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Pone   Listen
Pone  n.  (Written also paune)  A kind of johnnycake. (Southern U. S.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Pone" Quotes from Famous Books

... exclaimed. "John 's be'n in the house an hour, and ain't had nothin' to eat yet! Go in the kitchen an' spread a clean tablecloth, an' git out that 'tater pone, an' a pitcher o' that las' kag o' persimmon beer, an' let John take a bite an' ...
— The House Behind the Cedars • Charles W. Chesnutt

... the spring. The front room was full of great fat white beds, scrupulously neat; and there were bad chromos on the walls, and a tired centre-table. In the tiny back kitchen I was often invited to "take out and help" myself to fried chicken and wheat biscuit, "meat" and corn pone, string-beans and berries. At first I used to be a little alarmed at the approach of bedtime in the one lone bedroom, but embarrassment was very deftly avoided. First, all the children nodded and slept, and were stowed away in one great ...
— The Souls of Black Folk • W. E. B. Du Bois

... and the calf was given a berth in the hammock until he was able to follow. But when Bull became older he hung around the wagon like a dog, preferring the company of the outfit to that of his own mother. He soon learned to eat cold biscuit and corn-pone, and would hang around at meal-time, ready for the scraps. We always had to notice where the calf lay down to sleep, as he was a black rascal, and the men were liable to stumble over him while changing guards during the night. ...
— Reed Anthony, Cowman • Andy Adams

... door. "I swan I thought you folks 'u'd never come to yore senses. Here I've had a big pot o' stewed chicken ready on the stove fer two mortal hours. I kin give ye that, an' smashed taters an' chicken gravy, an' dried corn, an' hot corn-pone, an' currant jell, an' strawberry preserves, an' my own cannin' o' peaches, an' pumpkin-pie an' coffee. Will that do ye?" Would it ...
— The Best American Humorous Short Stories • Various

... the Penitentiary, with a frank laugh, approaching the two young people and bowing to them, "are you giving lessons in horticulture? Insere nunc Meliboee piros; pone ordine vites, as the great singer of the labors of the field said. 'Graft the pear-tree, dear Meliboeus, trim the vines.' And how are we ...
— Dona Perfecta • B. Perez Galdos

... a Mahoma vaya Mahoma al otero. Nadar y nadar y ahogar a la orilla llorar duelos agenos Si vos sabes mucho tambien se yo mi salm [o?] Por hazer mi miel comieron mj muxcas Come suol d'Invierno quien sale tarde y pone presto. Lo que con el ojo veo con el dedo lo adeuino Hijo no tenemos y nombre lo ponemos. Por el buena mesa y mal testamento. Era mejor lamiendo que no mordiendo Perro del hortelano Despues d'yo muerto ni vinna ni huerto Perdj mj honor hablando mal y oyendo peor Tomar asino que ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... chuckle—"has been tossed between them two gals like a hot corn pone. He'd take Nella-Rose quick enough if she'd have him, but barrin' her, he hangs to Marg so as ter be nigh Nella-Rose in any case. And right here Burke Lawson figgers. Burke's got two naturs, same as old Satan. Marg can play on one and get him plumb riled up to anythin'; Nella-Rose can ...
— The Man Thou Gavest • Harriet T. Comstock

... An earthen cooking-pot, a large water gourd, a tin cup, an old axe, some fishing-tackle, and one or two coarse rags of clothing. What interested me more than all these was the sight of several articles that were eatable. There was a good-sized "chunk" of cooked pork, a gigantic "pone" of corn-bread, several boiled ears of maize, and the better half of a roast fowl. All these lay together upon a large wooden dish, rudely carved from the wood of the tulip-tree—of such a fashion as I had often observed about the cabins of the negro quarter. ...
— The Quadroon - Adventures in the Far West • Mayne Reid

... paso entre los arboles torciendo, el suelo de pasada de verdura vistiendo, y con diversas flores va esparciendo. 20 El aire el huerto orea, y ofrece mil olores al sentido, los arboles menea con un manso rueido que del oro y del cetro pone olvido. 25 Tenganse su tesoro los que de un flaco leno se confian: no es mio ver el lloro de los que desconfian cuando el cierzo y el abrego porfian. page 12 La combatida antena cruje, y en ciega ...
— Modern Spanish Lyrics • Various

... Grief lays thar ontil the branch runs down an' he's high an' dry ag'in, an' then the sun shines out an' dries his clothes. It's that same night when Grief has drug himse'f home to supper, he says to his wife, 'Thar's nothin' like exercise,' an' then counsels that lady over his corn pone an' chitlins to take in washin' like ...
— Wolfville Days • Alfred Henry Lewis

... De sacarle los ojos. S, porque con su informalidad la pone a usted en un ridculo espantoso. Yo lo siento tanto como usted, y estoy ...
— Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha • Benito Perez Galdos

