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Mort   Listen
Mort  n.  
Death; esp., the death of game in the chase.
A note or series of notes sounded on a horn at the death of game. "The sportsman then sounded a treble mort."
The skin of a sheep or lamb that has died of disease. (Prov. Eng. & Scot.)
Mort cloth, the pall spread over a coffin; black cloth indicative or mourning; funeral hangings.
Mort stone, a large stone by the wayside on which the bearers rest a coffin. (Eng.)

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"Mort" Quotes from Famous Books

... between them. Il fait le mort, as they say in France; but he is looking out of the corner of his eye. You can depend upon it he has not burned his ships; he has kept one to come back in. When I am dead, he will set sail again, and then ...
— Washington Square • Henry James

... seem that local distance impedes the separated soul's knowledge. For Augustine says (De Cura pro Mort. xiii), that "the souls of the dead are where they cannot know what is done here." But they know what is done among themselves. Therefore local distance impedes the knowledge ...
— Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) - From the Complete American Edition • Thomas Aquinas

... lady, how we have the deth before us, illustre et tres excellente dame, coment nous auons la mort ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... long, unnatural struggle was brought very suddenly to a close. On the 12th of March, 1751, the prince, who had been suffering from pleurisy, went to the House of Lords, and caught a chill which brought on a relapse. "Je sens la mort," he cried out on the 20th of March, and the princess, hearing the cry, ran towards him, and found that he was indeed dead. The general feeling of the country was perhaps not unfairly represented in the famous epigram which became the talk of ...
— A History of the Four Georges, Volume II (of 4) • Justin McCarthy

... closing scene of the trial. Rufin heard words here and there in his narrative. "Called the judges a set of old . . . Laughed aloud when they asked him if . . . Yes, roared with laughter—roared." And then for the final phrase: "Condamnes a la mort!" ...
— The Second Class Passenger • Perceval Gibbon

... the statue of Napoleon and raise up that of Marat in its stead. It would suppress the Academie, the Ecole Polytechnique, and the Legion of Honour. To the grand device Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, it would add "Ou la mort." It would bring about a general bankruptcy. It would ruin the rich without enriching the poor. It would destroy labour, which gives to each one his bread. It would abolish property and family. It would march about ...
— Paris under the Commune • John Leighton

... you reach with your riding? What is the charm of the chase? Just the delight and the striding swing of the jubilant pace. Danger is sweet when you front her,— In at the death, every hunter! Now on the breeze the mort is borne In the long, clear note of the hunting-horn, Winding merrily, over and over,— Come, come, come! Home again, Ranger! home again, Rover! ...
— Music and Other Poems • Henry van Dyke

... in a mousetrap, and we are the little mice. Goddam! And the cats—oh, the cats they wait for us! The cats are those four Spanish ships of war that have come meantime. And they wait for us outside the bottle-neck of this lagoon. Mort de Dieu! That is what comes of the damned obstinacy of your fine ...
— Captain Blood • Rafael Sabatini

... syng; And there he offred to God almyght: And thanne to Westminster he wente withoute dwellyng. In xv wokes forsothe, he wroughte al this, Conquered Harfleu and Agincourt; Crist brynge there soules all to blys, That in that day were mort. ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... sixteen-mile drive, and the ostler in at Bodmin had swindled the poor old horse out of his feed, I believe; for he crawled like a slug. But they were so taken up with discussing the day's doings, and what a mort of people had been present, and how the sheriff might have used milder language in refusing my father, that they forgot to use the whip. The moon was up before we got halfway home, and a star to be seen here and there; and still we never ...
— I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter Tales • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... wrought the sculptured thought of a tormented face, With serpents lithe that round it writhe, in folded strict embrace. Grim visages of grinning fiends were at each corner set, And emblematic scrolls, mort-heads, ...
— Rookwood • William Harrison Ainsworth

... explained what had happened. She led him up to my room just at the time that I was raving. He took the candle, and looked at my swelled features, and said, "I should not have recognised the poor girl. Mort de ma vie! but this is infamous, and Monsieur de Chatenoeuf is a contemptible coward. I ...
— Valerie • Frederick Marryat

... conceptions of the life of the dead, who were not to be disturbed in their graves.—A name for the grave, which appears frequently in Latin epitaphs, viz., domus aeterna (or aeternalis) is undoubtedly also of Egyptian importation. In Egypt, "la tombe est la maison du mort, sa maison d'eternite, comme disent les textes" (Capart, Guide du musee de Bruxelles, 1905, p. 32). The Greeks were struck by this expression which appears in innumerable instances. Diodorus of Sicily (I, 51, Sec. 2) was aware ...
— The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism • Franz Cumont

... be full of fears, I warrant now, of some design upon me, till I tell you, that he was with Mrs. Jervis when he gave them me; and he gave her a mort of good things, at the same time, and bid her wear them in remembrance of her good friend, my lady, his mother. And when he gave me these fine things, he said, These, Pamela, are for you; have them made fit for you, when your mourning is laid by, ...
— Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded • Samuel Richardson

... Nicholas of being rather a curious collector in his way, for we find in his library some interesting volumes of popular literature. He probably found much pleasure in perusing his copy of the marvelous tale of "Beufys of Hampton," and the romantic "Mort d'Arthur," both sufficiently interesting to relieve the monotonous vigils of the monastery. But I must not dwell longer on the monastic bibliophiles of Evesham, other libraries and bookworms call for some ...
— Bibliomania in the Middle Ages • Frederick Somner Merryweather

... le Russe vit sur lui un manteau qui ne lui appartenait pas. Son voisin ne bougeait plus. Ce genereux adversaire, sentant approcher la mort, avait jete sur son compagnon d'infortune un vetement qui desormais lui etait inutile. Il avait ainsi mis en pratique cette maxime: Soyons bons, ...
— French Conversation and Composition • Harry Vincent Wann

... sudden recollection of practical jokes, at which they shook with laughter after all those years. Oh! the morning when they had burned the shoes of Mimi-la-Mort, alias the Skeleton Day Boarder, a lank lad, who smuggled snuff into the school for the whole of the form. And then that winter evening when they had bagged some matches lying near the lamp in the chapel, in order to smoke dry ...
— His Masterpiece • Emile Zola

... pas la peine que je voyage pour avoir le votre: je le compte pour mort. Ne savez-vous pas? La fievre le travailloit quand nous partimes, avec le medecin par-dessus[87]; il en avoit le transport ...
— A Selection from the Comedies of Marivaux • Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux

