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Premiere   Listen
premiere  v. i.  
To be performed for the first time; of a play, ballet, composition, movie, or other literary work.
Synonyms: premier.

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"Premiere" Quotes from Famous Books

... exergue, over a small head of Bonaparte, is inscribed Bonaparte premier consul; beneath it, Cambaceres second consul, le Brun troisieme consul de la republique Francaise; on the reverse, Le peuple Francais a defenseurs, cette premiere pierre de la colonne nationale, posee par Lucien Bonaparte, ministre de l'interieur, 25 Messidore, An 8, 14 Juillet, 1800.—One other medal only appears with the name of Lucien Bonaparte; it is that struck in honor of Marshal Turenne, upon the Translation du corps de Turenne au ...
— Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects and Curiosities of Art (Vol. 3 of 3) • S. Spooner

... port', Germin', c'est moi qu'est ton mari.' 'Donnez-moi des indic's de la premiere nuit, Et par la je croirai ...
— Ballads of Romance and Chivalry - Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - First Series • Frank Sidgwick

... sad, and working enormously; and he and she had long talks, lasting from five in the evening till five in the morning, and ranging over manners, morals, love affairs, and literature. She approved of "La Premiere Demoiselle," a play planned in February, 1837, which Madame Hanska had discouraged because she did not like the plot; and Balzac determined to work at it seriously now that "Cesar Birotteau" was finished. This brilliant picture of the Parisian bourgeoisie had been published ...
— Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings • Mary F. Sandars

... probably still living). A Swiss pastor; born in Geneva; the author of many books, of which the one named by Lord Acton is fully entitled, Histoire du mouvement religieux et ecclesiastique dans le canton de Vaud pendant la premiere moitie du XIXe siecle. It appeared between 1871 and 1880 in ...
— Immortal Memories • Clement Shorter

... public de leur culte que leur accordoit l'edit de janvier, c'etoit un coup premedite que l'attaque du duc de Guise contre une congregation de huguenots, composee, a ce qu'il assure, en partie de ses vassaux, et qui se trouvoit la premiere sur son passage a peu de distance de ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... towards evolution, without being able to grasp it. They both strove to explain phenomena by means of agencies which they saw actually at work. If De Candolle gave up the ultimate problem as insoluble:—"La creation ou premiere formation des etres organises echappe, par sa nature et par son anciennete, a nos moyens d'observation" (Loc. cit. page 1106.), he steadily endeavoured to minimise its scope. At least half of his great work is ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... executed that I felt fully justified in believing I had created a most excellent impression. Herr Ander, too, had appeared on the scene, but without knowing a single note of the music or attempting to sing it. Both my princely friends, as well as Fraulein Couqui, the premiere danseuse, who singularly enough had attended the rehearsal on the sly, overwhelmed me with enthusiastic marks of admiration. Hearing of my ardent desire for retirement in order to go on with the composition of a new work, the Metternichs one day suggested that they ...
— My Life, Volume II • Richard Wagner

... l'estat, ubi supra, 349-351. "Puigaillard ... homme au reste indigne de vivre pour l'acte detestable par luy commis en la personne de sa premiere femme tuee a sa sollicitation pour en espouser une ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... revenu en France une premiere fois, et je m'etais empresse d'ecrire a M. le duc de Broglie, alors ministre des affaires etrangeres, au nom duquel il me fut repondu ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... years been identified with the Empire should ever again come to be regarded as "Jones of the 10th," and spoken of as "Punch" or "Bobby" by old boon companions. How can a man who has been behind the curtain, and who has seen la premiere danseuse of the Empire practising her steps before the manager Strachey, in familiar chaff and talk with the Council ballet, while the little scene-painter and Press Commissioner stood aside with cocked ears, and the privileged violoncellist ...
— Twenty-One Days in India; and, the Teapot Series • George Robert Aberigh-Mackay

... La premiere theologie de l'homme lui fit d'abord craindre at adorer les elements meme, des objets materiels at grossiers; il randit ensuite ses hommages a des agents presidant aux elements, a des genies inferieurs, a des heros, ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... j'ai connu Fleeming Jenkin! C'etait en Mai 1878. Nous etions tous deux membres du jury de l'Exposition Universelle. On n'avait rien fait qui vaille a la premiere seance de notre classe, qui avait eu lieu le matin. Tout le monde avait parle et reparle pour ne rien dire. Cela durait depuis huit heures; il etait midi. Je demandai la parole pour une motion d'ordre, et je proposai que la seance fut levee ...
— Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin • Robert Louis Stevenson

... resemblance between them, and they harmonize in their love for a common master, Rousseau has written of Plutarch as Montaigne felt,—"Dans le petit nombre de livres que je lis quelquefois encore, Plutarque est celui qui m'attache et me profite le plus. Ce fut la premiere lecture de mon enfance, et sera la derniere de ma vieillesse; c'est presque le seul auteur que je n'ai jamais lu sans en tirer quelque fruit."[J] Plutarch's Lives was one of the few books recommended to Catharine II. of Russia, ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 27, January, 1860 • Various

... more careful, nephew," said my uncle, as we rattled home in his model vis-a-vis. "En premiere jeunesse one is a little inclined to be ruled by one's heart rather than by one's reason. Jim Harrison seems to be a most respectable young fellow, but after all he is a blacksmith's apprentice, and a candidate ...
— Rodney Stone • Arthur Conan Doyle

... m'avoit ecoute assez paisiblement la premiere fois que je luy avois propose ce qu'il y avoit a faire ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... seriously occupied in a careful estimate of the value of the Virgils in question—and holding up Brunet's Manuel du Libraire in his right hand—"Tenez, mon ami," exclaimed he, "vous voyez que la seconde edition de Virgile, imprimee par vos amis Sweynheym et Pannartz, est encore plus rare que la premiere." I replied that "c'etoit la fantasie seule de l'auteur." However, he expressed himself ready to receive preliminaries, which would be submitted to the Minister of the Interior, and by him—to the King; for that the library was the exclusive property of his Majesty. It was agreed, in the ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... legislatif autre que celui de l'Angleterre, il faut bien aussi des agents particuliers pour appliquer des regles differentes d'administration. Mais, ceci etant admis, l'on ne voit pas ce qui aujourd'hui empecherait de placer le siege du gouvernement irlandais dans la premiere ville ...
— England's Case Against Home Rule • Albert Venn Dicey

