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Ombre   Listen
Ombre  n.  (Zool.) A large Mediterranean food fish (Umbrina cirrhosa): called also umbra, and umbrine.

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"Ombre" Quotes from Famous Books

... answer is not easily made. The Sylphs cannot be said to help or oppose; and it must be allowed to imply some want of art that their power has not been sufficiently intermingled with the action. Other parts may likewise be charged with want of connection—the game at ombre might be spared; but if the lady had lost her hair while she was intent upon her cards it might have been inferred that those who are too fond of play will be in danger of neglecting more important interests. Those, perhaps, are faults, but what are such ...
— Lives of the English Poets: Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, Pope • Samuel Johnson

... of the game called tredrille—the Ombre of Pope's Rape of the Lock—is a pleasant game for three. Pope had many opportunities of seeing it played, yet he has not described it correctly; and I do not know that this ...
— Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock

... Madame, and the Pea-Green Parrot. The Bishop of Saskabasquia. "As it was in the Beginning." A Christmas Sketch. The Idyl of the Island. The Story of Delle Josephine Boulanger. The Story of Etienne Chezy d'Alencourt. "Descendez a l'ombre, ma jolie blonde." The Prisoner Dubois. How the Mr. Foxleys Came, Stayed, and Never Went ...
— Crowded Out! and Other Sketches • Susie F. Harrison

... dainty store And seek in buzzing swarms the meads. Contented and with victuals stored, Neighbour by neighbour sat and snored, Matrons unto the fireplace go, Maids in the corner whisper low; Behold! green tables are brought forth, And testy gamesters do engage In boston and the game of age, Ombre, and whist all others worth: A strong resemblance these possess— ...
— Eugene Oneguine [Onegin] - A Romance of Russian Life in Verse • Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin

... now belongs to him in this Earth. (Moore, i. 123; ii. 224, &c.) Quietly he walks and waits; for he is not of lively feelings, and is of a devout heart. The wearied Irresolute has, at least, no need of resolving now. His daily meals, lessons to his Son, daily walk in the Garden, daily game at ombre or drafts, fill up the day: the morrow will provide ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... wise not to take a spendthrift—or one of the Friends, who would be obstinate and set in his ways. She's good enough at bargaining, and she has a great tobacco plantation at Annapolis, and is as smart as any man. And she can beat half of them at piquet and ombre and win ...
— A Little Girl in Old Philadelphia • Amanda Minnie Douglas

... ie me sies l'ombre, aussi soudainement Amour, laissant son arc, s'assiet et se repose: Si ie pense a des vers, ie le voy qu'il compose: Si ie plains mes douleurs, il se plaint hautement. Si ie me plains du mal, il accroist mon tourment: Si ie respan des pleurs, son visage il arrose: Si ie monstre la playe en ...
— A Life of William Shakespeare - with portraits and facsimiles • Sidney Lee

... repair From earthly vehicles to these of air. 50 Think not, when woman's transient breath is fled, That all her vanities at once are dead; Succeeding vanities she still regards, And though she plays no more, o'erlooks the cards. Her joy in gilded chariots, when alive, And love of ombre, after death survive. For when the fair in all their pride expire, To their first elements their souls retire: The sprites of fiery termagants in flame Mount up, and take a Salamander's name. 60 Soft yielding minds to water glide away, And sip, with Nymphs, their ...
— The Poetical Works Of Alexander Pope, Vol. 1 • Alexander Pope et al

... vieux pignons aigus comme des epines dorsales Bombant les angles contigues Sur les solives tranversales.— Les logis causent de tout pres, Et l'ombre leur est coutumiere, On jurerait qu'ils font expres De ...
— The Story of Rouen • Sir Theodore Andrea Cook

... cette reflexion, quand j'apercois tout a coup, dans l'espace lumineux qui s'etend a droite, l'ombre de deux oreilles qui se dressent, puis une griffe qui s'avance, puis la tete d'un chat tigre qui se montre a l'angle de la gouttiere. Le drole etait la en embuscade, esperant que les ...
— Say and Seal, Volume I • Susan Warner