... alongside me. I lift up their poor little hearts with my consigne; 'Courage, tout le monde, le diable est mort.' Ha! Ha!" ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol VII • Various

... study he had made his own were revolted by barbarous punishments. That there may be men too vile to live seemed to him, doubtless, a tenable opinion—he could forget all about the fallibility of human judgments—but "Quant a moy," he says, "en la iustice mesme, tout ce qui est au dela de la mort simple, me semble pure cruaute." To hurt others for our own good is not, he dimly perceived, to cut a very magnanimous figure. To call it hurting them for their own, he would have thought damnable; but that piece of hypocrisy is the invention ...
— Pot-Boilers • Clive Bell

... the most successful of the two-stroke cycle engines was that designed by Mr G. F. Mort and constructed by the New Engine Company. With four cylinders of 3.69 inches bore by 4.5 inches stroke, and running at 1,250 revolutions per minute, this engine developed 50 brake horse-power; the total weight of the engine was 155 lbs., thus giving a weight of 3.1 lbs. per horse-power. ...
— A History of Aeronautics • E. Charles Vivian

... rowers, riders, shots, fishermen, with a noisy superabundance of animal spirits, which maddened Elsley. Yet Wynd had sentiment in his way, though he took good care never to show it Elsley; could repeat Tennyson from end to end; spouted the Mort d'Arthur up hill and down dale, and chaunted rapturously, "Come into the garden, Maud!" while he expressed his opinion of Maud's lover in terms more forcible than delicate. Naylor, fidus Achates, was a Gloucestershire ...
— Two Years Ago, Volume II. • Charles Kingsley

... pageant was passing, the widow of the poet was taken in labour; but the infant born in that unhappy hour soon shared his father's grave. On reaching the northern nook of the kirk-yard, where the grave was made, the mourners halted; the coffin was divested of the mort-cloth, and silently lowered to its resting-place, and as the first shovel-full of earth fell on the lid, the volunteers, too agitated to be steady, justified the fears of the poet, by three ragged volleys. He who now writes this very brief and ...
— The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. • Robert Burns and Allan Cunningham

... every thing around was dismayed and dishevelled. The storm had abated, and the rain was over, but the darkness of the night was closing fast in, and we were environed with perils. A cloud, like the blackness of a mort-cloth, hung over our camp; the stars withheld their light, and the windows of the castle shone with the candles of our enemies, who, safe in their stronghold, were fresh in ...
— Ringan Gilhaize - or The Covenanters • John Galt

... Grammont the answer which the count made to a widow who received coldly his compliments of condolence on her husband's death: "Nay, madame, if that is the way you take it, I care as little about it as you do." He died in 1674. "Matta est mort sans confession," says Madame Maintenon, in a letter to her ...
— The Memoirs of Count Grammont, Complete • Anthony Hamilton

... Rhine, there arose throughout the whole of France a terrible cry of rage and revenge. The intelligence reached Mentz in the evening, when the theatre was densely crowded. The commander ordered the news to be read from the stage, and the furious public shouted, "Vengeance! vengeance! et la mort aux Allemands!" [Footnote: "Vengeance! vengeance! and death ...

... and an octet, also a suite for violin and orchestra, "Les Veillees de l'Ukraine;" a concerto for violoncello, which has been played by Mr. Alwyn Schroeder; a divertimento for violin and orchestra, and a symphonic poem, "La Mort de Tintagiles." Besides these large works he has written a number of songs, of which five are with viola obligato. These works have been performed by the Kneisel Quartet and the Symphony Orchestra, the solo parts of the suite and divertimento by the composer himself, and they have ...
— Famous Violinists of To-day and Yesterday • Henry C. Lahee

... of you to ask me. Poor Little, Non-U me. What do you have in mind? I understand Mort Lenny's at one of the ...
— Status Quo • Dallas McCord Reynolds

... condition: And let me die, if I do not think myself the happiest nymph in Sicily—My dear French dear, stay but a minuite, till I raccommode myself with the princess; and then I am yours, jusqu' a la mort. ...
— The Works Of John Dryden, Volume 4 (of 18) - Almanzor And Almahide, Marriage-a-la-Mode, The Assignation • John Dryden

... week was reelin' undher banners that dhrilled a hole in their stomachs or carryin' two-be-four joists to show their allegance to th' naytional honor. A man that has to shovel coke into a dhray or shove lumber out iv th' hole iv a barge or elevate his profession be carryin' a hod iv mort to th' top iv a laddher doesn't march with th' grace iv an antelope, be a blamed sight. To march well, a man's feet have to be mates; an', if he has two left feet both runnin' sideways, he ought to have interference boots to keep him fr'm settin' fire to his knees. Whin a ...
— Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War • Finley Peter Dunne

... robber who introduces Gil Blas to the cavern, says, "Tenez, Dame Leonarde, voici un jeune garcon," &c. Again, "On dressa dans le salon une grande table, et l'on me renvoya dans la cuisine, ou la Dame Leonarde m'instruisit de ce que j'avais a faire.... Et comme depuis sa mort c'etoit la Senora Leonarda qui avoit l'honneur de presenter le nectar a ces dieux infernaux," &c. This expression "Senora Leonarda," is much in favour of a Spanish original; why should not Le Sage have repeated the expression "Dame Leonarde," ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... a la mort dit: Meurs, guerre, ombre, Envie!— Et chasse doucement les hommes vers la vie; Et l'on voit de ses vers, goutte a goutte, des pleurs Tomber sur les enfants, les femmes et les fleurs; Et des astres jaillir de ses strophes volantes; Et son chant fait pousser des bourgeons verts aux plantes; ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... and wore that garment so long without other provision, as when the same was torn from their shoulders, every man despised them as miserable and naked beggars. The wretched success they had (saith a learned Frenchman) shows, "que en ceste mort il y avait plus du fait des homines que de Pieu, ou de la justice": "that in the death of that Prince, to wit, of Bernard the son of Pepin, the true heir of Charlemagne, men had more meddling than either ...
— Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books - with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations • Charles W. Eliot

... situation, and effect; for he was descending the mountain in full view of our whole assemblage of sportsmen. A fine stag in the midst of the herd fell to the crack of his rifle. 'Hallo, hallo!' forward ran the count, and sat upon the prostrate deer triumphing. 'He bien, mon ami, vous etes mort, donc! Moi, je fais toujours des coups surs. Ah! pauvre enfant!' He then patted the sides of the animal in pure wantonness, and looked east, west, north, and south, for applause, the happiest of the happy; finally he extracted a mosaic snuff-box from his pocket, and ...
— Heads and Tales • Various