... pour la premiere fois, en 1859, a la table de l'hotel d'Angleterre, a Francfort, c'etait deja un vieillard, a l'oeil d'un bleu vif et limpide, a la levre mince et legerement sarcastique, autour de laquelle errait un fin sourire, et dont le vaste front, estompe de deux touffes de cheveux blancs sur les cotes, ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... these friends sent the manuscript of "In Rome" to the Dramatiska Theatre at Stockholm, where it was accepted and produced anonymously in August of the same year, 1870. Strindberg was present at the premiere and although it was well received, to him it was all a fine occasion—except the play! He was ashamed of his self-confession in it and fled before the final curtain. He soon finished another play, "The Outlaw," which is included in the present volume. In ...
— Plays: The Father; Countess Julie; The Outlaw; The Stronger • August Strindberg

... apt to forget that there are actually times of life when too much youth is a handicap. Miss Rennsdale was beautiful; she danced like a premiere; she had every charm but age. On that account alone had she been allowed so much time to prepare to receive callers that it was only by the most manful efforts she could keep her lip ...
— Penrod • Booth Tarkington

... irons, sous la lumiere, D'un ciel plus frais et plus leger Chacun dans sa forme premiere, Moi ...
— Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn • Lafcadio Hearn

... awaited him. No ticket reached him for the premiere; the boxes he had promised the cafe did not materialize, and the necessity of avoiding that haunt of the invited cost him several meals. But that he himself should be refused when he tried to pass in 'on his face'—that authors ...
— Ghetto Comedies • Israel Zangwill

... qu'elle devoit attendre ce que V.M. m'en manderoit et ce que son nonce luy en escriroit, elle en vouloit incontinent faire des feux de joye.... Et pour ce que je ne voulois faire ledict feu de joye la premiere nuict que ledit courrier envoye par ledict Danes feust arrive, ny en recevoir les congratulations que l'on m'en envoyoit faire, que premierement je n'eusse eu nouvelles de V.M. pour scavoir et sa ...
— The History of Freedom • John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

... M. Hart, le plus complet en son genre que nous connaissions en France, est divise en quinze sections ou chapitres. Dans la premiere section, l'auteur a essaye de tracer une histoire hypothetique du violon, histoire malheureusement impossible a faire a cause de son obscurite. Le chapitre consacre a la construction est plus solide. Puis viennent l'examen ...
— The Violin - Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators • George Hart

... parties inhabitees du continent: cette mesure auroit une suite doublement utile; elle priveroit les colonies de ces etres par lesquels elles seront tot ou tard aneanties, et elle diminueroit ce gout crapuleux des Blancs pour leurs esclaves, qui est la ruine de la societe et la cause premiere du pen de population des pays qu'ils habitent.—Voyage dans Les Deux Louisianes, 1801, 1802, and 1803, pp. 408-415, ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

... is already known through a translation into French by VENTURI. Compare his 'Essai sur les ouvrages physico-mathmatiques de L. da Vinci avec des fragments tirs de ses Manuscrits, apports de l'Italie. Lu a la premiere classe de l'Institut national des Sciences et Arts.' Paris, ...
— The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Complete • Leonardo Da Vinci

... tall, large-boned Frenchman, with a long nose and a red riband, who was much seen at Frascati's, and had served under Napoleon. Then came another lady, extremely pretty, very piquante, and very gay, but past the premiere jeunesse, who ogled Mr. Love more than she did any of his guests: she was called Rosalie Caumartin, and was at the head of a large bon-bon establishment; married, but her husband had gone four years ago to the Isle of France, and she was a little doubtful ...
— Night and Morning, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... by the judgment de premiere instant, of the tribunal of Orbe and Yverden, on the charge of similar meetings being held at their houses; one of whom, however, has been since acquitted at Lausanne, as it was proved that she lived with her mother, and consequently that it was at her house, and not at hers, that some ...
— Fox's Book of Martyrs - Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant - Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs • John Fox

... d'action attained its fullest vitality. The dancer became a power in the State, influencing princes, ministers, and people. Poets were her slaves, and oftentimes philosophers were caught in her toils. From Mdlle. la Fontaine of two centuries since, "la premiere des premieres danseuses," who received the title of "La Reine de la Danse," there being at the time, however, but three other professional dancers in Paris, through a long line of most distinguished ...
— A Book of the Play - Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character • Dutton Cook

... to see le premiere danseuse du siecle!" he commented, as he entered the sitting-room of their ...
— Charles Rex • Ethel M. Dell

... avoid losing all her personal possessions. Idiocy, whether genuine or feigned, does not appeal to the French temperament. The would-be fascinating lady would most certainly be referred to as "une dinde de premiere classe." ...
— The Days Before Yesterday • Lord Frederick Hamilton

... takes a pious pleasure in the first edition of "Les Precieuses Ridicules," (M.DC.LX.) just as Moliere saw it, when he was fresh in the business of authorship, and wrote "Mon Dieu, qu'un Autheur est neuf, la premiere fois qu'on l'imprime." All editions published during a great man's life have this attraction, and seem to bring us closer to his spirit. Other volumes are relics, as we shall see later, of some famed collector, and there ...
— The Library • Andrew Lang

... has well said—[Footnote: Philosophie Zoologique, premiere partie, chap. iii.] "Il n'y a que ceux qui se sont longtemps et fortement occupes de la determination des especes, et qui ont consulte de riches collections, qui peuvent savoir jusqu'a quel point les especes, parmi les corps vivants se fondent les unes dans les autres, et ...
— Darwiniana • Thomas Henry Huxley

... de la premiere Decouverte et Conquete des Canaries, 1412. Par J. Bethancourt: ecrite du temps meme. Par P. Bouthier, et J. Leverier. Paris, 1630. 12mo.—This curious and rare work, depicts with great fidelity and naivete, the ...
— Robert Kerr's General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 18 • William Stevenson

... Humboldt says that this translation is totally incorrect; however, the idea of the "litterateur distingue" is evidently the same as Ferdinand Columbus's. The following is the hypothesis favored by Humboldt: "Peut-etre meme le nom d'Antilia qui parait pour la premiere fois sur une carte Venitienne de 1436 n'est il qu'une forme Portuguaise donnee a un nom geographique des Arabes. L'etymologie que hasarde M. Buace me parait tres ingenieuse.... La syllabe initiale me parait la corruption de l'article Arabe. D'al Tinnin ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... fallen in, and many of the columns are lying in ruins on the pavement. The Cour de Cassation and the Cour d'Assises are entirely destroyed. The conflagration was stopped, when it reached the Cour d'Appel and the Tribunal de Premiere Instance. ...
— Paris under the Commune • John Leighton