... la mort dit: Meurs, guerre, ombre, Envie!— Et chasse doucement les hommes vers la vie; Et l'on voit de ses vers, goutte a goutte, des pleurs Tomber sur les enfants, les femmes et les fleurs; Et des astres jaillir de ses strophes volantes; Et son chant fait pousser des bourgeons ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... too great appear: But cruel Ladies, we have greater here; You come not sharp, as you are wont, to Plays; But only on the first and second Days: This made our Poet, in her Visits, look What new strange Courses, for your time you took, And to her great Regret she found too soon, Damn'd Beasts and Ombre spent the Afternoon; So that we cannot hope to see you here Before the little Net-work Purse be clear. Suppose you should have Luck— Yet sitting up so late, as I am told, You'll lose in Beauty what you win in Gold: And what each Lady ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. II • Aphra Behn

... viendra, et j'ose conserver dans mon coeur cet espoir, que vos accens, qui ont retenti dans le coeur de l'Europe sensible, produiront leur efft clestial, en ressuscitant l'ombre sanglante de ma ...
— Thaddeus of Warsaw • Jane Porter

... she seemed much taller. She ate frequently and for a long time; but her food was always cut in pieces as small as if they were for a singing bird. She could not forget her country, and her manners were always remarkably Spanish. She was very fond of play; she played basset, reversis, ombre, and sometimes a little primero; but she never won because she did ...
— The Memoirs of the Louis XIV. and The Regency, Complete • Elizabeth-Charlotte, Duchesse d'Orleans

... salle, ampie loggie, ampio cortile E stanze ornate con gentil pitture, Trovai giungendo, e nobili sculture Di marmo fatte, da scalpel non vile. Nobil giardin con un perpetuo Aprile Di varij fior, di frutti, e di verdure, Ombre soavi, acque a temprar l'arsure E strade di belta non dissimile; E non men forte estel, che per fortezza Ha il ponte, e i fianchi, e lo circonda intorno Fosso profundo e di real larghezza. Qui fei col mio Signore dolce soggiorno ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... et de quoi sert la vie? J'en suis fors qu'un corps prive de cueur; Un ombre vayn, un objet de malheur, Qui n'a plus rien que de mourir en vie. Plus ne me portez, O enemys, d'envie, Qui n'a plus l'esprit a la grandeur, J'ai consomme d'excessive douleur, Voltre ire en bref de voir assouvie. Et vous amys qui m'avez tenu chere, Souvenez-vous ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 70, March 1, 1851 • Various

... flush of pleasure's sport, Some knights with damoiselles gone forth to woo, Some listing gleemen in the ballion court, Some deep in ombre, some at lanterloo, Some gone a-hawking with the merlyon, Some at their noon-meat sipping Spanish wine, Some conning old romances on the lawn, And all to meet in hall ...
— Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. • Revised by Alexander Leighton

... par l'ennui dans ton cadre gelee Que de fois, et pendant les heures, desolee Des songes et cherchant mes souvenirs qui sont Comme des feuilles sous ta glace au trou profond, Je m'apparus en toi comme une ombre lointaine! Mais, horreur! des soirs, dans ta severe fontaine, J'ai de mon ...
— Against The Grain • Joris-Karl Huysmans

... vos legions l'environnent sans nombre, Il n'a qu'a se lever pour couvrir de son ombre A la fois tous vos fronts; Il n'a qu'a dire un mot pour couvrir vos voix greles, Comme un char en passant couvre le bruit des ailes De mille moucherons!" Les Feuilles d'Automne, par Victor Hugo, Bruxelles, 1833, pp. ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 2 • George Gordon Byron

... next to Milord, and the compliments paid to her by the old courtier delighted her. She pretended to understand when he said: 'La femme est comme une ombre: si vous la suives, elle vous fuit; si vous fuyez, elle vous poursuit.' A little later the champagne she had drunk set her laughing hysterically, and she begged him to translate (he had just whispered to her mother, 'L'amour ...
— Muslin • George Moore

