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Quod  n.  A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; hence, a prison. (Slang) "Flogged or whipped in quod."

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"Quod" Quotes from Famous Books

... quid quid debet judicare. Deligens igitur inquisitor et subtilis investigator sapienter quasi astute interrogat a peccatore quod ignorat, ...
— The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional • Father Chiniquy

... exegi, quod nec Jovis ira, nec ignis, Nec poterit ferrum, nec edax abolere vetustas. [For I have raised a work which neither the rage of Jupiter, Nor fire, nor iron, nor ...
— Hudibras • Samuel Butler

... sweet as the dews of Hymettus, that bore daily witness of human brotherhood. I remember, too, the victory which I gained over my own depraved nature. I saw my neighbor prosper in everything he undertook. Nihil tetigit quod non crevit. Fertility found in his soil its congenial home, and spanned it with rainbow hues. Every day I walked by his garden and saw it putting on its strength, its beautiful garments. I had not even the small satisfaction of reflecting that amid all his splendid success his life was cold and ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 9, No. 55, May, 1862 • Various

... ROBERTUS, de Licio. Opus quadragesimale quod de poenitentia dictum est. Venetiis, Wendelinus de Spira, 20 ...
— Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collection of Early Books in the Library of Yale University • Anonymous

... incendiary: ardentia verba. My son, you were suggesting a dangerous thing. Your life would scarcely satisfy the law were you convicted of insinuating such treason. What if one of your prowling guards had overheard you? Your neck and mine might feel the halter. Quod avertat dominus." He crossed himself and in a ...
— Alice of Old Vincennes • Maurice Thompson

... expetendam censemus, ut quoque modo trahenda sit. Quisquis es talis, aeque moriere, etiam cum obscoenus vixeris, aut nefandus. Quapropter hoc primum quisque in remediis animi sui habeat: ex omnibus bonis, quae homini tribuit natura, nullum melius esse tempestiva morte: idque in ea optimum, quod illam sibi quisque praestare poterit." He also says: "Ne Deum quidem posse omnia. Namque nec sibi potest mortem consciscere, si velit, quod homini dedit optimum in taniis ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... of the public, if I had been apprehensive that they would think I had studied to no purpose? [Footnote: This sentence in the original runs thus;—Quid erat cur probarem (i.e. scripta nostra), nisi quod parum fortasse profeceram?—"Wherefore did I approve of them," (that is, of my writings, so far as to make them public) "but because I had," (in my own opinion) "made a progress, though perhaps a small one, in useful literature?" This, at least, ...
— Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker. • Marcus Tullius Cicero

... of the family. Nobody likes his friends to be talked about. So I'd settle the matter amicably, were I you. Just let the fellow go his way; he won't return here again in a hurry, I'll be bound. As to clapping him in quod, he might prattle—turn stag." ...
— Rookwood • William Harrison Ainsworth

... the Soul, book II, chapter II, is translated thusly by Casaubon: Anima quaedam perfectio et actus ac ratio est quod potentiam habet ...
— Romans — Volume 3: Micromegas • Voltaire

... origine gessit, qua via per fluctus vlla pattre potest, Siue decus laudmque secuta, vt & hostibus alas demeret, atque suis lta pararet opes: Hoc opus Hakluyti; cui debet patria multum, cui multum, patri quisquis amicus erit Qui re nmque magis se nostra Britannta iactat, qum quod sit prter ctera classe potens? Quam prius obsessam tenebris sic liberat, vt nunc quisque sciat qum sit nobile classis opus. Quam si Ddalic vtemur surgemus in altum, sin autem Icaric, quod voret, ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries - of the English Nation, v. 1, Northern Europe • Richard Hakluyt

... whiche cause hee came with armed men, not to hurte any that was quiet, but according to the authoritie of his office to bridle and represse those, that were troublers of the publique state. "Wherefore goe Seargeant (quod he) make roume emonges the multitude, that the maister may enioye his seruante." Which wordes he thundered out with great furie, and therewithall the multitude gaue place, leauing the poore Puselle to be a praye to the ennemy. Her father ...
— The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 • William Painter

... of the same Party laugh with one another, when they consider the absurd and ridiculous Opinions they profess, and how they cheat and govern their Followers; agreeably to what Cicero reports of Cato[54], "Vetus autem illud Catonis admodum scitum est, qui mirari se aiebat, quod non ...
— A Discourse Concerning Ridicule and Irony in Writing (1729) • Anthony Collins

