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Nowt   Listen
Nowt  n. pl.  (Zool.) Neat cattle.

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"Nowt" Quotes from Famous Books

... then come back to Liverpool, thinking there'd be no more bother about the blackfellow. But they took me up, and gev me fourteen year for it; and if it had been a white man I wouldn't ha' got more than twelve months, and I was sent out to Van Diemen's Land and ruined for ever, just for nowt else but giving a chance lick to a blackfellow. And now I hear they're going to war wi' Russia, and— England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales—I hope they'll all get blooming well licked. It don't mend a man much to transport him, nor a woman either ...
— The Book of the Bush • George Dunderdale

... mony a day in a coil-pit," said Abe. "Bless thee, my lass, when I were nowt but a bairn I used to wark i' th' pits; niver fear, I'm an owd hand, I can do a bit o' hewing wi' ony on um." And then when Abe saw the first burst of feeling on his wife's part was giving way, he went on to make good his position: "Thaa knows I mun do some'at, and there is nowt else ...
— Little Abe - Or, The Bishop of Berry Brow • F. Jewell

... artifex—a man of loud voice and domineering tone, who was laying down the law to the accompaniment of vigorous thumpings of the table at which he sat. "What I say is—and I say it agen—-I reckon nowt at all o' crowners' quests!" he was affirming, as Collingwood and his guide drew near the curtained opening. "What is a crowner's quest, anyway? It's nowt but formality—all form and show—it means nowt. All them 'at sits on t' jury does and says just what t' crowner tells 'em to say ...
— The Talleyrand Maxim • J. S. Fletcher

... yo' down!' cried Dame Corney, dusting a chair with her apron; 'a reckon Molly 'll be in i' no time. She's nobbut gone int' t' orchard, to see if she can find wind-falls enough for t' make a pie or two for t' lads. They like nowt so weel for supper as apple-pies sweetened wi' treacle, crust stout and leathery, as stands chewing, and we hannot getten in our ...
— Sylvia's Lovers, Vol. I • Elizabeth Gaskell

... darkening of 'em more. Don't look for me to come up into the Park to help the show when there's a Birthday, or a fine Speechmaking, or what not. Act your Plays and Games without me, and be welcome to 'em, and enjoy 'em. We've nowt to do with one another. I'm best ...
— The Chimes • Charles Dickens

... I went wheer munny wor, and thy moother coom to and Wi' lots o' munny laaeid by, and a nicetish bit o' land. Maybe she worn'd a beauty: I nivver giv' it a thowt; But worn'd she as good to cuddle and kiss as a lass as an't nowt? ...
— Pebbles on the Shore • Alpha of the Plough (Alfred George Gardiner)

... to Nithisdale they have gane, And awa' the Crichtons' nowt hae ta'en; But when they cam to the Wellpath-head, The Crichtons bade ...
— Minstrelsy of the Scottish border (3rd ed) (1 of 3) • Walter Scott

... it's my belief, though she gives me nowt for her lodging, and she spends nowt on herself. She's many a time fair clemmed, I'll assure ye, till I can't abear to see it, and I give her the bit and sup I might have had myself, for I'm not going to rob t' children neither for her nor nobody. Ye see ...
— We and the World, Part II. (of II.) - A Book for Boys • Juliana Horatia Ewing

... the field, everything but that strange wild melody, still and silent in this the "sweet hour of prime." As he got nearer the "beasts," the sound was louder; the colts with their long manes, and the nowt with their wondering stare, took no notice of him, straining their necks forward entranced. There, in the old quarry, the young sun "glintin" on his face, and resting on his pack, which had been his pillow, was our Wandering Willie, playing and singing ...
— Spare Hours • John Brown

... antagonist. Rough chaff flew back and forwards like iron nuts and splinters of coal. "Brought him up, then!" "Got t' hearse for to fetch him back?" "Where's t' owd K-legs?" "Mon, mon, have thy photograph took—'twill mind thee of what thou used to look!" "He fight?—he's nowt but a half-baked doctor!" "Happen he'll doctor thy Croxley Champion ...
— The Green Flag • Arthur Conan Doyle

... chin had been gradually getting into closer fellowship for at least a long score of winters. "I'll hie me to Bet at the Alleys for a charm that'll drive aw t' hobgoblins to the de'il again. When I waur a wee lassie, the scummerin' dixies didn't use to go rampaging about this gate. There was nowt to do, but off to t' priest, an' th' job waur done. Now-a-days, what wi' new lights, doctrines, an' lollypops, Anabaptists an' Presbyterians, they're too throng wranglin' wi' one another to tak' care o' the poor ...
— Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2) • John Roby

... dramatic studies are drawn from life. For example, the local preacher who expresses his views on the rival merits of Church and Chapel is a Wharfedale acquaintance, and the farmer in 'Cambodunum' who declares that "eddication's nowt but muckment" actually expressed this view to a Chief Inspector of Schools, a member of the West Riding Education Committee, and myself, when we visited him on his farm. I do not claim that I have ...
— Songs of the Ridings • F. W. Moorman

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