... than a licensed keeper of a gambling-house. This was his reward to me. I was to be allowed to have a den in the piazza of Covent Garden, and there to decoy the young sparks of the town and fleece them at ombre. To restore my own fortunes I was to ruin others. My honour, my family, my reputation, they were all to weigh for nothing so long as I had the means of bubbling a few fools out ...
— Micah Clarke - His Statement as made to his three Grandchildren Joseph, - Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734 • Arthur Conan Doyle

... requires considerable care to work well with ombre silks, to avoid incorrect shading. Nature should be followed as closely as possible. Not only must the form be carefully preserved, but the lights and shades must be disposed in an artistic manner. For instance: the point of a leaf ...
— Enquire Within Upon Everything - The Great Victorian Domestic Standby • Anonymous

... pennel fu maestro, e di stile Che ritraesse l'ombre, e i tratti, chi' ivi Mirar farieno uno ingegno sottile? Morti li morti, e i vivi parean vivi: Non vide me' di me, chi vide il vero, Quant' io calcai, ...
— Selections From the Works of John Ruskin • John Ruskin

... of it. We fell to talk largely of the want of some persons understanding to look after businesses, but all goes to rack. "For," says Captain Cocke, "my Lord Treasurer, he minds his ease, and lets things go how they will: if he can have his L8000 per annum, and a game at l'ombre,—[Spanish card game]—he is well. My Lord Chancellor he minds getting of money and nothing else; and my Lord Ashly will rob the Devil and the Alter, but he will get money if it be to be got." But that that put us into this great melancholy, was newes brought to-day, ...
— Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete • Samuel Pepys

... mother makes concerning her son, and then took leave of the worthy lady. As I went out I noticed that the would-be governess had disappeared. The rest of the day I spent with the canon, making good cheer, playing ombre, drinking hard, and talking about girls or literature. The next day my carriage came to the door at the time I had arranged, and I went off without thinking of the girl I had met at the baroness's. But we had not gone two hundred paces when ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... Superbe en sa fortune, en son malheur rampant, D'un bavardage impitoyable, Pour cacher le creux d'un esprit ignorant, Tendre amant de la bagatelle, Elle entre seule en sa cervelle; Leger, indiscret, imprudent, Comme ume girouette il revire a tout vent. Des siecles des Cesars ceux des Louis sont l'ombre; Rome efface Paris en tout sens, en tout point. Non, des vils Francais vous n'etes pas du nombre; Vous pensez, ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XI. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... cards or the dice-box, we can espy a tense-visaged quartet within the shadow of the pavilion with a 'pool' of 'fanams' (coins worth about 2-1/2d.) on the table, or possibly, rupees or pagodas, absorbed in a round of ombre or one of the other card games that were in fashion. The sun has set, and the shadows are lengthening. A bugle sounds from the Fort; and the employees stroll back to supper, which, according to an old account, invariably consisted of 'milk, salt fish, and rice,' but which ...
— The Story of Madras • Glyn Barlow

... table-pounders of the Cafe des Lilacs, and his first words were like the fanfare of trumpets. He had been christened, in the felicitous language of the Quarter, Don Furioso Barebones Rantoul, and for cause. He shared a garret with his chum, Britt Herkimer, in the Rue de l'Ombre, a sort of manhole lit by the stars,—when there were any stars, and he never failed to come springing up the six rickety flights with a song on ...
— Murder in Any Degree • Owen Johnson

... "Et l'ombre qui l'enveloppait laissait deviner encore dans ses yeux clairs et sur sa face camuse l'expressions d'audace craintive et de grace moqueuse qui y etait profondement empreinte. Nous echangions d'abord des souhaits solennels de bonne sante, de paix et ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... lifting s'elevaient des roseaux, from the reeds; Et, pour montrer la route a la Pointing the route to his swift pirogue frele. dripping blade, S'enfuyaient en avant, trainant Then skimming before, tracing leur ombre grele their slender shade Dans le pli lumineux des eaux. In luminous foldings ...
— Canada • J. G. Bourinot