... populos Alpesque jacentes, / Finibus Arctois patriaque a sede revulsos, / Pone sequi."/ ("Populos" is the subject and "Hunc" the object of "sequi." For "Hunc" the ...
— The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Christopher Marlowe

... don't you? Well, you jus' keep de sun right in your eyes, an' pull away, an' in less dan two hours you'll be in Plymouth, for de tide is fa'r for you. I wish you well, honey! I done run away onst myself, but I believe I tole you about dat. Take some o' dis corn pone, and a piece o' dis cold bacon; you must want sumfin' ...
— Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XII, Jan. 3, 1891 • Various

... &c. El sieruo de Dios soberano, el conquistador per su causa, el successor ensalcado por Dios, Emperador de los Moros, hijo del Emperador de los Moros, Iariffe, Haceni, el que perpetue su honora, y ensalce su estado. Se pone este nuestro real mandado en manos de los criados de neustras altas puertas los mercadores Yngleses; para que por el sepan todos los que la presente vieren, come nuestro alto Conseio les anpara con el fauor de Dios de todo aquello, que les enpeciere y dannare en qualquiera ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of - The English Nation, Vol. 11 • Richard Hakluyt

... found when she joined him later in the linen closet. He was busy spreading his varied possessions along the shelves on top of the piles of immaculate linen, stopping now and then to refresh himself with a bite of salt pork and some corn pone that had been packed for days along with Sally's shoes and sunbonnet and his ...
— Miss Mink's Soldier and Other Stories • Alice Hegan Rice

... found Mrs. Landis stirring up a blackberry pone, the three youngest Landis children watching the ...
— Amanda - A Daughter of the Mennonites • Anna Balmer Myers

... Tarpeiae arcis ruinis, pone ingens portae cujusdam, ut puto, templi, marmoreum limen, plurimasque passim confractas columnas, unde magna ex parte prospectus ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon

... arrangement of the starry strata, I have found the following remarkable passage in Kepler's 'Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae', 1618, t. i., lib. 1, p. 34-39: "Sol hic noster nil aliud est quam una ex fixis, nobis major et clarior visa, quia propior quam fixa. Pone terram stare ad latus, una semi-diametro via e lactea e, tunc ha ec via lactea apparebit circulus parvus, vel ellipsis parva, tota declinans ad latus alterum; eritque simul uno intuitu conspicua, quae nunc no potest nisi dimidia conspici quovis momento. Itaque fix arum spha era non tantum ...
— COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 • Alexander von Humboldt

... cud ye tell me whar a poah niggah cud fine a bit o' kivered hay to sleep on, an' a moufful o' pone in de mauhnin? I'se footed it clean from Charleston. I'se gwine to Branchville whar my dahter, Juno Soo, is a dyin' ob fever. She ain't long foh dis wohl. I'se got money 'nuff ...
— A Lost Hero • Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward and Herbert D. Ward

... will drop the most important job to go on an excursion or parade with his lodge. He spends large sums on expensive clothing and luxuries, while going without things necessary to a real home. He will cheerfully eat fat bacon and "pone" corn-bread all the week[C] in order to indulge in unlimited soda-water, melon and fish at the end. In the cities he is oftener seen dealing with the pawn-broker than the banker. His house, when furnished at all, is better furnished that that of a white man of equal earning power, but ...
— The Negro Problem • Booker T. Washington, et al.

... merito, sino que hasta el populacho. Todas esas bandadas que veis llegar con teas encendidas entonando villancicos con gritos desaforados al compas de los panderos, las sonajas y las zambombas, contra su costumbre, que es la de alborotar las iglesias, callan como muertos cuando pone maese Perez las manos en el organo... y cuando alzan ... no se siente una mosca ... de todos los ojos caen lagrimones tamanos, y al concluir se oye como un suspiro inmenso, que no es otra cosa que la respiracion ...
— Legends, Tales and Poems • Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

... been corn-pone, cold, with no lubricant to ease it down the lane. There had been a certain squeamish liquid in addition, which gave off the smell of a burning straw-stack, served in a large tin cup. Joe had not tasted it, but his nose had told him that it was "wheat coffee," a brew which ...
— The Bondboy • George W. (George Washington) Ogden

... diet on alligator meat too much of musky flavour. His usual fare is roast pork, with now and then broiled ham and chicken; failing which, a fricassee of 'coon or a barbecue of 'possum. No lack of bread besides—maize bread—in its various bakings of "pone", "hoe cake," and "dodger." Sometimes, too, he indulges in "Virginia biscuit," of sweetest ...
— The Death Shot - A Story Retold • Mayne Reid