... turned to a corner of the greyish wall on which the addresses of several models were written in chalk, haphazard. The women particularly left their cards in that way, in awkward, childish handwriting. Zoe Piedefer, 7 Rue Campagne-Premiere, a big brunette, who was getting rather too stout, had scrawled her sign manual right across the names of little Flore Beauchamp, 32 Rue de Laval, and Judith Vaquez, 69 Rue du Rocher, a Jewess, both of ...
— His Masterpiece • Emile Zola

... have escaped his eye, had caught his attention like the red lantern at a railroad crossing—because it contained the name of Stuart Farquaharson. The lines were these: "'The Longest Way Round,' a comedy in three acts, by Stuart Farquaharson, will have its premiere at the Garrick Theater on Monday evening. After a road engagement the piece will be presented to Broadway early in the fall. The cast includes—" But Eben had not troubled about the cast. He was speculating just now upon whether his wife had seen the ...
— The Tyranny of Weakness • Charles Neville Buck

... great uncertainty which affected the position of all magistrates of the Empire. Just at this time Cambaceres, as arch-chancellor, and Regnier, chief justice, were preparing to organize tribunaux de premiere instance (lower civil courts), imperial courts, and a court of appeal or supreme court. They were agitating the question of a legal garb or costume; to which Napoleon attached, and very justly, so much importance in all official stations; ...
— An Historical Mystery • Honore de Balzac

... Molandon, 'Premiere expedition de Jeanne d'Arc: Le ravitaillement d'Orleans. Nouveaux documents. Plan du siege et de ...
— Joan of Arc • Ronald Sutherland Gower

... Manilla. The Frenchman had trained the menage, both Indians and horses, and promised the enlightened public a treat such as had never been offered before. His place was well arranged, and we had tickets stamped a la premiere lunette—to the dress circle. In it were several very tastily dressed and rather handsome ladies—brunettes of course. The performance had commenced before we entered, and at that time the act in progress was that of jumping and turning somersets over a poor ...
— Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas • W. Hastings Macaulay

... what to think if the civilians. I have heard Mr. Morsfield tell that he is 'de premiere force.' Be on your guard. You are to know that I never forget a service, and you did me one once.' 'You have reason . . . ?' ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... garrulous premiere in the gray house—and he fulfilled its promise. Though he was conscientious and honorable, he was unquestionably a terrific bore. He seemed unable to control his tongue, sometimes continuing from paragraph to paragraph with a look akin to pain in his small ...
— The Beautiful and Damned • F. Scott Fitzgerald

... Imprimerie Racon printed 102 copies in 8vo of pp. iv.-108, and in 1863 it was condemned by the police as a liber spurcissimus atque execrandus de criminis sodomici laude et arte. This work produced "Alcibiade Enfant a l'ecole," traduit pour la premiere fois de l'Italien de Ferrante Pallavicini, Amsterdam, chez l'Ancien Pierre Marteau, mdccclxvi. Pallavicini (nat. 1618), who wrote against Rome, was beheaded, aet. 26 (March 5, 1644), at Avignon in 1644 by the vengeance of the Barberini: he was a bel esprit deregle, nourri d'etudes ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... ou genies plutot malfaisants que favorables, et plutot moqueurs que malfaisants.... L'origine de la tradition de la Mesnie Hellequin se perd dans l'obscurite des temps. On l'entendoit surtout bruire dans les environs de la ville d'Arles.... J'ignore la premiere origine de cette locution; mais ce qui me semble incontestable, c'est qu'on confondit facilement la Mesnie Hellequin avec celle 'de la Mort,' famille bariolee de rouge et de noir, et dont le manteau ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851 • Various

... "Bug-Pipe" which a Highlander of the garrison of Guernsey sold (I am afraid contrary to military law) to the hero, and on which that hero performed the "melancholy air" of "Bonny Dundee."[106] There is the equally celebrated "First of the Fourth" (Premiere de la Quatrieme), which is believed to be Hugonic for the Firth of Forth. There are some others. There is an elaborate presentation of a quite impossibly named clergyman, who is, it seems, an anticipator of "le Puseysme" and an actual high-churchman, who talks as never high-churchman talked ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... eternity, as light play-house matters; this of rising into such transcendency of valor, as to snap your fingers in the face of the Almighty Maker; this, Messieurs, give me leave to say so, is a thing that will conduct you and your PREMIERE NATION to the Devil, if you do not alter it. Inevitable, I tell you! Your road lies that way, then? Good morning, Messieurs; let me still ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVI. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Ten Years of Peace.—1746-1756. • Thomas Carlyle

... a severe trial, but, as the French might say, "Ce n'est pas que la premiere huitre qui coute." Afterward Weber would groan, "Alas, why did I ever teach ...
— The Love Affairs of Great Musicians, Volume 1 • Rupert Hughes

... of Appeal or Cour d'Appel; Court of the First Instance or Tribunal de Premiere Instance; Court of Administrative Law or ...
— The 2004 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... creation and the temptation, and so concise was the language and so certain his voice that I had the sensation of listening to a series of events that had actually taken place. He might have been reading the communique. "Le premier homme was called Adam, and la premiere femme, Eve. Certain angels began a revolt against God; they are called the bad angels or the demons." (Certains anges se sont mis en revolte contre Dieu; il sont appelles les mauvais anges ou les demons.) "And from this original sin arrives all the troubles, Death to which the ...
— A Volunteer Poilu • Henry Sheahan

... occurs in the Fragment d'un traite du vide, not published till 1779 (now included in the Pensees, Premiere Partie, Art. I), and therefore without influence on the origination of the theory of progress. It has been pointed out that Guillaume Colletet had in 1636 expressed a similar view (Brunetiere, Etudes critiques, ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... her a gift whose presentation should mark a certain great occasion. It should occur on the eve of his screen debut, and would fittingly testify his gratitude. For the girl, after all, had made him what he was. And the first piece was close to its premiere. Already he had seen advance notices in the newspapers. The piece was called Hearts On Fire, and in it, so the notices said, the comedy manager had at last realized an ambition long nourished. He had done something new and something ...
— Merton of the Movies • Harry Leon Wilson

... 34 is an orchestral suite ("Premiere Suite d' Orchestre") of which the second number is an "Allegretto giojoso," a playful, sportive, chic and graceful movement, with a tender melody in the middle part, at first heard alone, then with a sparkling accompaniment. This piece having originally been scored for ...
— The Pianolist - A Guide for Pianola Players • Gustav Kobb

... Gallicisms, and is clearly a translation from a French original; such as make fault, faire des fautes; make it seem that I believe, faire semblant de le croire; make brek, faire breche; this is my first journey, c'est ma premiere journee; have you not desire to laugh? n'avez vous pas envie de rire; the place will hold unto the death, la place tiendra jusqu'a la mort; he may not come forth of the house this long time, il ne peut pas sortir du logis de long-tems; to make ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. - From Elizabeth to James I. • David Hume