... mort o' seaweed here," she said, nodding her head wisely as she picked up a long string of kelp; "I can fill my basket in no time at all." There was no need for haste, she thought, so she sat down beside a pool of water ...
— The Puritan Twins • Lucy Fitch Perkins

... legendary origin of this ointment, named after Mary Magdelene, Mary the mother of James, and Mary Salome, is mentioned in the epic poem "Mort Aimeri de Narbonne" (ed. "Anciens Textes", ...
— Four Arthurian Romances - "Erec et Enide", "Cliges", "Yvain", and "Lancelot" • Chretien de Troyes

... same year. Passing over one or two slighter productions, we come to 1890, to "Au Maroc," the record of a journey to Fez in company with a French embassy. A collection of strangely confidential and sentimental reminiscences, called "Le Livre de la Pitie et de la Mort," belongs to 1891. Loti was on board his ship at the port of Algiers when news was brought to him of his election, on the 21st of May, 1891, to the French Academy. Since he has become an Immortal the ...
— An Iceland Fisherman • Pierre Loti

... maison, Joseph Joachim, Marquis de Biliotti, chevalier de St. Louis, age de soixante-dix ans, aussi distingue par ses vertus que par sa naissance, fut la derniere victime du tribunal revolutionnaire d'Orange, qui fut suspendu le lendemain de sa mort." ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 74, March 29, 1851 • Various

... witnesses Did he establish all fit-or-unfitnesses; And, after much laying of heads together, Somebody's cap got a notable feather By the announcement with proper unction {260} That he had discovered the lady's function; Since ancient authors gave this tenet, "When horns wind a mort and the deer is at siege, Let the dame of the castle prick forth on her jennet, And with water to wash the hands of her liege In a clean ewer with a fair towelling, Let her preside at the disembowelling." ...
— Introduction to Robert Browning • Hiram Corson

... she went up to bed, he was very near to stealing out, driving up to the Dromores' door, and inquiring of the confidential man; but the thought of the confounded fellow's eyes was too much for him, and he held out. He took up Sylvia's book, De Maupassant's 'Fort comme la mort'—open at the page where the poor woman finds that her lover has passed away from her to her own daughter. And as he read, the tears rolled down his cheek. Sylvia! Sylvia! Were not his old favourite words from that old favourite book still true? ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... moral is not far to seek; indeed, there is generally a moral, sometimes an inverted one, in the Rops etchings. Order Reigns at Warsaw is a grim commentary on Russian politics quite opportune to-day. La Peine de Mort has been used by Socialists as a protest against capital punishment. Les Diables Froids personifies the impassible artist. It is a page torn from the book of hell. Rops had read Dante; he knew the meaning ...
— Promenades of an Impressionist • James Huneker

... once loosened, she poured forth her whole history, expressing in every lineament her concentrated abhorrence of her libertine master, "Mort Cunningham." Over that story, it is needful to pass lightly, simply saying, she endured all outraged nature could endure and survive. For the sake of humanity we may trust there were few such fiends even among southern masters as this ...
— The Underground Railroad • William Still

... estes plus fort que luy sur l'ayscrimme—quil'y a surtout certaine Botte que vous scavay quil n'a jammay sceu pariay: et que c'en eut ete fay de luy si vouseluy vous vous fussiay battews ansamb. Aincy ce pauv Vicompte est mort. Mort et peutayt—Mon coussin, mon coussin! jay dans la tayste que vous n'estes quung pety Monst—angcy que les Esmonds ong tousjours este. La veuve est chay moy. J'ay recuilly cet' pauve famme. Elle est furieuse cont ...
— Henry Esmond; The English Humourists; The Four Georges • William Makepeace Thackeray

... with delight. "'Vive la republique democratique sociale et universelle ou la mart!' No, no, that's not it. 'Liberte, egalite, fraternite ou la mort.' There, that's better, that's better." He wrote it gleefully under ...
— The Possessed - or, The Devils • Fyodor Dostoyevsky

... wife of the preceding. She was the widow of a bailiff at Mort-la-Ville, and she and her present husband owned a house there. She was exceedingly stout, and suffered from an affection of the legs which prevented her ...
— A Zola Dictionary • J. G. Patterson

... had to spring, and no mystery about it, ere ever I got to the top of the rift leading into Doone-glade. For the stream was rushing down in strength, and raving at every corner; a mort of rain having fallen last night and no wind come to wipe it. However, I reached the head ere dark with more difficulty than danger, and sat in a place which comforted my back and ...
— Lorna Doone - A Romance of Exmoor • R. D. Blackmore

... by this time in Paris, my dear child, that we have played the 'Mort de Caesar' at Potsdam, that Prince Henry is a good actor, has no accent, and is very amiable, and that this is the place for pleasure? All this is true, but—The king's supper parties are delightful; at them people talk reason, ...
— Historical Tales, Vol 5 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality, German • Charles Morris

... true to his creed; we may, however, express a preference that he should do so without religious circumlocutions—that the verdict should be, as in the famous historical instance, "la mort, sans phrase." ...
— Problems of Immanence - Studies Critical and Constructive • J. Warschauer

... another native of Frejus, that renegade priest, to whom is attributed the ferocious saying, when called on to give his vote on the condemnation of Louis XVI., "La mort—sans phrases." Some few years after the Directory sent Sieyes as ambassador to Berlin. He invited a prince of the blood royal of Prussia to dine at the embassy with him; but the prince took the invitation and scored across it ...
— In Troubadour-Land - A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc • S. Baring-Gould

... c'etait de l'odeur du cuir des reliures; ce qu'on dit d'etre une nourriture animale fort saine, et peu chere. Il vit bien longtems. Enfin il meure, en laissant a ses heritiers une carte du Salon a Lecture ou il avait existe pendant sa vie. On pretend qu'il revient toutes les nuits, apres la mort, visiter le Salon. On peut le voir, dit on, a minuit, dans sa place habituelle, tenant le journal du soir, et ayant a sa main un crayon de charbon. Le lendemain on trouve des caracteres inconnus sur les bords du journal. Ce qui prouve que le spiritulisme ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. I., No. 3, January 1858 - A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics • Various

... way we proceeded—literally over hill and dale—in our canoe; and in the course of a few days ascended Mecan River, and traversed Cross Lake, Malign River, Sturgeon Lake, Lac du Mort, Mille Lac, besides a great number of smaller sheets of water without names, and many portages of various lengths and descriptions, till the evening of the 19th, when we ascended the beautiful little river called the Savan, and ...
— Hudson Bay • R.M. Ballantyne