... God to the Hielandman, 'Quhair wilt thou now?' 'I will down to the Lowlands, Lord, and there steal a cow.' 'Ffy,' quod St. Peter, 'thou wilt never do weel, 'An thou, but new made, so sane gaffs to steal.' 'Umff,' quod the Hielandman, and swore by yon kirk, 'So long as I may geir get to steal, will I ...
— The History of England from the Accession of James II. - Volume 3 (of 5) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... de Patre (Zoroastris) conveniunt, sic inter omnes convenit Matris ejus nomen fuisse Doghdu, quod (liquescente gh ut in vocibus Anglicis, high, mighty, &c.) apud eos plerumque sonat Dodu; nam sonus Gain in medio vocum fere evanescere solet. Hocque nomen innuit quasi foecundidate ea similis esset ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 44, Saturday, August 31, 1850 • Various

... Domnicellus, diminutivum a Domnus. Gloss. antiqu MSS.: Heriles, Domini minores, quod possumus aliter dicere Domnicelli, Ugutio: Domicelli et Domicellas dicuntur, quando pulchri juvenes magnatum sunt sicut servientes. Sic porro primitus appellabant magnatum, atque ...
— Early English Meals and Manners • Various

... face. "Jim," says she timidly, and cowering close to him the while, "if you was took, and shopped, like him in the long boots, I'd go to quod with you, if they'd give me leave—I'd go to death with you, Jim, I would. I'd never forsake you, I wouldn't. I couldn't, dear,—not if ...
— M. or N. "Similia similibus curantur." • G.J. Whyte-Melville

... sua, Et rapiet ad se, quod erit commune omnium, Stulte nudabit animi conscientiam Huic excusatum me velim nihilominus Neque enim notare singulos mens est mihi, Verum ipsam ...
— Impressions of Theophrastus Such • George Eliot

... quum Præses decet abire, Die ultimo fecit omne quod posset imaginire. Appointet ambasciatores et post-magistros, Consules et alios, per ...
— The Breitmann Ballads • Charles G. Leland

... catch your man, then cook the evidence.' If you're on the spot you're guilty because you're there, and if you're elsewhere you're guilty because you have gone away. Oh, I know them! If they could have seen their way to clap me in quod, they'd ha' done it. Lucky I know the number of the cabman who took me to ...
— The Big Bow Mystery • I. Zangwill

... that wretches call it fleming or not, his argument is, "You are not a wretch." Speght's derivation seems to mean, "Quod stultos vertit." Fleamas, A.-S. (Lye), is fuga, fugacio, from flean, to flee. Pandarus, I think, does not mean to give the derivation of the word, but its application of ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 37. Saturday, July 13, 1850 • Various

... observandum statuta, privilegia, consuetudines et libertates istius Universitatis. Item quod quum admissi fueritis in domum Congregationis et in domum Convocationis, in iisdem bene et fideliter, ad honorem et profectum Universitatis, vos geretis. Et specialiter quod in negotiis quae ad gratias et gradus spectant non impedietis dignos, nec indignos promovebitis. ...
— The Oxford Degree Ceremony • Joseph Wells

... multa regia fuerunt. Why yes, amputating heads was in those parts a very regal act. But what he chiefly had in his eye, comes out immediately after. Speaking to Clodius, he says that the visit of this king was so bright, maxime quod tibi nullum ...
— The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. II (2 vols) • Thomas De Quincey

... I read it in your own book that you had lost your eyesight. For, if anything occurred to me that might seem to look that way, I referred to the mind [Note this sentence: the Latin is "Nam, si quid forte se dabat quod eo spectare videretur, ad animum referebam"] ... Could I then upbraid you with blindness who did not know that you were blind,—with personal deformity who believed you even good-looking, chiefly in consequence of having seen the rather neat ...
— The Life of John Milton, Volume 5 (of 7), 1654-1660 • David Masson

... the secretary, "but the general opinion is that thou wert the leader of th' gang, and we shall have rare hard job to get thee off, whatever happens to the rest. Still, we think none the worse of thee, lad, and if thou hast got to go to quod, thou shalt have a rare big home-coming when thou comes out. We'll have bands of music and a big feed, and all that ...
— The Day of Judgment • Joseph Hocking

