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Pape   Listen
Pape  n.  A spiritual father; specifically, the pope. (Obs.)

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"Pape" Quotes from Famous Books

... "Il fauldra obtenir dispense du Pape, pour le parentage, qui ne pourra estre publique ains secrete, autrement le peuple se revolteroit, pour l'auctorite du Pape qu'il ne veult admettre et revoir."—Renard to Charles V., November 9: Rolls ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... O Satan! Satan!] Pape Satan, Pape Satan, aleppe. Pape is said by the commentators to be the same as the Latin word papae! "strange!" Of aleppe they do not give a more satisfactory account. See the Life of Benvenuto Cellini, translated ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... Canterbury, Eton, St. Paul's, London, Colchester, Winchester, Salisbury, Westminster, Lambeth, York, Beverly, Rotherham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, etc. The Boy-Bishop was known also in Spain and in France; in the latter country he was called Pape-Colas. In Germany, at the Council of Salzburg, in 1274, on account of the scandals they gave rise to, the ludi noxii quos vulgaris eloquentia Episcopatus Puerorum appellat, were placed under ...
— The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought • Alexander F. Chamberlain

... the time of Clement XIV, the custom of reading from the loggia on this day the bull in Coena Domini has been abolished. (On this bull see de Maistre du Pape lib. 2, c. 14). According to the doctrine of S. Paul, the B. Sacrament is the bond as it is the symbol of union or communion between the faithful; "We being many are one body, all who partake of one bread" 1 Cor. X, 17, and hence ...
— The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome • Charles Michael Baggs

... de la Victime du Corps de Dieu, presentee au Pape, au Roi, au Chancelier de France, au Premier President. A Paris, 4to. chez ...
— The Phantom World - or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c, &c. • Augustin Calmet

... On ne prit pas d'abord les Americains pour des hommes, mais pour des orang-otangs, pour des grands singes, qu'on pouvoit detruire sans remords et sans reproche. Un pape fit une Bulle originale dans laquelle il declara qu' ayant envie de fonder des Eveches dans les plus riches contrees de l'Amerique, il plaisoit a lui et au Saint Esprit de reconnoitre les Americains pour des hommes veritables; de sorte que, sans cette decision ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... MERES et du Pape Pie VII. They were inhabited by Catherine de Mdicis and Anne of Austria (mother of Louis XIV.), whose portraits hang opposite each other in the bedroom; and also by Pope Pius VII., more, however, as a prisoner than a guest of Napoleon I. The magnificent bedstead was ...
— The South of France—East Half • Charles Bertram Black

... cried Katy. "Sure 'twas only a pape I had when ye opened the box, an' I didn't know how rare them ...
— Her Father's Daughter • Gene Stratton-Porter

... so very little to say for himself, it would be perhaps wiser if he held his tongue. Be that as it may, the Vatican has thought fit to bring out a small brown paper tract, in answer to the celebrated, too-celebrated, pamphlet, Le Pape et le Congres. The tract is of the smallest bulk, the clearest type, the best paper, and the cheapest price. Mindful of the Horatian dictum, it plunges at once "in medias res," and starts, out of breath, with the following ...
— Rome in 1860 • Edward Dicey

... turn to go, to flow, to thread or weave, to heap. There is more still.... And notice, please, that I have not at my disposition on the otherwise commodious hump of this mehari, either the great dictionary of Estienne or the lexicons of Passow, of Pape, or of Liddel-Scott. This is only to show you, my dear friend, that epigraphy is but a relative science, always dependent on the discovery of a new text which contradicts the previous findings, when it is not merely at the mercy of ...
— Atlantida • Pierre Benoit

... endured more than two years. She wished me a happy deliverance from my chains, and, in expectation of death, committed her children to my protection. She, however, grew better, and married a second time, Colonel Pape; but died in the year 1758. I shall forbear to relate her history: it indeed does no honour to the ashes of Frederic, and would but less dispose my own heart to forgiveness, by reviving the memory of ...
— The Life and Adventures of Baron Trenck - Vol. 2 (of 2) • Baron Trenck

... divineress; doctor, doctoress; giant, giantess; god, goddess; guardian, guardianess; Hebrew, Hebrewess; heir, heiress; herd, herdess; hermit, hermitess; host, hostess; Jesuit, Jesuitess; Jew, Jewess; mayor, mayoress; Moabite, Moabitess; monarch, monarchess; pape, papess; or, pope, popess; patron, patroness; peer, peeress; poet, poetess; priest, priestess; prior, prioress; prophet, prophetess; regent, regentess; saint, saintess; shepherd, shepherdess; soldier, soldieress; tailor, tailoress; viscount, ...
— The Grammar of English Grammars • Goold Brown

... moment he heard a powerful and sonorous voice articulate behind him a formidable series of oaths. "Sang Dieu! Ventre-.Dieu! Bedieu! Corps de Dieu! Nombril de Belzebuth! Nom d'un pape! ...
— Notre-Dame de Paris - The Hunchback of Notre Dame • Victor Hugo

... throwing her stool at the head of Laud's bishop as he proceeded from the desk of St. Giles's in the city to read the Collect for the day, exclaiming as she did so, "Deil colic the wame o' thee, fause loon, would you say Mass at my lug," which was followed by great uproar, and a shout, "A Pape, a Pape; stane him"; "a daring feat, and a great," thinks Carlyle, "the first act of an audacity which ended with the beheading of ...
— The Nuttall Encyclopaedia - Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge • Edited by Rev. James Wood

... guerres contre; encore en a-t'il trop dit, et l'on vouloit sans moi, (Cardinal du Perron,) qui l'empechai, censurer cette partie de son histoire. J'en devisai un jour avec le Pape, et il ne me repondit autre chose "che volete? i Canonici la tengono," il le disoit en riant, ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 5 • Edward Gibbon

... catechism says: "L'Eglise est la societe des fideles etablie par notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, repandue sur toute la terre et soumise a l'authorite des pasteurs legitimes, principalement notre Saint Pere le Pape," [see Footnote] understanding by the words "pasteurs legitimes" an association of men having the Pope at its head, and consisting of certain individuals bound together ...
— The Kingdom of God is within you • Leo Tolstoy

... de Lupe: Fournier: Gentz und der Friede von Schoenbrunn in Deutsche Rundschau, tom. 44. Un pape prisonnier a Savone, d'apres des documents inedits. In Le Correspondant, 6 articles, du 10 mars au 25 mai. Clair: Hofer et ...
— The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte - Vol. III. (of IV.) • William Milligan Sloane

... son existence, an milieu des revers comme dans la prosperite cet inebranlable gouvernement ne fit qu'une seule fois des concessions a la cour de Borne, et ce fut pour detacher le Pape Jules II. de ...
— The Stones of Venice, Volume I (of 3) • John Ruskin

... peu connu d'ailleurs etoit Milanois de naissance, conseiller on fils de conseiller au senat de Milan; il vivoit du tems de Galeas Marie, duc de Milan, qui fut tue l'an 1476, et du Pape Sixte IV., qui mourut en 1484. Il s'etoit deja fait regarder comme grammairien, poete, orateur et philosopohe par divers ouvrages, mais aucun ne lui fit tant d'honneur que son 'Sanctuaire', qui est le titre ...
— The Purgatory of St. Patrick • Pedro Calderon de la Barca

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