... honeymoon. And," he went on—"yes, I want some more of the good southern cooking. You ought to eat their cornbread, Wallace!—there's nothing like it anywhere else in the world. They cook corn meal in a dozen ways, from corn pone to really delicate dishes. And they know how to cook chickens, too. Their chickens and yams and cornbread are great. It makes my mouth water to think of even the meals I've eaten in the mountaineers' cabins—wild hog, good and greasy; wild honey, hoecake, and strong black coffee. ...
— The Lure of the Labrador Wild • Dillon Wallace

... 'low, 'I spec' ma' haid gwine ache if I lie hyah in dishyere baid mo'n two free day. Whar ma' milk an' co'n pone, Cato?' ...
— The Maid-At-Arms • Robert W. Chambers

... de fiel' us had a big breakfas' o' hot bread, 'lasses, fried salt meat dipped in corn meal, an' fried taters[FN: sweet potatoes]. Sometimes us had fish an' rabbit meat. When us was in de fiel', two women 'ud come at dinner-time wid baskets filled wid hot pone, baked taters, corn roasted in de shucks, onion, fried squash, an' b'iled pork. Sometimes dey brought buckets o' cold buttermilk. It sho' was good to a hongry man. At supper-time us had hoecake an' cold vi'tals. Sometimes dey ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves - Mississippi Narratives • Works Projects Administration

... things. There are different kinds of cornbread, as you know. There is a bread called egg-bread, made with meal, buttermilk, lard, soda and eggs, and there is a mush-bread, made by scalding the meal—some call it spoon-bread; but the only corn-bread is the pone, and the only way to make them is to get white flint corn, have it ground at a watermill, if you can, where they do not bolt the life out of it, scald your meal with hot water, adding salt, then drain off ...
— Shawn of Skarrow • James Tandy Ellis

... rivers and bay abounded with geese and ducks, oysters and crabs, and the woods were full of deer, turkeys, and wild pigeons. Wheat was not plentiful, but corn was abundant, and from it were made pone, hominy, and hoe-cakes. ...
— A Brief History of the United States • John Bach McMaster

... Christmas morning, and Drew chewed on a crust of corn pone, old and rock-hard. He wondered dully if his capacity to hold more than a few crumbs had completely vanished. And he allowed himself for one or two long moments to remember Christmas at Oak Hill—where he had managed to spend a more festive day than at Red Springs in the chilly neighborhood ...
— Ride Proud, Rebel! • Andre Alice Norton

... te Libani terga virentia, Seu formosa rubrae culta Bethuliae, Seu pinguis Solymae, sive procul cavae Cingunt rura Capharniae; Tandem sollicitae pone modum fugae. Nam non effugies, Te mihi sedulis Aether excubiis prodet, & aureis Prodet Cynthia cornibus. Te neglecta gemunt littora, te procul Suspirat tacitis aura Pavoniis, Te noctis vigiles, te ...
— The Odes of Casimire, Translated by G. Hils • Mathias Casimire Sarbiewski

... among yowe. Which wordes of Paule ar not to be vnderstonded of the synne / for the greke word is in the masculyne gendre / ton pone:ron / and therfor he meanith by it / the wicked man. The same wordes I will now sumwhat bend / vse / and turn / vnto the profite of you that be weake / and thus saye vnto yowe. Put awaye your own selues from the euell men that ar emongst you: for seing ye ar but priuate ...
— A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful • Peter Martyr

... instructo, pone terga rudimentalia (saepe nulla) positis: scutis bilobatis: carina nulla, aut omnino rudimentali: pedunculo longo, a ...
— A Monograph on the Sub-class Cirripedia (Volume 1 of 2) - The Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes • Charles Darwin

... twelve-o'clock meal is called in Hooker's Bend, and so ended his meditation. The Harvard man went back into the kitchen and sat down at a rickety table covered with a red- checked oil-cloth. On it were spread the spoiled ham, a dish of poke salad, a corn pone, and a pot of weak coffee. A quaint old bowl held some brown sugar. The fat old negress made a slight, habitual settling movement in her chair that marked the end of her cooking and the beginning of her meal. Then she bent her grizzled, woolly head and mumbled off one of those queer ...
— Birthright - A Novel • T.S. Stribling

... beverage and poured it into the thick cups, and breaking the yellow pone and piling it on a platter, they sat down to the strangest ...
— The Master-Knot of Human Fate • Ellis Meredith

... was allowable to halt, what a glorious time it was! Men, who a moment before would have been delighted with a pone of cornbread and a piece of fat meat, discuss the comparative merits of peaches and milk and fresh tomatoes, lobster and roast beef, and, forgetting the briar-root pipe, faithful companion of the vicissitudes of the soldier's life, snuff ...
— Detailed Minutiae of Soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 • Carlton McCarthy

Words linked to "Pone" :   cornbread

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