled "Mora Montravers". This section has been removed and will be replaced as ...
— The Finer Grain • Henry James

... Sheik of Kouka. Presentation to the Sheik. Costume of the Women of Kanem and Bornou. Major Denham and a young Lion. The Court of Bornou. Kouka. Angornou. The Bornouese. Sports of the Bornouese. Expedition against the Kerdies. Mora, the Capital of Mandara. The Sultan of Mandara. Malem Chadily. Expedition against the Fellatas. Defeat of the Arabs. Death of Boo Khaloom. Perilous Situation of Major Denham. Song on Boo Khaloom. Old Birnie. Gambarou. Expedition against ...
— Lander's Travels - The Travels of Richard Lander into the Interior of Africa • Robert Huish

... act Mademoiselle Mora ran out to the edge of the ring, and blowing a kiss at the blushing Phil, tripped away on fairy feet for the ...
— The Circus Boys on the Flying Rings • Edgar B. P. Darlington

... . . Monstrent * * * * * Quid tantum Oceano properent se tingere soles Hyberni; vel quae tardis mora noctibus obstet." ...
— The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2 • Gilbert White

... the anguish'd Sire rejoin'd, "Nor chase, nor wave, my Boy delay; Would he to Mora seem unkind? Would aught to her impede ...
— Byron's Poetical Works, Vol. 1 • Byron

... rather of ill omen; and the sceptical Petronius was superstitious also. He had a twofold contempt for the multitude,—as an aristocrat and an aesthetic person. Men with the odor of roast beans, which they carried in their bosoms, and who besides were eternally hoarse and sweating from playing mora on the street-corners and peristyles, did not in his eyes deserve the term "human." Hence he gave no answer whatever to the applause, or the kisses sent from lips here and there to him. He was relating to Marcus the case of Pedanius, reviling ...
— Quo Vadis - A Narrative of the Time of Nero • Henryk Sienkiewicz

... church one Sunday and implored them to shake off the Danish yoke. But they only shook their heads. He was a stranger among them, and they would talk it over with their neighbors. Not yet were his wanderings over. To Mora he went next, where Parson Jakob hid him in a lonely farm-house. Evil chance led the spies direct to his hiding-place, and once more it was the housewife whose quick wit saved him. Dame Margit was brewing the Yule beer when ...
— Hero Tales of the Far North • Jacob A. Riis

... range of the javelins. (17) Here a man was wounded, and there another dropped, not to rise again. Each time orders were given to the attendant shield-bearers (18) to pick up the men and bear them into Lechaeum; and these indeed were the only members of the mora who were, strictly speaking, saved. Then the polemarch ordered the ten-years-service men (19) to charge and drive off their assailants. Charge, however, as they might, they took nothing by their pains—not a ...
— Hellenica • Xenophon

... and was met near Churubusco by a deputation bearing a white flag from the Mexican Government, proposing an armistice of thirty hours for burying the dead and collecting the wounded, which he at once rejected. The deputation accompanying the flag consisted of Senores Basadre, Mora y Villamil and Aranjos, who had been sent by Pacheco, Minister of Foreign Affairs. General Santa Anna expressed great dissatisfaction at the action of the Minister, on which he resigned. General Scott addressed a communication to the head ...
— General Scott • General Marcus J. Wright

... a cry of anguish; "he has deserted me, and I am a poor discarded woman! He despises me, and I—I love him!" And wringing her hands, she sobbed aloud. For a while she was tranquil and prayed, and then again burst into tears. Her soul, which had suffered so long in silence, once mora rebelled. The voice of her youth made itself heard, and demanded in heart-rending accents a little sunshine, a little of the joy and happiness promised ...
— Frederick the Great and His Court • L. Muhlbach

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