... adoptive. Depuis mon retour en Europe, un de ces hommes, digne d'une haute estime, a cesse de vivre. Je veux parler du Colonel Tupper, qui a ete fait prisonnier a la tete de son regiment; et qui, apres avoir ete tenu, pendant une heure, dans l'incertitude sur son sort, fut cruellement mis a mort par les ennemis. Le Colonel Tupper etait un homme d'une grande bravoure et d'un esprit eclaire; ses formes etaient athletiques, et l'expression de sa physionomie pleine de franchise. II se serait distingue partout ...
— The Life and Correspondence of Sir Isaac Brock • Ferdinand Brock Tupper

... South Wales association. The delegates, invited to a public banquet in honor of their mission, were met by the city members, the mayor, the principal merchants, and professional gentlemen. The immense wool store of Messrs. Mort, decorated for the occasion, exhibited a striking scene of luxury and magnificence. Speeches, such as Britons make when their hearts are loyal and their wrongs are felt, promised a hearty struggle, and predicted a certain victory. A public meeting of the colonists ...
— The History of Tasmania, Volume I (of 2) • John West

... his adversary. Close to the side they were, when I saw the thickset pirate swing as easy as a child across Jacques' back. The two clung together for a moment. Jacques struggled to get loose. But the villain clung too well. And so they both fell together into the deep well below. Creux de la Mort the islanders call ...
— The Fall Of The Grand Sarrasin • William J. Ferrar

... less a "highly educated" one; for, with the exception of a little Latin, which had been driven into him by repeated blows, as if it had been a nail, he knew no books whatsoever, save his Bible, his Prayer-book, the old "Mort d'Arthur" of Caxton's edition, which lay in the great bay window in the hall, and the translation of "Las Casas' History of the West Indies," which lay beside it, lately done into English under the title of "The Cruelties of the Spaniards." He devoutly believed in fairies, ...
— Westward Ho! • Charles Kingsley

... Boat Encampment are the Upper Dalles, or Dalles de Mort, and thirty miles farther the Lower Dalles, where the river makes a magnificent uproar and interrupts navigation. About thirty miles below the Lower Dalles the river expands into Upper Arrow Lake, a beautiful sheet of water forty miles long ...
— Steep Trails • John Muir

... "'Le roi est mort; vive le roi!'" he said—("'The king is dead; live the king!') My little sweetheart is a gem, if she did go back on me ...
— That Old-Time Child, Roberta • Sophie Fox Sea

... one ruffian to the other; "tour the bien mort twiring at the gentry cove!" [Footnote: Look sharp. See how the girl is coquetting with the ...
— The Fortunes of Nigel • Sir Walter Scott

... to the field in which they had dined, and found Charlie under the trees, with her muslin looking very fresh. "What, all a-mort?" said Mrs Greenow. Charlie did not quite understand this, but replied that she preferred being alone. "I have told him that you should fill his pipe for him," said Mrs Greenow. "He doesn't care for ...
— Can You Forgive Her? • Anthony Trollope

... diadema] of the law restraining it. Royalty, or kingliness, over life, restraining and glorifying. In the extremity of restraint—in death, whether noble, as of death to Earth, or ignoble, as of death to Heaven, the [Greek: diadema] is fastened with the mort-cloth: "Bound hand and foot with grave-clothes, and the face bound ...
— Ariadne Florentina - Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving • John Ruskin

... vees chi vo segneur, je ne le vous voel tolir, mais je estoie venus en ceste ville, prendre consel a vous, comment je poroie vengier la mort son pere, qui me rapiela d'Engletiere. Il me fist roi, il me fist avoir l'amour le roi d'Alemaigne, il leva mon fil de fons, il me fist toz les biens, et jou en renderai au fill le ...
— The Little Duke - Richard the Fearless • Charlotte M. Yonge

... 1,500 were Regular soldiers, or at least wore their uniform. Their coats were turned inside out, as a mark of disgrace. As they passed through the crowd lining each side of the Boulevards they were met with cries of "A mort, crapule, fusillez-les!" Four women in the Amazon uniform and the Regulars excited special indignation. One prisoner, near the New Opera, refused to march, and was twice stabbed with bayonets. He was then tied to a horse's tail, and afterwards placed on the ...
— The Insurrection in Paris • An Englishman: Davy

... with it if the yielding water had not broken the shock. Do you think that he does not remember the death? The huge carcass dragged out of the stream, followed by dripping, panting dogs; the blowing of the mort, and the last wild halloo, when the horn-note and the voices rang through the autumn woods, and rolled up the smooth flat mountain sides; and Brendon answered Countisbury, and Countisbury sent it on to Lynmouth hills, till it swept out of the gorge and ...
— Prose Idylls • Charles Kingsley

... espars, Kabrols, Cervys, Chamous, Senglars de toutes pars, Lous Ours hardys e forts, seran poudra, e Arena, Lou Daulphin en la Mar, lou Ton, e la Balena: Monstres impetuous, Ryaumes, e Comtas, Lous Princes, e lous Reys, seran per mort domtas. E nota ben eysso kascun: la Terra granda, (Ou l'Escritura ment) lou fermament que branda, Prendra autra figura. Enfin tout perira, Fors que l'Amour de ...
— Poems • William Cullen Bryant

... repousse et tout vous navre Et quand la mort viendra pour vous Maigre et froide, votre cadavre Sera ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... every body does must be right. A gentleman who speaks broken English favours the table with a conundrum. Another (the young poet) presents us with a brace of dramas, bearing the auspicious titles of "La Mort de Socrate," and "Catilina Romantique"—of which anon. But, before we rise from our dessert, here is the conundrum as it was proposed to us:—"What gentleman always follow what lady?" Do you give it up? Sur-Prise ...
— Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 365, March, 1846 • Various

... the gas plant were the words "Defense D'Entrer", with skull and cross bones underneath and with the further words, "Danger de Mort". ...
— A Journey Through France in War Time • Joseph G. Butler, Jr.

