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Poco   Listen
Poco  adv.  (Mus.) A little; used chiefly in phrases indicating the time or movement; as, poco più allegro, a little faster; poco largo, rather slow.
Poco a poco (Mus.) Little by little; as, poco a poco crescendo, gradually increasing in loudness.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Poco" Quotes from Famous Books

... splende Dalla rupe natia quand' esce fuora, E a poco a poco lucido se rende Sotto l'attenta ...
— Murad the Unlucky and Other Tales • Maria Edgeworth

... canuto ne molto ne poco Si puo quivi albergare in alcun cuore; Non entra quivi disagio ne inopia, Ma vi sta ogn'or col corno ...
— Among My Books • James Russell Lowell

... sat in the doorway of the office, oblivious to the clerk's friendly assurances that his master would return poco tiempo. Bondsman was not deceived by this kindly attempt to soothe ...
— Jim Waring of Sonora-Town - Tang of Life • Knibbs, Henry Herbert

... dependiente, clerk factura, invoice fardo, bale Frances, Frenchman girar, to draw, (a bill of exchange) el idioma, the language Ingles, Englishman inteligencia, intelligence mal, badly muselina, muslin nunca, never pais, country pequeno, little (adj.) poco, little (adv. and subs.) el porta-ramillete or florero, the flower-stand ?quien? who? whom? seda, silk socio, partner solamente, only solo, (adv.) only el tema, ...
— Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano

... Burnet, ii. 2.; Reresby's Memoirs. Ronquillo wrote repeatedly to the same effect. For example, "Bien quisiera que el Rey fuese mas comunicable, y se acomodase un poco mas al humor sociable de los Ingleses, y que estubiera en Londres: pero es cierto que sus achaques no se lo permiten." July 8/18 1689. Avaux, about the same time, wrote thus to Croissy from Ireland: "Le Prince ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... we worked at chemistry somehow got known at school, and as it was an unprecedented fact, I was nicknamed "Gas." I was also once publicly rebuked by the head-master, Dr. Butler, for thus wasting my time on such useless subjects; and he called me very unjustly a "poco curante," and as I did not understand what he meant, it seemed to ...
— The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume I • Francis Darwin

... Rabbit drop into his poco-poco trail trot. He carried his head bent forward a little, and his eyebrows were pulled into a scowl of concentrated thought. It was all very well to suspect Estan Medina and to keep an eye upon him, but there were others ...
— Starr, of the Desert • B. M Bower

... che poco e piu morte: Ma per trattar del teen ch' i' vi trovai, Diro dell' altre Bose, ch' io ...
— The Unseen World and Other Essays • John Fiske

... poi un poco discosto, un altro Tempio, fatto ad imitatione della Cappella di Loreto, ben adornato, dove e l'Angelo che annontia l' incarnatione . . . . ...
— Ex Voto • Samuel Butler

... ceremonias y orden de los sacrificios de sus idolos y su calendario, en libros hechos de corteza de cierto arbol, los cuales eran unas tiras muy largas de quarta o tercia en ancho, que se doblaban y recogian, y venia a queder a manera de un libro encuardenada en cuartilla, poco mas o menos. Estas letras y caracteres no las entendian, sino los sacerdotes de los idolos, (que en aquella lengua se llaman 'ahkines,') y algun indio principal. Despues las entendieron y supieron leer algunos ...
— The Books of Chilan Balam, the Prophetic and Historic Records of the Mayas of Yucatan • Daniel G. Brinton

... Que se duerme mi nino, Tened los ramos. 15 Palmas de Belen Que mueven airados Los furiosos vientos, Que suenan tanto, No le hagais ruido, 20 Corred mas paso; Que se duerme mi nino, Tened los ramos. El nino divino, Que esta cansado page 14 De llorar en la tierra, Por su descanso Sosegar quiere un poco Del tierno llanto; 5 Que se duerme mi nino, Tened los ramos. Rigurosos hielos Le estan cercando, Ya veis que no tengo 10 Con que guardarlo: Angeles divinos, Que vais volando, Que se duerme mi ...
— Modern Spanish Lyrics • Various

... de febricules; Au reste, tam debilis quod venerat De son grabat In cavallo sur une mule, Non habuerat menses suos Ab illa die qui dicitur des grosses eaux; Sed contabat mihi a l'oreille Che si non era morta, c'etait grand merveille, Perche in suo negotio Era un poco d'amore, et troppo di cordoglio; Che suo galanto sen era andato in Allemagna, Servire al signor Brandeburg una campagna. Usque ad maintenant multi charlatani, Medici, apothicari, et chirurgiani Pro sua maladia in veno travaillaverunt, Juxta meme ...
— The Imaginary Invalid - Le Malade Imaginaire • Moliere

... accuse me of acting with precipitancy in this matter; that when I shall renew my application to you, you may remember that I have had due and sufficient time for reflection. Addio, Signor Giovacchino," said the Marchese, reverting to the more friendly form of address; "addio, ed a rivederci fra poco!" ...
— A Siren • Thomas Adolphus Trollope

... performs"] under an assumed name, but the name I forget; ha una voce passabile, e la statura non sarebbe male, ma distuona come il diavolo. Ruggiero, un ricco principe innamorato di Bradamante, e un musico; canta un poco Manzuolisch [Footnote: Manzuoli was a celebrated soprano, from whom Mozart had lessons in singing when in London.] ed ha una bellissima voce forte ed e gia vecchio; ha 55 anni, ed ha una [Footnote: "She has a tolerable voice, and her appearance ...
— The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, V.1. • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

... enamours us of excellence, arises out of pure virtue of the soul, and equals us to God," he tells us; and subtly developes his theme. This being the case, nothing can be more mistaken than to suppose, as do those of little sense, that Love is blind, and goes blindly about ("Da sentir poco, e da credenza vana—Si move il dir di cotal grossa gente—Ch' amor fa cieco andar per lo suo regno"). Love is omniscient, since love is born of the knowledge and recognition of excellence. Such love as this is the only true source of happiness, since it alone ...
— Euphorion - Being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the - Renaissance - Vol. II • Vernon Lee

... "A poco, a poco," I called back. "Be in no hurry—piano, my friend: this gentleman has met with an ...
— Two Sides of the Face - Midwinter Tales • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

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