... years later, November 11, 1852, Romeo and Juliet in Foersom's translation received its Norwegian premiere. The acting version used was that made for the Royal Theater in Copenhagen by A.E. Boye in 1828.[4] Christiania Posten[5] reports a packed house and a tremendous enthusiasm. Romeo (by Wiehe) and Juliet (by Jomfru Svendsen) revealed careful study and ...
— An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud

... titre que voila! Vous me donnez la premiere des places; Quelle famille j'aurais la! Je serais le pere des Graces' [OEuvres de Voltaire, ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XXI. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... Fox, et Hamilton comme les trois plus grands hommes de notre epoque, et si je devais me prononcer entre les trois, je donnerais sans hesiter la premiere place a Hamilton. Il ...
— The Conqueror • Gertrude Franklin Atherton

... premiere fois que je la vis, ce fut a l'eglise",—says Diderot's St. Albin, in recounting the beginning of his infatuation for Sophie. So with Faust and Margaret, and with Schiller's beautiful Greek lady ...
— The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller • Calvin Thomas

... after the dramatic exit of Alfred de Musset, she enjoyed that remarkable period of rest and refreshment with the so long silent, the but recently rediscovered, reported, extinguished, Doctor Pagello. As an old Sandist—not exactly indeed of the premiere heure, but of the fine high noon and golden afternoon of the great career—I had been, though I confess too inactively, curious as to a few points in the topography of the eminent adventure to which I here ...
— Italian Hours • Henry James

... room was occupied by 'a very great swell,' the premiere danseuse of the 'Lyceum'. It contained a superb piano littered with stage properties, dresses, and general odds and ends. The furniture was of splendid quality, and large tinted photographs of prominent French 'professionals,' including an unusually prepossessing ...
— Lights and Shadows of New York Life - or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City • James D. McCabe

... all sang—a song of the Pyrenees mountaineers, then a waltz from the cafes chantants: "Bien gentiment l'on se balade. C'est la premiere promenade—" ...
— Antwerp to Gallipoli - A Year of the War on Many Fronts—and Behind Them • Arthur Ruhl

... 'chipper' pour le livre de Ralph Elles, un personnage de mon roman qui ne parait pas, mais dont on entend beaucoup parler. Pour vous dedommager de mon larcin, je me propose de vous dedier 'Le Lac.' Il y a bien des raisons pour que je desire voir votre nom sur la premiere page d'un livre de moi; la meilleure est, peut-etre, parceque vous etes mon ami depuis 'Les Confessions d'un Jeune Anglais' qui ont paru dans votre jolie Revue Independante; et, depuis cette bienheureuse annee, nous avons cause litterature et musique, combien de fois! Combien ...
— The Lake • George Moore

... mind intently fixed On number One alone— To look to no one's interest, But push along your own, Without the slightest reference To how, or what, or when— Eh bien! c'est la premiere Idee Napoleonienne. ...
— The Humourous Poetry of the English Language • James Parton

... l'Abbaye de St. Wandrille, publiee par la premiere fois, d'apres le Cartulaire de St. Wandrille, de Marcoussis M.S. du XVI. siecle, de la Bibliotheque de Rouen par M.A. Potter."—Revue Retrospective Normande, ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 42, Saturday, August 17, 1850 • Various

... theater it was evident that a premiere was to be given. All the members of the company appeared earlier, dressed and made up more carefully than usual and only Krzykiewicz, as was his custom, paraded about the dressing-room and the stage half-dressed with his rouge pot in ...
— The Comedienne • Wladyslaw Reymont

... Theorie des Sentimens Moraux ne nous empeche point de vous envoyer ce meme ouvrage. Il s'en est meme fallu de peu que je ne fisse encore plus, car j'avois eu peutetre la temerite d'entreprendre une traduction de votre Theorie; mais comme je venois de terminer la premiere partie, j'ai vu paroitre la traduction de M. l'Abbe Blavet, et j'ai ete force de renoncer au plaisir que j'aurois eu de faire passer dans ma langue un des ...
— Life of Adam Smith • John Rae

... the occasion of his writing is some thrill of gratitude towards one who had at last done 'a little justice,' not to himself, but to Manet): Eh bien! on m'accuse, moi, d'imiter Edgar Poe! Savez-vous pourquoi j'ai si patiemment traduit Poe? Parce qu'il me ressemblait. La premiere fois que j'ai ouvert un livre de lui, j'ai vu avec epouvante et ravissement, non seulement des sujets reves par moi, mais des phrases, pensees par moi, et ecrites par lui, vingt ans auparavant. It is in such glimpses as these that we see something ...
— Figures of Several Centuries • Arthur Symons

... (E.). Bibliographie des Ingenieurs, des Architectes, des Chefs d'Usines industrielles, des Eleves des Ecoles polytechniques et professionnelles et des Agriculteurs. Premiere (—Troisieme) ...
— How to Form a Library, 2nd ed • H. B. Wheatley

... precieux bijou a la couronne humanitaire qui ceint votre noble front. En 1860 votre parole sublime sonna en faveur des Rayahs Italiens, et l'Italie n'est plus une expression geographique. Aujourd'hui vous plaidez la cause des Rayahs Turcs, plus malheureux encore. C'est une cause qui vaincra comme la premiere, et Dieu benira vos vieux ans.... Je baise la main a votre precieuse epouse, et suis pour la vie ...
— Lady John Russell • Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell

... could not shake my allegiance to Edward, could have challenged all mankind to win my love; and this wicked, wayward, faithless heart kept silent till you spoke, and then it uttered such a fearful sound! And yet I don't think it was love neither—'l'on n'aime bien qu'une seule fois; c'est la premiere;'—it was rather a sort of an idle, childish, engrossing sentiment, that might have grown to something stronger; but 'tis past now. I have shown you all the weakness of my heart—despise me ...
— Marriage • Susan Edmonstone Ferrier

... a lioness, the celebrated Madame Recamier,[51] and though she is not in her premiere jeunesse, I can easily conceive how she could once dazzle the world. It would be too much to give her credit for superior talents, but her manners were very agreeable tho' rather like all other belles of France who have fallen in my way, somewhat a la languissante. But I am all this while ...
— Before and after Waterloo - Letters from Edward Stanley, sometime Bishop of Norwich (1802;1814;1814) • Edward Stanley