... reliures; ce qu'on dit d'etre une nourriture animale fort saine, et peu chre. Il vit bien longtems. Enfin il meure, en laissant ses hritiers une carte du Salon Lecture ou il avait exist pendant sa vie. On pretend qu'il revient toutes les nuits, aprs la mort, visiter le Salon. On peut le voir, dit on, a minuit, dans sa place habituelle, tenant le journal du soir, et ayant sa main un crayon de charbon. Le lendemain on trouve des caractres inconnus sur les bords du journal. ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. I., No. 3, January 1858 - A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics • Various

... of separation, the breaking of a great many ties that had been strong and traditional; but it was better that the old man should go—of that there was no question. Sir Jeremy himself would rather. No, "Le roi est mort" was easy enough to say, but how "Vive le roi" ...
— The Wooden Horse • Hugh Walpole

... saw what seemed a miracle, we should distrust our senses; we should say that it was most likely that they deceived us. Hear what Voltaire says in one of his letters to D'Alembert: 'Je persiste a penser que cent mille hommes qui ont vu ressusciter un mort, pourraient bien etre cent mille hommes qui auraient la berlue.' And what he says of their bad eyes, there is no doubt he would say of his own, if he had been one of the ...
— The Eclipse of Faith - Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic • Henry Rogers

... Seneca's manner), a narration of the heroine's death; of action there is none, the stage stands still. If Jodelle's Didon has some literary merit, it has little dramatic vitality. The oratorical energy of Grevin's Jules Cesar, the studies of history in La Mort de Daire and La Mort d'Alexandre, by Jacques de La Taille, do not compensate their deficiency in the qualities required by the theatre. One tragedy alone, La Sultane, by Gabriel Bounin (1561), amid its violences and extravagances, shows a feeling ...
— A History of French Literature - Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II. • Edward Dowden

... d'La Palice est mort, Mort devant Pavie; Un quart d'heure avant sa mort, 'Il etait ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith • Oliver Goldsmith

... A la mort du docteur Kearsley, il passa dans differentes mains, et il devint enfin l'esclave du docteur George West, chirurgien du seizieme regiment d'Angleterre, sous lequel, pendant la derniere guerre en Amerique, il remplit les fonctions les moins importantes ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916 • Various

... intellectual powers, and uncommon ardour of soul. Would he had been a Christian! I cannot help earnestly venturing to hope that he is one now. BOSWELL. Voltaire writing to D'Alembert on Aug. 25, 1759, says:—'Que dites-vous de Maupertuis, mort entre deux capucins?' Voltaire's Works, lxii. 94. The stanza from which Boswell ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 • Boswell

... contain flint points flung with sufficient force to penetrate deeply the bony tissue. Always indefatigable in his researches, Dr. Prunieres also mentions having found in the cave known as that of L'HOMME MORT bones bearing traces of cicatrized wounds, and he presented to the Scientific Congress at Clermont a human vertebra found beneath the Aumede dolmen pierced with an arrow-head, which is, so to speak, encased in the wound by the formation ...
— Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples • The Marquis de Nadaillac

... les Populations de Belgique a ne pas entreindre cet avis, et ceux qui croiraient ne pas devoir se soumettre a cet avis, seront traduits devant les Officiers de la Justice Imperiale, et nous les prevenons que la peine peut-etre celle de mort. ...
— A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium • Hugh Gibson

... begins with one of the letters of the alphabet arranged in proper succession. Nor, apart from this religious sentiment, had men yet altogether lost sight of the ideal of true knightly love, destined though this ideal was to be obscured in the course of time, until at last the "Mort d'Arthure" was the favourite literary nourishment of the minions and mistresses of Edward IV's degenerate days. In his "Book of the Duchess" Chaucer has left us a picture of true knightly love, together with one of true maiden purity. The ...
— Chaucer • Adolphus William Ward

... Regneville, and attacked the woods of Corbeaux on the Cote de l'Oie, which they captured on the 10th. After several days of preparation, they fell suddenly upon one of the important elements of the second line, the hill of Le Mort Homme, but failed to carry it (March 14-16). Repulsed on the right, they tried the left. On March 20 a body of picked troops just back from the Russian front—the 11th Bavarian Division—stormed the ...
— World's War Events, Vol. II • Various

... doorway, waiting for the reappearance of his father with the roan horse to hitch to their old buggy. It didn't occur to David to wonder at the fact that the other was going alone to confront four men. The Kinemons had a mort of friends who would have gladly accompanied, assisted Hunter; but this, the boy told himself, was their own ...
— The Happy End • Joseph Hergesheimer

... ce cler tainct, ces beaux yeulx: Mais en effect, ce petit rys follastre, C'est a mon gre ce qui lui sied le mieulx; Elle en pourroit les chemins et les lieux Ou elle passe a plaisir inciter; Et si ennuy me venoit contrister Tant que par mort fust ma vie abbatue, Il me fauldroit pour me resusciter Que ce rys la ...
— In the Name of the Bodleian and Other Essays • Augustine Birrell

... she had died?" said Mrs. Purcell, with her swift satiric breath, and folding a web of muslin over her arm. "See! I had got out the shroud. As it is, we drink skal and say grace at breakfast. The funeral baked-meats shall coldly furnish forth the marriage-feast. You men are all alike. Le Roi est mort? Vive la Reine!" ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 7, No. 39, January, 1861 • Various

... p. 347. There is a passage in Geniturarum Exempla, p. 435, dealing with Fazio's horoscope, which may be taken to mean that these children were his. "Alios habuisse filios qui obierint ipsa genitura dem[o]strat, me solo diu post eti[a] illius mort[e] superstite." ...
— Jerome Cardan - A Biographical Study • William George Waters

... abettors of the reformed church of Geneva, and citizens of that free republic, assembled at the house of meeting, and vociferated amidst other expressions of hostility—we transcribe the words with shame and horror,—A bas Jesus Christ! A bas les Moraves! A mort, a la lanterne, &c. and pursued the obnoxious ministers as they came out, with similar cries. Neither did they stop here: their valour and zeal, as is the case with all mobs, became more impetuous as they were not resisted. "Our silence," says one ...
— Fox's Book of Martyrs - Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant - Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs • John Fox

... While this state of the market endures, the 'Pastissier' will fetch higher prices than the other varieties. Another extremely rare Elzevir is 'L'Illustre Theatre de Mons. Corneille' (Leyden, 1644). This contains 'Le Cid,' 'Les Horaces,' 'Le Cinna,' 'La Mort de Pompee,' 'Le Polyeucte.' The name, 'L'Illustre Theatre,' appearing at that date has an interest of its own. In 1643-44, Moliere and Madeleine Bejart had just started the company which they called 'L'Illustre ...
— Books and Bookmen • Andrew Lang