... shuts up the people from all manner of rebellion. Whereby it is evident, even by his own doctrine, that, since they may in some cases resist, all resisting of princes is not rebellion. His words are these. Quod siquis dicat, Ergone populus tyrannicae crudelitati & furori jugulum semper praebebit? Ergone multitude civitates suas fame, ferro, & flamma vastari, seque, conjuges, & liberos fortunae ludibrio & tyranni libidini exponi, inque omnia vitae pericula omnesque ...
— Two Treatises of Government • John Locke

... which the storms of twenty centuries have beaten in vain. Looking at the state of the Roman Empire when Cicero died, who would not declare its doom? But it did "retrick its beams," not so much by the hand of one man, Augustus, as by the force of the concrete power collected within it—"Quod non imber edax non aquilo impotens Possit diruere."[208] Cicero with patriotic gallantry thought that even yet there might be a chance for the old Republic—thought that by his eloquence, by his vehemence ...
— The Life of Cicero - Volume II. • Anthony Trollope

... well by Seneca (Ep. lvii. i. 20, Ed. Ruhkopf): "Corpora nostra rapiuntur fluminum more, quidquid vides currit cum tempore; nihil ex his quae videmus manet. Ego ipse dum loquor mutari ista, mutatus sum. Hoc est quod ait Heraclitus 'In idem flumen bis non descendimus.' Manet idem fluminis nomen, aqua transmissa est. Hoc in amne manifestius est quam in homine, sed nos quoque non ...
— Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays • Thomas H. Huxley

... comes puellis. Nee tamen credi potest Esse Amorem feriatum, si sagittas vexerit. 30 Ite, nymphae, posuit arma, feriatus est Amor; Jussus est inermis ire, nudus ire jussus est, Neu quid arcu, neu sagitta, neu quid igne Iaederet; Sed tamen nymphse cavete, quod Cupido pulcher est; Est in armis totus idem ...
— The Vigil of Venus and Other Poems by "Q" • Q

... pecunie sufficere non poterunt vel de nova Custuma nostra Burgorum nostrorum de Edenburg et de Hadington Si firme nostre et Custuma nostra ville Berwici aliquo casu contingente ad hoc forte non sufficiant. Ita quod dicta summa pecunie Centum Librarum eis annuatim integre et absque contradictione aliqua plenarie persolvatur pre cunctis aliis quibuscunque assignacionibus per nos factis seu faciendis ad inveniendum in perpetunm singulis diebus ...
— The Monastery • Sir Walter Scott

... met with the unanimous approval of the Peers. [Lords' Journals, Vol. I. p. 71. Omnes proceres tam spirituales quam temporales una voce dicebant, quod non consentaneum fuit aliquem procerum praedictorum alicui in eo loco responsurum.] The demand for explanation was treated as a breach of privilege, and the bishop was allowed to remain silent. But the time was passed for conduct of this kind to be allowed to triumph. If the ...
— History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. Vol. II. • James Anthony Froude

... III.39: Vain is our glory)—Ver. 12. "Nisi utile est quod facimus, stulta est gloria." This line is said to have been found copied on a marble stone, as part of a sepulchral inscription, at Alba Julia or ...
— The Fables of Phdrus - Literally translated into English prose with notes • Phaedrus

... to that of the poet, "Invidus suspirat, gemit, incutitque dentes, Sudat frigidus, intuens quod odit." ...
— Every Man Out Of His Humour • Ben Jonson

... canvases presenting the apotheosis of Julius Caesar, which were then to be seen in the not far distant Mantua. Have we here another pictorial commentary, like the famous Cristo detta Moneta, with which we shall have to deal presently, on the "Quod est Caesaris Caesari, quod est Dei Deo," which was the favourite device of Alfonso of Ferrara and the legend round his gold coins? The whole question is interesting, and deserves more careful consideration than can be accorded to it on ...
— The Earlier Work of Titian • Claude Phillips

... concerned, I knew it by theory; for, unknown to the doctor, and because he had forbidden it, I had read Meursius, but it was natural that he should be amazed at my being able to write verses, when he, who had taught me prosody, never could compose a single line. 'Nemo dat quod non habet' is a false axiom when applied ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... because it has happened that we have received a keener pleasure from her singing to the harp? 'Si genus sit probo et sapienti viro hand indignum, et si poema sit in suo genere perfectum, satis est. Quod si hoc auctor idem altioribus numeris et carmini diviniori ipsum per se divinum superaddiderit, mehercule satis est, et plusquam satis'. [2] I cannot, however, but wish that the answer of Jesus to Satan in the ...
— Literary Remains (1) • Coleridge