... where is seated M. Cyprien or M. Alexandre, the bookkeeper. In this room the customers are received by a tall and very elegant young lady, invariably dressed in black satin in winter and black silk in summer. Through this soft-spoken person, who bears the title of premiere vendeuse, or first saleswoman, the customers are put into communication either with the great artist himself or simply with one of the premieres, or heads of departments, if their orders are not of sufficient importance to justify an interruption of the great ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885 • Various

... Desha had eyed Garrison somewhat queerly on being first introduced, but he had a poor memory for faces, and was unable to connect the newly discovered nephew of his neighbor and friend with little Billy Garrison, the one-time premiere jockey, whom ...
— Garrison's Finish - A Romance of the Race-Course • W. B. M. Ferguson

... telling you to be of good heart and await my letter. To make my action thoroughly understood I must give you a record of what happened to me from the first day I arrived in America. I found a great interest manifested in my premiere, and socially everything was done to make ...
— The Fifth String, The Conspirators • John Philip Sousa

... premiere fois qu'en mon joyeux bouge Je pris un baiser a ton levre en feu, Quand tu t'en allais decoiffee et rouge, Je restai tout pale ...
— Les Miserables - Complete in Five Volumes • Victor Hugo

... dream of such a thing. You and I, if we have the dregs of any love left in us, if we have the remnants of a passion remaining in our hearts, should husband our resources better. We are not in our premiere jeunesse. The world is a very nice place. Your world, at any rate, is so. You have all manner of fat rectories to get and possible bishoprics to enjoy. Come, confess; on second thoughts you would not sacrifice such things for the ...
— Barchester Towers • Anthony Trollope

... one, the orchestra became a troupe of gayly appareled ballerinas, whirling in splendid abandon, with Mr. Stock as premiere. ...
— The So-called Human Race • Bert Leston Taylor

... Franchi, page 19.—Force et matiere, par le docteur Buechner, page 262.—Paroles de philosophie positive, par Littre, page 36.—La Metaphysique et la Science, par Vacherot, page xiv. (Premiere edition.) ...
— The Heavenly Father - Lectures on Modern Atheism • Ernest Naville

... cricket est un "stunning" jeu. "Stunning" est une autre expression Anglaise qui veut dire qu'une chose est regulairement "a, un," ou de me servir d'argot, "parfaitement de premiere cotelette," et qui "prend le gateau." Pour faire un cote de cricket, il faut onze. Je ne suis pas encore dans notre onze, mais j'espere d'etre la un de ces jours. Mais pour continuer. Il y a le "wicket," une chose ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., August 23, 1890. • Various

... affaires humaines. Je veux seulement que l'egalite en politique consiste a etre egalement libre.—TOCQUEVILLE, 10th September 1856. Mme. Swetchine, i. 455. On peut concevoir une legislation tres simple, lorsqu'on voudra en ecarter tout ce qui est arbitraire, ne consulter que les deux premiere lois de la liberte et de la propriete, et ne point admettre de lois positives qui ne tirent leur raison de ces deux lois souveraines de la justice essentielle et absolue. LETROSNE, Vues sur la Justice Criminelle, 16. Summa enim libertas est, ad optimum recta ratione cogi.—Nemo optat sibi ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... les divins esprits Qui ont sous toy Hebrieu langage apris, Nous sont jettes les Pseaumes en lumiere Clairs, et au sens de la forme premiere. ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli

... she removed the soup plates. In the pantry she permitted herself the luxury of a grin and after she slid the broiled pompano from the grill to the fish plates she let off more steam by a pirouette that a premiere danseuse might ...
— Mary Louise and Josie O'Gorman • Emma Speed Sampson

... cy maintenant dort, Fit plus de pitie que d'envie, Et souffrit mille fois la mort, Avant que de perdre la vie. Passant, ne fais icy de bruit, Et garde bien qu'il ne s'eveille. Car voicy la premiere nuit, ...
— A Little Tour in France • Henry James

... order. He is the two walking-gentlemen friends of Sir Harry Courtly, who welcome the young baronet to London, and discourse about the niggardliness of Harry's old uncle, the Nabob; and the depth of Courtly's passion for Lady Annabel the premiere amoureuse. He is the confidant in white linen to the heroine in white satin. He is "Tom, you rascal," the valet or tiger, more or less impudent and acute—that well-known menial in top-boots and a livery frock with red cuffs and collar, whom Sir Harry always retains in his service, addresses ...
— The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray

... Le plus ancien livre du monde; etude sur le papyrus Prisse. Revue archeologique, premiere serie, xv. anno. Paris, 1857. Contains a discussion of the ...
— The Instruction of Ptah-Hotep and the Instruction of Ke'Gemni - The Oldest Books in the World • Battiscombe G. Gunn

... soit doux, Lorsque vous m'ordonnez de m'eloigner de vous. Quelque ravage affreux qu'etale ici la peste, L'absence aux vrais amans est encore plus funeste; Et d'un si grand peril l'image s'offre en vain, Quand ce peril douteux epargne un mal certain. Act premiere, ...
— The Works of John Dryden, Vol. 6 (of 18) - Limberham; Oedipus; Troilus and Cressida; The Spanish Friar • John Dryden

... ce que disoit Voltaire a l'article de Le Sage, dans la premiere edition du Siecle de ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... les incidences se greffent sur les incidences, poursuivant l'idee jusqu'au bout, et ne la laissant que lorsqu'elle est epuisee, comme le souffle ou l'attention de celui qui lit.... Aussi le plus souvent sa phraseologie est-elle fort complexe, et pour suivre le fil de l'idee premiere, faut-il apporter une attention soutenue. Ce qui est deja une difficulte de lecture dans le texte italien, devient un obstacle tres serieux quand on a a traduire ces interminables phrases en francais moderne, prototype de precision, de clarte, de logique ...
— Dio's Rome, Volume 1 (of 6) • Cassius Dio

... waters, were in charge of the financial part of the enterprise, and theirs was the task of seeing that none of the chapter funds were used, so that no possible criticism could arise. A pretty young actress offered to give a premiere of a comedy which she was about to take on the road, for the benefit of the street, and every one was delighted until they saw a rehearsal. It was one of those estranged-husband-one-cocktail-too-many farces, full of innuendo and profanity. J—— and his partner were ...
— The Smiling Hill-Top - And Other California Sketches • Julia M. Sloane

... Every one fell on it, and three dishes were devoured. We had also alamode beef, cold fowl, a loin of veal, a dessert, and excellent wine. What a charming dinner! No cheer like a good appetite.' Their harmony, however, was disturbed. The 'premiere amoureuse,' who, in spite of her rank and title, was ugly and cross, and required to be coaxed with cups of chocolate, lost her cat. She tried to kill the whole boat-load of beasts—cats, dogs, monkeys, ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece • John Addington Symonds

... Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, Vol. II, p. 136. "On n'en pourra pas douter, si l'on considere qu'une autre cause agit encore en concurrence avec la premiere (heredity): je veux parler de l'esclavage; ... parce que l'empire qu'on exerce fur eux, entretient la vanite ...
— Patrician and Plebeian - Or The Origin and Development of the Social Classes of the Old Dominion • Thomas J. Wertenbaker

... Saint Germains with the king, when the cropheads lorded it here, I could hold my own with the best of your young blades. But even allowing fully for the stiffness of age, I think I can still gauge the strength of an opponent, and I think the boy promises to be of premiere force." ...
— The Cornet of Horse - A Tale of Marlborough's Wars • G. A. Henty

... affaires de l'eglise: et pour l'execution il se servait des diacres et des ministres inferieurs. Le reste du clerge etait distribue dans les titres de la ville et de la campagne, et ne se rassemblait qu'en certaines occasions, d'ou sont venus les synodes. De cette premiere partie de clerge sont venus les chanoines des cathedrales. Il est vrai que du commencement on nommait clercs canoniques, tous ceux qui vivaient selon les canons, sous la conduite de leur eveque; et qui etaient sur le canon ou la matricule de ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 74, March 29, 1851 • Various

... Agyptens unter den Pharaonen. Nach den Denkmahlern bearbeitet, von Dr. Heinrich Brugsch-Bey. Erste deutsche Ausgabe. Leipzig: Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1877. Already the Premiere Partie had appeared in French, "Histoire d'Egypte, Introduction—Histoire des Dynasties i.—xvii.;" published by the same house with a second edition in 1875. An English translation of this most valuable compendium, whose German is of the ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton

... the others could catch their breath, "premiere droite et premiere gauche. Allons, Gaspard!" she cried, tapping the young man sharply on ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... je me trouve, Monsieur, depuis votre depart d'ici, m'a ote le tems de repondre a votre premiere lettre, et me laisse a peine celui de repondre en peu de mots a la seconde. Pour m'en tenir a ce qui presse pour le moment, savoir la recommendation que vous desirez en Corse; puisque vous avez le desir de visiter ces braves insulaires, ...
— Boswell's Correspondence with the Honourable Andrew Erskine, and His Journal of a Tour to Corsica • James Boswell

... l'hiver les brasseries Et par degres l'humble trottoir en theories En attendant les bons messieurs compatissants Capables d'un louis et pas trop repoussants Qutorum ego parva pars erim, me disais-je. Mais toutes, comme la premiere du cortege, Des avant la bougie eteinte et le rideau Tire, n'oubliaient pas ...
— Memoirs of My Dead Life • George Moore

... after a lengthened route to the south-east, land, to which the name of "Premiere Vue" was given, was sighted in 6 degrees 56 minutes S. lat., and 157 degrees 30 minutes long. east ...
— Celebrated Travels and Travellers - Part 2. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century • Jules Verne

... Bishop Hall's "Characters of Virtues and Vices." It is a duodecimo, printed at Paris, of 109 pages, 1610, with this title Characteres de Vertus et de Vices; tires de l'Anglois de M. Josef Hall. In a dedication to the Earl of Salisbury, the translator informs his lordship that "ce livre est la premiere traduction de l'Anglois jamais imprimee en aucun vulgaire"—the first translation from the English ever printed in any modern language! Whether the translator is a bold liar, or an ignorant blunderer, remains to ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... a garrison, troupe flasque, Se rendit si piteusement Apres la premiere bourasque Du ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XI. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... de Hautefort, was born in 1741; he bore the title of Grand d'Espagne through his marriage in 1761 with the Comtesse de Hochenfels de Bavere Grand d'Espagne de la premiere classe. ...
— George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life • E. S. Roscoe and Helen Clergue

... attended upon the men, running through the crowd with a gourd full of wood-ashes, handfuls of which she showered over their heads, powdering them like millers; the object of the operation I could not understand. The "premiere danseuse" was immensely fat; she had passed the bloom of youth, but, "malgre" her unwieldy state, she kept up the pace to the last, quite unconscious of her general appearance, and absorbed with the excitement of ...
— The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile • Sir Samuel White Baker

... mind that I would no longer be a cancre and a cretin, but work hard and do my little best, so that I might keep up with Barty and pass into the troisieme with him, and then into Rhetorique (seconde), and then into Philosophie (premiere)—that we might do our humanities and take our degree together—our "Bachot," which is short for Baccalaureat-es-lettres. Most Especially did I love Monsieur Durosier's class of French Literature—for which Merovee always rang ...
— The Martian • George Du Maurier

... quelques enfans auec vne petite clochette. La premiere fois i'en auois six, puis douze, puis quinze, puis vingt et davantage; ie leur fais dire le Pater, Aue, et Credo, etc. . . . . Nous finissons par le Pater Noster, que i'ay compos quasi en rimes en leur langue, que ie leur ...
— The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century • Francis Parkman

... El P. Jose de Acosta y su importancia en La literatura cientifica espanola (Madrid, 1899); C. Sommervogel, Bibliotheque de La Compagnie de Jesus, Premiere Partie (Brussels and Paris, 1890), vol. i., col. 31-42; and Edward Grimston's translation of the Historia reprinted (1880) for the Hakluyt Society with introduction and notes by Sir Clements R. ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... imperative:—"Cette repulsion qui se developpe chez Manet pour l'art de la tradition," he says, "se manifeste surtout par le mepris qu'il temoigne aux modeles posant dans l'atelier et a l'etude du nu telle qu'elle etait alors conduite. Le culte de l'antique comme on le comprenait dans la premiere moitie du XIXe siecle parmi les peintres avait amene la recherche de modeles speciaux. On leur demandait des formes pleines. Les hommes en particulier devaient avoir une poitrine large et bombee, un torse puissant, des membres muscles. Les individus doues des qualites requises ...
— Six Centuries of Painting • Randall Davies

... the Premiere Communion at La Ferte, and I had promised the Abbe Devigne to go. I couldn't have the auto, as Francis was at a meeting of a Syndicat Agricole in quite another direction. So I took the train (about seven minutes), and I really believe I had the whole train to myself. No one travels ...
— Chateau and Country Life in France • Mary King Waddington

... and his brother from their mother, the Princess Clementina, who devoted herself, during the years of their infancy, to their welfare with unceasing care.—Histoire de Charles Edouard, par Amedee Pichot; tome premiere, p. 265. ...
— Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 - Volume III. • Mrs. Thomson

