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Ogive   Listen
Ogive  n.  (Arch.) The arch or rib which crosses a Gothic vault diagonally.

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"Ogive" Quotes from Famous Books

... streets and little gardens a magnificent cathedral extends the two arms of its great transept; at the north is a straight wall, and an immense stained-glass window; at the south, that marvelous apse where the ogive and the full centre combine in so delicate a fashion." ...
— New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915 • Various

... general rule, (Essais Historiques, II. p. 61) that "on ne trouve ordinairement en Normandie, que des arcades semi-circulaires dans les Xe. XIe. et XIIe. siecles; au contraire, les arcades en pointes des nefs, des fenetres et des portes des eglises, autrement les arcades en ogive, n'ont eu lieu chez nous que dans le XIIIe. siecle et les suivans. On trouve egalement ces deux styles en Angleterre et aux memes epoques, et leur difference est une des principales regles qui servent aux antiquaires Anglois, ...
— Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman

... scientists have died their long death—as one gropes through the black night of the crypt, where a faint, mysterious glint of light falls aslant the mystical face of the Black Virgin; as one climbs to the light beneath the ogive arches of the Aumonerie, through the wide-lit aisles of the Salle des Chevaliers, past the slender Gothic columns of the Refectory, up at last to the crowning glory of all the glories of La Merveille, to the exquisitely beautiful colonnades ...
— Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 4 (of 10) • Various

... we went on voyages of discovery, he in search of rare books, I in search of ruins. He would go into ecstasies over a Cymbalum Mound with margins, and I over a defaced portal. We had given each other a devil. He said to me: "You are possessed of the demon Ogive." "And you," I ...
— The Memoirs of Victor Hugo • Victor Hugo

... treasure of private chests—necklaces and coronals and hair-loops, bottles and vases of glass coloured with metallic oxides, and patterned aggry-beads, now sometimes found in ancient tombs on the Ashantee coasts. Beneath an altar set with censers and basins of gold was a chest brought from Amathus, its ogive lid carved with bigae or two-horsed chariots, and it was in this chest, Jarvo told them, that the Hereditary Treasure had been kept. The chamber walls were covered with bas-reliefs in the ill-proportioned and careful carving of the Phoenician artists not ...
— Romance Island • Zona Gale

... the most beautiful in the Pyrenees, and presents to the visitor a succession of vast halls with roofs that are curved like a dome, or are in the form of an ogive, or are as flat as a ceiling. It is easy to explore these halls, for the floor is covered with a thick stalagmitic stratum, and is not irregular as in the majority ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 508, September 26, 1885 • Various

... unbanded from tier to tier; shaft and pilaster were associated in ordered groups, and the ideas of singleness and limited elevation once attached to them, swept away for ever; the stilted and variously centered arch existed already: the pure ogive followed—where first exhibited we stay not to inquire;—finally, and chief of all, the great mechanical discovery of the resistance of lateral pressure by the weight of the superimposed flanking pinnacle. Daring concentrations ...
— On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin

Words linked to "Ogive" :   heat shield, front, nose cone

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