... Pectus est quod facit theologum. The heart makes the theologian. Every race, every civilization, either has a new revelation of its own or a new interpretation of an old one. Democratic America, has a different humanity from feudal Europe, and so must have a new divinity. See, for one moment, how intelligence reacts ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... territas? Quod si tu nolis, siliusque etiam tuus Vobis invitis, atq amborum ingratiis, Una libella liber ...
— An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Particularly the African • Thomas Clarkson

... firmam illam et immotam Tertulliani regulam "Id verius quod prius, id prius quod ab initio." Quo propius ad veritatis fontem accedimus, eo purior decurrit Catholicae ...
— The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels • John Burgon

... acerbitatis adversus Monachum, qui ejus vitae insidiatus erat. Ibi & alteram Comoediam edidit fabulam Gallicam, plenam candidi salis; in qua forensia sophismata praecipue taxat. Hanc narrabat hac occasione scriptam & actam esse. Cum alteram de Monacho scipsisset, fama sparsa est de agenda Comoedia, quod illo tempore inusitatum erat. Dalburgius lecta, illius Monachi insectatione, dissuasit editionem & actionem, quod eodem tempore & apud Philipum Palatinum Franciscanus erat Capellus, propter potentiam & malas artes invisus nobilibus & sapientibus viris in aula. Intellexit periculum Capnio ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 6. Saturday, December 8, 1849 • Various

... to Norrie. "We're not good enough to be axed. It was a bit of all right w'en we 'elped 'im out of quod, but now 'e's a bloomin' toff we're ...
— The Stowaway Girl • Louis Tracy

... that the Britons, after having sent him a submissive message to Gaul, perhaps to prevent his invasion, still pretended to fight for their liberties, and to oppose his descent on their island. [Footnote: Caesar questus, quod quum ultro in continentem legatis missis pacem a se petissent, bellum ...
— An Essay on the History of Civil Society, Eighth Edition • Adam Ferguson, L.L.D.

... servitio nobis impenso et pro quod interfuit in conflictu de Arkenholme in occisione et captione nostrorum rebellium quondam Archibaldi et Hugonis de Douglas olim comitum Moraviae et de Ormond et aliorum rebellium nostrorum in eorum comitiva ...
— Minstrelsy of the Scottish border (3rd ed) (1 of 3) • Walter Scott

... ale And beer that is stale Rosa-solis and damnable hum, But we will rack In the praise of sack 'Gainst Omne quod exit in um. ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn - Volume V • Aphra Behn

... "For we will all hang or 'go to quod' together, if there's a break once that we begin. We had better start when I get her next letter, for Mattie is to write me to the Jersey Arms and then telegraph there, too, from Southampton. I'll ...
— A Fascinating Traitor • Richard Henry Savage

... non debere, ne quod colitur vel adoratur, in parietibus pingatur—Pictures ought not to be in the churches, nor should any that are reverenced or adored be painted upon the walls." So say the canons of the Council ...
— Mexico and its Religion • Robert A. Wilson

... Littera.quinosti.lege.casum.et.d(ice querelam.) Multi.sarcophagum.dicunt.quod.con(tinet ossa:) Set.conclusa.decens.apibus.domus.ist(a profanis:) Onefas.indignum.jacet.hic.praeclara(puella.) Hoc.plusquam.dolor.est.rapta.est.s(uavissima conjux.) Pervixit.virgo.vbi.jam.natura.placebat. Vixit.enim.ann.xvii.et.menses viii.diesque ...
— In Troubadour-Land - A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc • S. Baring-Gould

... diversis gentibus unam, Profuit iniustis te dominante capi. Dumque offers victis proprii consortia iuris, Urbem fecisti quod prius orbis erat.' ...
— Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce

... gave up everything I had to her. I'm a beggar because I would marry her. By Jove, sir, I've pawned my own watch to get her anything she fancied. And she,—she's been making a purse for herself all the time, and grudged me a hundred pounds to get me out of quod!" His friend alleges that the wife may be innocent after all. "It may be so," Rawdon exclaimed sadly; "but this don't look very innocent!" And he showed the captain the thousand-pound note which he had found in ...
— Thackeray • Anthony Trollope