... one who had great longing to repair to his own country. He went up on to the sea, and wended so diligently, as well by night as by day, till in less than three months he came to the port of Aigues-mort. Then he departed from the port and came straight to Marseilles, wherein he sojourned eight days in the hostel of Sir Robin and John, which hight the French house. Never did Sir Robin know him, for on that matter he thought ...
— Old French Romances • William Morris

... "Traitors! Benedict Arnold was a traitor. This is not like that. America's large enough for a mort of countries. All the states are countries—federated countries. Say some man is big enough to make a country west of the Mississippi—Well, one day we may federate too. Eh, Lewis, 'twould be a powerful country—great as Rome, I reckon! And we'd smoke the calumet ...
— Lewis Rand • Mary Johnston

... attention of the reader, at least enslaves it, holding it captive with a chain of iron. Amongst his other adventures, the hero falls in with a Gypsy encampment, is enrolled amongst the fraternity, and is allotted a 'mort,' or concubine; a barbarous festival ensues, at the conclusion of which an epithalamium is sung in the Gypsy language, as it is called in the work in question. Neither the epithalamium, however, nor the vocabulary, are written in the language of the English ...
— The Zincali - An Account of the Gypsies of Spain • George Borrow

... health? A tragic episode. I cite, at random, "Mademoiselle Fifi," "La Petite Roque," "Inutile Beaute," "Le Masque," "Le Horla," "L'Epreuve," "Le Champ d'Oliviers," among the novels, and among the romances, "Une Vie," "Pierre et Jean," "Fort comme la Mort," "Notre Coeur." His imagination aims to represent the human being as imprisoned in a situation at once insupportable and inevitable. The spell of this grief and trouble exerts such a power upon the writer that ...
— Selected Writings of Guy de Maupassant • Guy de Maupassant

... world; whereas the speech of the Abrahamites is a horrid jargon, composed for the most part of low English words used in an allegorical sense—a jargon in which a stick is called a crack; a hostess, a rum necklace; a bar-maid, a dolly-mort; brandy, rum booze; a constable, a horny. But enough of these Pikers, these Abrahamites. Sufficient to observe that if the disguised priests associated with wandering companies it must have been with these people, who admit anybody to their ...
— Romano Lavo-Lil - Title: Romany Dictionary - Title: Gypsy Dictionary • George Borrow

... girl, kindling up—"where are they? Speak for one, and no more. I am no mort of yours, whatever some one else may be. I tell you one thing, Black John, or Anselo, for t'other an't your name, the same thing I told the young man here, be civil, or you will ...
— Isopel Berners - The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825 • George Borrow

... kole: that is, I first havin and holdin the wherewithalls, and the whys, and the wherefores. And so do you see me, I expect to have the handlin ont—But that's a nether here nor there. Sir Arthur as good as said it to me—So don't a stand like a Gabriel Gallymaufry all a mort, shilly shally, I would if I durst—A dip in the skimmin dish and a lick of the fingur—That's a not the way with a maiden—What! A don't I know?—Make up to Missee, and say to her, Missee! Here am I! My name is Frank Henley! My father's name is Abimelech ...
— Anna St. Ives • Thomas Holcroft

... russet-brown, &c. But there is no such thing as a blue-brown, nor, strictly, any other coloured brown in which blue predominates; such predominance of a cold colour at once carrying the compound into the class of gray, ashen, or slate. Brown comprises the hues called dun, hazel, auburn, feuillemort, mort d'ore, &c.; several of which have been already mentioned as ...
— Field's Chromatography - or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists • George Field

... and with a wild rush, as of wolves swarming on their prey, the band stormed the door, and thrust and struggled and battled a way down the narrow staircase, and along the narrow passage. "A bas les Huguenots! Mort aux Huguenots!" they shouted; and shrieking, sweating, spurning with vile hands, viler faces, they poured pell-mell into the street, and added their clamour to the boom of the tocsin that, as by magic ...
— Count Hannibal - A Romance of the Court of France • Stanley J. Weyman

... later, as we were on deck in the cool of the evening, the thing was settled. "My wife," Sir Ivor said, coming up to us with a serious face, "has delivered her ultimatum. Positively her ultimatum. I've had a mort o' trouble with her, and now she's settled. EITHER, she goes back from Bombay by the return steamer; OR ELSE—you and Miss Wade must name your own terms to accompany us on our tour, in case of emergencies." He glanced wistfully ...
— Hilda Wade - A Woman With Tenacity Of Purpose • Grant Allen

... ere I will break my oath, This sword of mine, that should offend your foes, Shall sleep within the scabbard at thy need, And underneath thy banners march who will, For Mortimer will hang his armour up. Gav. Mort dieu! [Aside. K. Edw. Well, Mortimer, I'll make thee rue these words: Beseems it thee to contradict thy king? Frown'st thou thereat, aspiring Lancaster? The sword shall plane the furrows of thy brows, And hew these knees that now are grown ...
— Edward II. - Marlowe's Plays • Christopher Marlowe

... la mort, pour la femme et pour la gloire!" and with a shout half-exulting, half-maddened, the Gallic blood again fired to the desperate feat. Then there was a diversion—a rush to the opposite side of the building—a ladder might be of use there. A notion of forcing open ...
— Girlhood and Womanhood - The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes • Sarah Tytler

... a bien faire uniquement passee D'innocence, d'amour, d'espoir, de purete, Tant d'aspirations vers son Dieu repetees, Tant de foi dans la mort, tant de vertus jetees ...
— Ellen Middleton—A Tale • Georgiana Fullerton

... Fifth, "The Mort Artus," or Death of Arthur, winds up with supernatural horrors the tale into which the fall of the ancient Britons had been thus transformed. Arthur, wounded and dying, is carried by the fairy of the lake ...
— Handbook of Universal Literature - From The Best and Latest Authorities • Anne C. Lynch Botta

... quittant ce sujet, il m'a parle avec son animation, sa verve et sa precision habituelle de la situation politique en Angleterre. II y avait ce jour—la sur cette noble figure toute bleme, une dignite, j'ose dire une majeste, extraordinaire; il etait deja marque par la mort; il la regardait venir avec une tranquillite et un courage absolu; j'emportai de cette visite le douloureux sentiment que je ne le reverrais pas, et une admiration qui me restera toujours pour ce que je venais d'entrevoir de ...
— The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Vol. 2 • Stephen Gwynn

