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Populate   Listen
Populate  v. t.  (past & past part. populated; pres. part. populating)  To furnish with inhabitants, either by natural increase or by immigration or colonization; to cause to be inhabited; to people.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Populate" Quotes from Famous Books

... less power of endurance, so that they are only suitable to fairly uniform conditions of supply; they cannot survive the long continued want of winter, and so we have the seasonal abundance of summer. Only the larger and more resistant organisms, whether animal or vegetable, will, in general, populate the Earth from year to year. From this we may conclude that, but for the seasonal energy-tides, the development of life upon the globe had gone along very different lines from those actually followed. It is, indeed, possible that the evolution of the larger organisms would not have ...
— The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays • J. (John) Joly

... most important. They were the forerunners of the great races that followed. According to Ixtlilxochitl, these people-which are conceded to be one occupied the world in the third age; they came from the East in ships or barks to the land of Potonchan, which they commenced to populate." ...
— The Antediluvian World • Ignatius Donnelly

... fevers killed off the sons of women almost as fast as they could bear them. Women must supply the demand for soldiers and workers and at the same time a surplus big enough to populate the globe. Thus far she has put on earth fourteen hundred millions of her own kind. Quite an achievement, we should say, when the career of a Napoleon or an Alexander called for a couple of million of men extra, or a plague like the black death, due to man's stupid lack of cleanliness, ...
— Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers • Arthur Brisbane

... jes as fast as he kin whin he come to de aidge ob de buryin'-ground whut on de hill, an' right dar he bound to stop, 'ca'se de kentry round about am so populate he ain't able to go frough. Yas, sah, seem like all de ghostes in de world havin' de conferince right dar. Seem like all de ghosteses whut yever was am havin' a convintion on dat spot. An' dat li'l black Mose so skeered he jes fall down on ...
— The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories • Various

Words linked to "Populate" :   board, camp, neighbour, nest, population, live, shack, domiciliate, fill up, occupy, lodge in, fill, reside, tent, bivouac, people, domicile, camp out, shack up, room, overpopulate, dwell, live together, inhabit, be, tenant, lodge, cohabit, neighbor

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