... Tiele, who had actually been claimed as an ally of the victorious army, declares:—"Je dois m'elever, au nom de la science mythologique et de l'exactitude . . . centre une methode qui ne fait que glisser sur des problemes de premiere importance." (See further on, ...
— Modern Mythology • Andrew Lang

... has the ambition not only of being a courtier and a lover, but a great scholar also; he is anxious about orthography, about the letter e Grecque, the true spelling of Latin names in French writing, and the restoration of the letter i to its primitive liberty—del' i voyelle en sa premiere liberte. His poetry is full of quaint, remote learning. He is just a little pedantic, true always to his own express judgment, that to be natural is not enough for one who in poetry desires to produce work worthy of immortality. And therewithal a certain ...
— The Renaissance - Studies in Art and Poetry • Walter Pater

... independantes de toute theorie; avec l'explication de nouvelles considerations sur la cause generale des dissolutions, sur la matiere du feu; sur la couleur des corps; sur la formation des composes; sur l'origine des mineraux; et sur l'organisation des corps vivants. Lus a la premiere classe de l'Institut national, dans ses seances ordinaires. Paris, an V (1797). 1 vol. 8vo. ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... across the Bight of Benin straight for the Congo. There is plenty of time therefore, to study the system of justice in the Congo. This, like everything else in the country, is essentially simple and practical. There is a Court of Premiere Instance at Boma and others called Territorial Courts at Matadi, Stanley Pool, East Kwango, The Equator, Bangalas, Aruwimi, Stanley Falls and Kassai[1]. In each Court is a Judge, an Officer of the Public Ministry and a Registrar, but in the Territorial ...
— A Journal of a Tour in the Congo Free State • Marcus Dorman

... necklace, and dressed hair) for all the world like European ballet- dancers. When the song was anyway broad these ladies came particularly to the front; and it was singular to see that, after each entry, the premiere danseuse pretended to be overcome by shame, as though led on beyond what she had meant, and her male assistants made a feint of driving her away like one who had disgraced herself. Similar affectations accompany certain truly obscene dances of Samoa, where they are very well in place. ...
— In the South Seas • Robert Louis Stevenson

... a hospital—what the French call an ambulance de premiere ligne, contrived out of a factory. This was the hospital nearest to the trenches in that region, and the wounded come to it direct from the dressing-stations which lie immediately behind the trenches. When a man falls, or men fall, ...
— Over There • Arnold Bennett

... une grande compagnie chez le Baron d'Holbach. Il etait assis a cote du Baron; on parla de la religion naturelle. "Pour les Athees," disait Hume, "je ne crois pas qu'il en existe; je n'en ai jamais vu." "Vous avez ete un peu malheureux," repondit l'autre, "vous voici a table avec dix-sept pour la premiere fois."' It was on the same day that Diderot related this that he said to Romilly, 'Il faut ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 • Boswell, Edited by Birkbeck Hill

... modified utilitarian form of an ancient exogamy. Besides it had certain favorable results, since it protected the girl against the brutality of her kindred until she was of marriageable age, and this fact must have insured its persistence; but the idea that inspired it at first was different. "La premiere union sexuelle impliquant une effusion de sang, a ete interdite, lorsque ce sang etait celui d'une fille du clan verse par le fait d'un homme du clan" (Salomon Reinach, Mythes, cultes, I, 1905, p. 79. Cf. Lang, The Secret of the Totem, London, 1905.) Thence rose the obligation on virgins ...
— The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism • Franz Cumont

... Rio is more poetical. "Comme j'entendais raconter cette legende pour la premiere fois, il me semblait que le tableau reflechissait une partie de la poesie qu'elle renferme. Cet amour d'outre mer mele aux aventures chevaleresques d'une croisade, cette relique precieuse donnee pour dot a une pauvre fille, la devotion des deux epoux pour ce gage revere de ...
— Legends of the Madonna • Mrs. Jameson

... correctness is required. "L'astronomie moderne, en detruisant sans retour les hypotheses primitives, envisagees comme lois reelles du monde, a soigneusement maintenu leur valeur positive et permanente, la propriete de representer commodement les phenomenes quand il s'agit d'une premiere ebauche. Nos ressources a cet egard sont meme bien plus etendues, precisement a cause que nous ne nous faisons aucune illusion sur la realite des hypotheses; ce qui nous permet d'employer sans scrupule, en chaque cas, celle que nous jugeons ...
— A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive • John Stuart Mill

... Votre pays s'honore et se grandit en le comprenant, et sa victoire sera celle de la civilisation autant que la sienne propre. En se separant de vous, nos seuls amis, en ce moment, en abandonnant le Khedive malgre tant d'engagements repetes, les personnages qui nous gouvernent consomment la premiere des consequences qu'il etait dans la logique de leurs idees d'attirer sur nous—l'aneantissement a l'exterieur. Les autres suivront. Nous ferons une fois de plus la triste experience qu'on ne supprime pas impunement de l'ame d'une nation l'idee de sacrifice, de devouement, d'heroisme, pour reduire ...
— The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke V1 • Stephen Gwynn

... Claud in 1598 stated 'qu'elle s'estoit donnee au Diable, lequel auoit lors la semblance d'vn grand homme noir'; Thievenne Paget, from the same district, 'racontoit que le Diable s'apparut a elle la premiere fois en plein midy, en forme d'vn grand homme noir'; and Antide Colas 'disoit, que Satan s'apparut a elle en forme d'vn homme, de grande stature, ayant sa barbe & ses habillemens noirs'.[95] Jeanne d'Abadie, in the Basses-Pyrenees, 1609, 'dit qu'elle y vid le Diable en forme d'homme ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... town. But the concerts were a factor far from constant; and the theatres offered scarcely once a month a play that a person of taste and intelligence cared to sit through. Abroad he had been a valiant first-nighter; but he learned presently that at home the house for a premiere was composed largely of people whose tickets came from the exposition of theatre "paper" throughout the week in their storefronts—it was on Monday evening that they were paid off; and he found himself ...
— With the Procession • Henry B. Fuller

... seen, sir; besides, whenever I examine the beauty of a woman, 'la premiere chose que j'ecarte, ce sont ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... D'APICIUS traduits du latin pour la Premiere fois et commentes par Bertrand Guegan. Paris Rene Bonnel ...
— Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome • Apicius

... constitutions que se donnerent successivement les treize etats, furent precedees de declarations des droits, dont les principes devaient servir de regles aux representans du peuple, soit aux conventions, soit dans les autres exercises de leur pouvoirs. La Virginie fut la premiere a produire une declaration des ...
— The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens • Georg Jellinek