... de ses notes, on voit qu'il a cherche, avec une assiduite condamnable, a recueillir le mal qu'il me suppose avoir eu l'intention de dire des personnes que j'ai citees, et cependant, apres tout ce travail, a peine a-t-il pu decouvrir l'ombre d'une seule allusion maligne. Jamais on ne fit un usage plus deplorable de son tems et de ses peines, car toutes les phrases de cette production sont aussi obscures ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Two • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... after effect and little real obscurity. The difficulties of the description of Piso's draught-playing are due to our ignorance of the exact nature of the game.[392] The actual language is at least as lucid as Pope's famous description of the game of ombre in The Rape of the Lock. The verse is of the usual post-Augustan type, showing strongly the primary influence of Vergil modified by the secondary influence of Ovid. It is light and easy and not ill-suited to its subject. It has distinct affinities, both ...
— Post-Augustan Poetry - From Seneca to Juvenal • H.E. Butler

... galant homme doit payer l'amour d'une fille entretenue, c'est on ne peut mieux; mais que vous oubliez les choses les plus saintes pour elle, que vous permettiez que la bruit de votre vie scandaleuse arrive jusqu'au fond de ma province, et jette l'ombre d'une tache sur le nom honorable que je vous ai donne—voila ce qui ne peut etre, voila ce qui ne ...
— The Book-Hunter - A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author • John Hill Burton

... redouble ton ombre, Tu ne saurais etre assez sombre. Tu ne peux trop cacher Mon malheureux amour! Je sens un desespoir, Dont l'horreur est extreme. Je ne dois plus voir Ce que j'aime— Je ne veux plus souffrir ...
— A German Pompadour - Being the Extraordinary History of Wilhelmine van Graevenitz, - Landhofmeisterin of Wirtemberg • Marie Hay

... devida proporcion, la cabeca grande, bien formada, poblada de cabello algo crespo, i el cerquillo cerrado, la frente espaciosa, el rostro mas redondo que aguileno, (como lo muestra el Retrato) trigueno el color, los ojos verdes i vivos. En lo moral, con especial don de Silencio, el ombre mas callado que sea conocido, si bien de singular agudeza en sus dichos, con estremo abstinente i templado, en la comida bevida, i sueno. de mucho secreto, verdad, i fidelidad: puntual en palabra i promessas; compuesto, poco onada risueno. Leiasse en la gravedad ...
— Fray Luis de Leon - A Biographical Fragment • James Fitzmaurice-Kelly

... notte, cara notte; Spiega il pi oscuro velo: E t nume dei sogni Soccorri un fido Amante Con i silentii, e l'ombre; Che gi mai favoristi, con l'orror del tuo nero, Un cor del' mio pi fido, ...
— Amadigi di Gaula - Amadis of Gaul • Nicola Francesco Haym

... Members; two are from accidental Strangers ("travelling students," say the enemy); the rest from Curators of Quality:—Vote is unanimous, "Adopt the Report. Fragment evidently forged, and cannot have the least shadow of authority (AUCUNE OMBRE D'AUTHORITE). Forged by whom, we do not now ask; nor what the Academy could, on plain grounds, now do to Monsieur Konig [NOT nail his ears to the pump, oh no!]; enough, it IS forged, and so remains." Signed, "Curator de Keith," and Six other ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVI. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Ten Years of Peace.—1746-1756. • Thomas Carlyle

... French verb voler is still more significant. Voler, or faire la vole (from the Latin vola, palm of the hand), means to take all the tricks in a game of ombre; so that le voleur, the robber, is the capitalist who takes all, who gets the lion's share. Probably this verb voler had its origin in the professional slang of thieves, whence it has passed into common use, and, consequently into the ...
— What is Property? - An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government • P. J. Proudhon

... amante De l'ombre des palmiers pourquoi ce cri? Laisse en paix le beau garcon plaider et vaincre— Pourquoi, pourquoi demander ...
— Andromeda and Other Poems • Charles Kingsley

... friend against him, not Bath himself was ever more ready, on such an occasion, than Booth to execute it. He soon after took his leave, and returned home in high spirits to his Amelia, whom he found in Mrs. Ellison's apartment, engaged in a party at ombre with that lady and her ...
— Amelia (Complete) • Henry Fielding

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