... value, in the interpretation of a profound inner meaning of that external nullity which the marionette by its very nature emphasises. And so I find my puppets, where the extremes meet, ready to interpret not only the "Agamemnon," but "La Mort de Tintagiles"; for the soul, which is to make, we may suppose, the drama of the future, is content with as simple a mouthpiece as Fate and the great passions, which were the ...
— Plays, Acting and Music - A Book Of Theory • Arthur Symons

... me, my lord, your execution. The widow Scarlet's daughter, lovely Jenny, Loves, and is belov'd of Much, the miller's son. If I can get the girl to go with me, Disguis'd in habit like a pedlar's mort,[203] I'll serve this execution, on my life, And single out a time alone to take Robin, that often careless walks alone. Why, answer not; remember what I said: Yonder, I see, comes Jenny, that fair maid. If we agree, then back ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VIII (4th edition) • Various

... at a time is quite enough for any reasonable mort; especially such a good husband ...
— The Romany Rye - A Sequel to 'Lavengro' • George Borrow

... be dealt with, with the world's rough passionate handling? It is sad and bad enough; but let us not over-tax our anxieties about it as yet. It is not the sanguinary regime of the French revolution; not the rule of assignats and guillotine; not the cry of "Vivent les Rouges! A mort les gendarmes!" but as yet, I hope I may say, the peaceful attempt to withdraw from the burdens and benefits of the Republic. Thus it is unlike every other revolution. Still it is revolution. It may, according as it is managed, involve consequences more ...
— American Eloquence, Volume III. (of 4) - Studies In American Political History (1897) • Various

... se determine A voyager, Faut bien penser qu'il se destine A des dangers; Mille fois a ses yeux la mort Prend son image, Mille fois il maudit son sort Dans le cours ...
— Ringfield - A Novel • Susie Frances Harrison

... might be called the national epic of France. It corresponds to the "Mort d'Arthur" of England, the "Cid Chronicles" of Spain, the "Nibelungen Lied" of Germany, and the Longobardian legends of North Italy. Italian mediaeval literature is rich in the Roland romances, founded ...
— Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 • Various

... teinture des belles-lettres. Une intrigue qu'il eut dans sa jeunesse avec la femme d'un gentilhomme Polonais ayant ete decouverte, le mari le fit lier tout nu sur un cheval farouche, et le laissa aller en cet etat. Le cheval, qui etait du pays de l'Ukraine, y retourna, et y porta Mazeppa, demi-mort de fatigue et de faim. Quelques paysans le secoururent: il resta longtems parmi eux, et se signala dans plusieurs courses contre les Tartares. La superiorite de ses lumieres lui donna une grande consideration parmi les Cosaques: ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 • Lord Byron

... overcome the bitter taste. I took a big swallow, and before I got back to my quarters I had had a fight with a mule-driver, and when the quartermaster interfered I had insulted him by telling him I knew him when he carried a hod, before the war, and I shouted, "Mort, more mort!" until he was going to lather me with a mule whip, but he couldn't catch me. As I run by the surgeon's tent, somebody remarked that I had experienced a remarkably sudden cure for chills. The whisky was not real good, ...
— How Private George W. Peck Put Down The Rebellion - or, The Funny Experiences of a Raw Recruit - 1887 • George W. Peck

... the Brazil, a rock which is treated by rejecting the pebbles and by pounding the silicious paste. The air was softer and less exciting than that of Sharma; and, although the vegetation was of the crapaud mort d'amour hue—here a sickly green, there a duller brown than April had showed—the scene was more picturesque, the "Gate" was taller and narrower, and the recollection of a happy first visit made me return to it with pleasure. ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton

... Votre Fils est mort pour nous! Aussi, je reste envers Vous Si bien sans rancune, Que je voudrais, sans facon, Faire, au seuil de ma prison, Quelque petite oraison ... ...
— Peter Ibbetson • George du Marier et al

... "nourishes and protects" (p. 57): it is "the nurse" (p. 58): it is always feminine (p. 58). It is in fact the placenta, and is also associated with the functions of the Great Mother. "Nous voyons dans fravashi une personification de la force vitale, conservee et exercee aussi apres la mort. La fravashi est le principe de vie, la faculte qu'a l'homme de se soutenir par la nourriture, de manger, d'absorber et ainsi d'exister et de se developper. Cette etymologie et le role attribute a la fravashi dans le developpement ...
— The Evolution of the Dragon • G. Elliot Smith

... light again by then we came in sight of High Gard; we wound up the hill on foot, for it was very steep; I blew at the gates a great blast which was even as though the stag should blow his own mort, or like the ...
— The World of Romance - being Contributions to The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 1856 • William Morris

... recastings are numerous. In 1485 Caxton publishes Malory's selections from French and English sources, the whole being Tennyson's main source, Le Mort d'Arthur. {13} ...
— Alfred Tennyson • Andrew Lang

... Bruhier [Footnote: L'incertitude des Signes de la Mort, 1740, tom 1, p. 430] the following remarks, freely translated by the writer, may be found, which note a custom having great similarity to the exposure of bodies to wild beasts ...
— An introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians • H. C. Yarrow

... the astonishment of everybody; brilliant, like a new-risen sun, as if he knew of no illness, knew of no business, but lived for amusement only. "He intends Private Theatricals withal, and is getting ready Voltaire's MORT DE CESAR." [Preuss, Thronbesteigung, p. 415.] These were pretty days at Reinsberg. This kind of life lasted seven or eight weeks,—in spite of interruptions of subterranean volcanic nature, some of which were surely considerable. Here, in the very first week, coming ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XI. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... romances: "L'Angleterre n'a pas manque d'avoir aussi son Arcadie, laquelle ne nous a este montree que depuis peu par la traduction qui en a este faite. Je ne trouve point d'ordre la dedans et il y a beaucoup de choses qui ne me peuvent satisfaire.... Il est vrai que Sidney, etant mort jeune, a pu laisser son ouvrage imparfait." In his defence of romances, Philiris answers: "Quant a l'Arcadie de Sidney, apres avoir passe la mer pour nous venir voir, je suis marry que Clarimond la recoive avec un si mauvais compliment. S'il n'entend rien aux amours de Strephon et de Clajus, ...
— The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare • J. J. Jusserand

... Git Edouard Michel Halley Capitaine de Corvette Officier de la Legion d'honneur Fondateur de la colonie de Vait-hua Mort au champ d'honneur Le 17 ...
— White Shadows in the South Seas • Frederick O'Brien