... legislative curiosity. Sieyes distributed France into three political divisions; the commune, the province or department, and the State. Each had its own powers of administration and judicature, arranged in hierarchical order: the first, the municipalities and tribunaux de paix and de premiere instance; the second, the popular prefectures and courts of appeal; the third, the central government and the court of cassation. To fill the functions of the commune, the department, and the State, there were three budgets of notability, ...
— History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814 • F. A. M. Mignet

... reporter of the law against suspects, is prosecuting attorney in the court of cassation; Fouche, whose name tells all, becomes minister of state and Duke of Otranto; nearly all of the survivors of the Convention are made judges of premiere instance or of appeal, revenue-collectors, deputies, prefects, foreign consuls, police commissioners, inspectors of reviews, head-clerks in the post-offices, custom-houses and tax-offices, while, in 1808, among these functionaries, one ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 5 (of 6) - The Modern Regime, Volume 1 (of 2)(Napoleon I.) • Hippolyte A. Taine

... after a premiere, where the audience had applauded her for a whole half hour, and had recalled her eleven times in succession. She had gone away with the poet, in a post-chaise, as was the fashion then; they had crossed the sea, to love each other in that antique island, the daughter of Greece, in that ...
— Maupassant Original Short Stories (180), Complete • Guy de Maupassant

... abeille, dont le corsage brun brillait au soleil comme une armure de vieil or, vint se poser sur une fleur de mauve d'une sombre richesse et bien ouverte sur sa tige touffue. Ce n'etait certainement pas la premiere fois que je voyais un spectacle si commun, mais c'etait la premiere que je le voyais avec une curiosite si affectueuse et si intelligente. Je reconnus qu'il y avait entre l'insecte et la fleur toutes sortes de sympathies et mille rapports ingenieux ...
— Nature Mysticism • J. Edward Mercer

... donc cette espece de montagne qui me persuada la premiere que toutes les montagnes n'avoient pas une meme origine. Le lieu ou j'abjurai mon erreur, etoit un de ces grands chantiers petrifies, qui, par la variete du tortillement, et des zig-zags des fibres du moellon qui le composoit, ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... est compose, a mesure qu'ils s'eloignent de la haute ligne orientale perdent graduellement de leur hauteur et de leur continuite; le plus occidentales ne forment pas, comme la premiere, des chaines de montagnes elevee et non interrompues; ce sont des monticules allonges il est vrai, mais isoles ou qui du moins ne sont unis que ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... which Muratori speaks of as existing in the Church of Vercelli in the seventeenth century. Bock says it is still there, and he quotes an ancient inventory of the treasures of Phillip the Good, of Burgundy, which names a "Riche et ancienne table d'autel de brodeure que on dit que la premiere Emperriez Christienne Fist."[500] The Empress Helena died ...
— Needlework As Art • Marian Alford

... sont charmans!" and I had just made up my mind that she was, at least, a woman of taste, when she approached me with the utmost sang-froid, and cried— "Bon soir, Monsieur ——; je viens d'acheter tous vos livres, et je compte profiter de la premiere occasion ...
— Recollections of Europe • J. Fenimore Cooper

... work was in the press, a book has appeared which I do not hesitate to add to this list, although I have not read it with the attention it deserves—Les Evangiles, par M. Gustave d'Eichthal. Premiere Partie: Examen Critique et Comparatif des Trois Premiers ...
— The Life of Jesus • Ernest Renan

... become one day a sort of Queen Elizabeth. These sentiments were already a little modified before her marriage. But she was particularly determined to be a good and obedient wife; some of her friends were anxious she should not; amongst these Madame de Flahaut must be mentioned en premiere ligne. ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... ceux qui sont d'aussi noble maison qu'eux, on qui les deuancent de beaucoup en age, & sont honorez du degre de Doctorat; quoy qu'ils n'exercent aucune charge publique; Et bien plus, ils leur doiuent d'abord remettre la premiere place qu'il leur auoient defere, & en suitte auec modestie, receuoir cest honneur comme ...
— George Washington's Rules of Civility - Traced to their Sources and Restored by Moncure D. Conway • Moncure D. Conway

... represented the reformed churches at the conference of Poissy on the demand of Catherine de' Medici, and in conformity with the advice of Admiral de Coligny." [La Reformation en France pendant sa premiere periode, by Henri Luttheroth, pp. 127-132.] It is clear that the movement of the Reformation in the sixteenth century was one of those spontaneous and powerful movements which have their source and derive their strength from the ...
— A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times - Volume IV. of VI. • Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot

... Valois, mort le 6 Avril, 1386: Isabelle de Melun, son epouse: Isabelle d'Artois, leur fille, dans la chapelle de Saint Denys, sous une belle table de marbre noir, qui sert de table d'autel: Charles d'Artois, Comte d'Eu, sous l'autel de la chapelle de Saint Laurent: Jeanne de Saveuse, sa premiere femme: Helene de Melun, sa seconde femme, dans la chapelle de Saint Antoine, dite aujourd'hui de Saint Crepin: le Coeur de Catherine de Cleves, Comtesse d'Eu, au bas du Sanctuaire, sous une magnifique colonne de marbre noir: N.... de Bourbon, dit le Duc d'Aumale, fils ...
— Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman

... premiere page de la Bible, on a coutume de nos jours de disserter, a perte de vue, sur l'accord du recit mosaique avec les sciences naturelles; et comme celles-ci tout eloignees qu'elles sont encore de la perfection absolue, ont ...
— Mr. Gladstone and Genesis - Essay #5 from "Science and Hebrew Tradition" • Thomas Henry Huxley

... best was the Theatre Francais. We hadn't a box there, but as so many of our friends had, we went very often. Tuesday was the fashionable night and the Salle was almost as interesting as the stage, particularly if it happened to be a premiere, and all the critics and journalists were there. Sarah Bernhardt and Croizette were both playing those first years. They were great rivals and it was interesting to see them in the same play, both such fine ...
— My First Years As A Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 • Mary King Waddington

... things. The airiness of her indifference might have deceived a child of eight, provided that its intellect was not de premiere force. ...
— From One Generation to Another • Henry Seton Merriman

... was written by Henry Brooke in 1739 and immediately banned. Its American premiere was in ...
— Alonzo and Melissa - The Unfeeling Father • Daniel Jackson, Jr.

... was given its premiere at Laura Keene's Theatre, New York, on February 28, 1857, for the benefit of the Shirt Sewers' Union; and was the second offering of a double bill beginning with "Faust and Marguerite." Though the critiques of the time recognized in it a "nice little play," they ...
— Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: Love in '76 - An Incident of the Revolution • Oliver Bell Bunce

Words linked to "Premiere" :   premier, public presentation, performing arts, perform, first

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