... she exclaimed derisively; "very well, Mort Cambridge, just you step out and tell your runners they'd better be straining some of their tendons, because they'll need everything that Fred Fenton's got, if they want to be in sight when he comes romping ...
— Fred Fenton on the Track - or, The Athletes of Riverport School • Allen Chapman

... [Sidenote: Lights shone bright from the candlestick, which once stood before the "Holy of Holies."] In-mo{n}g e leues of e lampes wer grayed; & o{er} louelych[77] ly[gh]t at lemed ful fayre, As mony mort{er}es of wax merkked w{i}t{h}-oute, W{i}t{h} mony a borlych best al of brende golde. 1488 Hit wat[gh] not wonte i{n} at wone to wast no serges, Bot i{n} te{m}ple of e traue trwly to stonde; Bifore e ...
— Early English Alliterative Poems - in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century • Various

... Cayla; the first is the widow of the Duc d'Escars, who was Premier Maitre d'Hotel of Louis XVIII., and who was said to have died of one of the King's good dinners, and the joke was, 'Hier sa Majeste a eu une indigestion, dont M. le Duc d'Escars est mort.' Madame du Cayla[23] is come over to prosecute some claim upon this Government, which the Duke has discovered to be unfounded, and he had the bluntness to tell her so as they were going to dinner. She must have been good-looking in her youth; her countenance is lively, her eyes are piercing, ...
— The Greville Memoirs - A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William - IV, Volume 1 (of 3) • Charles C. F. Greville

... du midi les funestes haleines De semence de mort ont inonde nos plaines, Direz-vous que jamais le ciel en son courroux Ne laissa la sante sejourner ...
— Alexander Pope - English Men of Letters Series • Leslie Stephen

... DEAR MR. DUDLEY," she wrote (she had hesitated long between "Mr. Dudley" and plain "Mort," with the result shown), "how long ago it seems since those days when we were playmates together! I hardly think it probable, though, that you can have forgotten me. My position would certainly be a ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885 • Various

... Pictorial, not imaginative vision, be it understood. In his mystic latter-day rhapsodies it is the realist who sees, the realist who makes those poignant, image-breeding phrases. Take up Maupassant and in his best tales and novels, such as La Maison Tellier, Boule de Suif, Une Vie, Fort Comme la Mort, to mention a few, you will be surprised at the fluidity, the artful devices to elude the harshness of reality, the pessimistic poetry that suffuses his pages after reading Huysmans's immitigable exposition of the ugly and his unflinching attitude before the unpleasant. And Huysmans's ...
— Ivory Apes and Peacocks • James Huneker

... cependant voila des siecles innombrables Que vous vous combattez sans pitie ni remord, Tellement vous aimez le carnage et la mort, O lutteurs eternels, ...
— A Poor Man's House • Stephen Sydney Reynolds

... contrary, it impresses me as grotesque in comparison with Durer's 'Melancholy,' yonder, or with Holbein's 'Les Simulachres de la mort.'" ...
— Vashti - or, Until Death Us Do Part • Augusta J. Evans Wilson

... thought. Her first essay, published when she was eighteen, was a monograph, in the "Bengal Magazine," on Leconte de Lisle, a writer with whom she had a sympathy which is very easy to comprehend. The austere poet of "La Mort de Valmiki" was, obviously, a figure to whom the poet of "Sindhu" must needs be attracted on approaching European literature. This study, which was illustrated by translations into English verse, ...
— Hindu Literature • Epiphanius Wilson

... to be up your alley, Mort," he was saying to his companion. "Chemistry and physics department. Want to ...
— Omnilingual • H. Beam Piper

... per la Curtesie d'Engleterre est, hon home prent feme seisie in fee simple ou en fee taile generall, ou seisie come heire de la taile speciall et ad issue per mesme la fame, male ou female, oies ou wife, soit lissue apres mort ou en vie si la feme de aie, la baron tiendra la terre durant sa vie, per ...
— A Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. II • Various

... will have a good night." Hawkins had occasion to go out of the room, and said, "Here is something I don't like." The cough continued; the prince laid his hand upon his stomach, and said, "Je sens la mort." The page who held him up, felt him shiver, and cried out, The Prince is going!" The Princess was at the feet of the bed; she catched up a candle and ran to him, but before she got to the head of the bed, he ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 2 • Horace Walpole

... o' writin'! Do 'e see to it, soas; 'tis awnly wisdom. Theer's allus a fear wi' the fust, specially in the case o' a pin-tail built lass like you be. An' if you was took, which God forbid, theer'd be that mort o' money to come to Michael, him bein' your faither—that is, s'pose the cheel was took tu, which God forbid likewise. An' he'd burn it—every note—I mean Michael. Now if you was to name Tom—just in case o' accidents—? He'm of your awn blood ...
— Lying Prophets • Eden Phillpotts

... M. Pauwels showed most vividly the progress of the "Pest," under the title of the "Mort d'Ypres" (de Dood van Yperen, Flemish). It represented the "Fossoyeur" calling upon the citizens upon the tolling of the great bell of St. Martin's, to bring out their dead ...
— Vanished towers and chimes of Flanders • George Wharton Edwards

... monde: on ne manque que de les appliquer. The great ascetic was always hard on amusements, on mere pastimes: Le divertissement nous amuse, one and all of us, et nous fait arriver insensiblement a la mort. Nous perdons encore la vie avec joie, pourvu qu'on en parle. On ne peut faire une bonne physionomie (in a portrait) qu'en accordant toutes nos contrarietes. L'homme n'est qu'un roseau, le plus foible de la nature, mais c'est un roseau pensant. Il ne faut pas que l'univers entier s'arme ...
— Miscellaneous Studies: A Series of Essays • Walter Horatio Pater

... circumference of three miles! The veterans of the Peninsular campaign assert that those scenes of carnage were less cruel. This city, where pleasure so lately reigned, now presents only the images of death. Vraiment nous respirons la mort dans les rues! L'Hotel-de-Ville, the hospitals, and some of the churches, are already occupied by the wounded; wagons full remaining in the streets, and many sitting on the steps of the houses, looking round in vain ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 20, - Issue 566, September 15, 1832 • Various

... and forsworn his rank; if this heritage, which is so dangerous from its grandeur, pass, in case of his pardon, to some obscure Englishman,—a foreigner, a native of a country that has no ties with ours, a country that is the very refuge of levellers and Carbonari—mort de ma vie! do you think that such would not annihilate all chance of my cousin's restoration, and be an excuse even in the eyes of Italy for formally conferring the sequestrated estates on an Italian? No; unless, indeed, the girl were to marry ...
— My Novel, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

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