... erit eloquens qui poterit parva summisse, modica temperate, magna graviter dicere.... Qui ad id quodcunque decebit poterit accommodare orationem. Quod quum statuerit, tum, ut quidque erit dicendum, ita dicet, nec satura jejune, nec grandia minute, nec item contra, sed erit rebus ipsis par ...
— On the Art of Writing - Lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge 1913-1914 • Arthur Quiller-Couch

... incolimus, atque exire potuissent; cum repente terram et maria coelumque, vidissent; nubium magnitudinem ventorumque vim, cognovissent; aspexissentque solem, ejusque tum magnitudinem, pulchritudinemque; tum etiam efficientiam cognovissent, quod is diem efficeret, toto coelo luce diffusa; cum autem terras nox opacasset, tum coelum totum cernerent astris distinctum et ornatum, lunaeque luminum varietatem tum crescentis tum senescentis, corumque omnium ...
— The Uses of Astronomy - An Oration Delivered at Albany on the 28th of July, 1856 • Edward Everett

... devastated other parts of Italy. This chapel Gaudenzio decorated with frescoes that have now disappeared, but whose former existence is recorded in an inscription placed in 1793, when the chapel was restored. The inscription runs: "Quod populus a peste denfensori erigebat an MDXXVI Gaudentius Ferrarius patritius ...
— Ex Voto • Samuel Butler

... doctrine of the Church, it may, nevertheless, mean the essential truths held in all Christian Churches, in all ages and times; in short, according to the ancient formula—that which has been believed always, by all persons, and everywhere—"quod semper, quod ab omnibus, ...
— Orthodoxy: Its Truths And Errors • James Freeman Clarke

... et quam ob rem venerim dicam simulque ipse eloquar nomen meum. Iovis iussu venio, nomen Mercurio est mihi. pater huc me misit ad vos oratum meus, 20 tam etsi, pro imperio vobis quod dictum foret, scibat facturos, quippe qui intellexerat vereri vos se et metuere, ...
— Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi • Plautus Titus Maccius

... hic sepultus est roges, Ille, qui nec meruit, unqua—Nec quod majus est, habuit Inimicum; Qui potuit in aula vivere, et mundum spernere Concionator educatus inter principes, Et ipse facile princeps inter concionatores, Evangelista indefessus, Episcopus pientissimus; ...
— Microcosmography - or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters • John Earle

... "Amen! amen! Quod fiat fiatur! Seigny John, the fool of Paris, could enlighten you as well as I could as to what the women at Versailles may decide to do," replied Bigot in ...
— The Golden Dog - Le Chien d'Or • William Kirby

... the firste boke of all maner sores the whyche fallen moste commune and withe the grace of gode I will writte the ij Boke the whyche ys cleped the Antitodarie Explicit quod scripcit ...
— Old English Libraries, The Making, Collection, and Use of Books • Ernest A. Savage

... “Illustrations of the lives of Gower and Chaucer,” by H. J. Todd, F.S.A., 1810, shows the anelace hanging from a button on the breast of his surcoat. It was usually worn at the girdle, except in the case of ecclesiastics. M. Paris mentions Petrus de Rivallis as “gestans anelacium ad lumbare, quod clericum non decebat.” The present writer possesses what he believes is an anelace, which was found among the ruins of a cottage on the Kirkstead Abbey estate some 25 years ago. He exhibited it at a meeting in London of the Archæological Institute, in ...
— Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood - Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter • J. Conway Walter

... are indubitably among the most important and interesting parts of the human body; they are the organs by means of which we obtain our knowledge of objects in the surrounding world. Nihil est in intellectu quod non prius fuerit in sensu. They are the first sources of the life of the soul. There is no other part of the body in which we discover such elaborate anatomical structures, co-operating with a definite ...
— The Evolution of Man, V.2 • Ernst Haeckel

... inerte senecta; Quae tandem obrepsit, veterique satellite caecum Orbavit dominum: prisci sed gratia facti Ne tola intereat, longos deleta per annos, Exiguum hunc Irus tumulum de cespite fecit, Etsi inopis, non ingratae, munuscula dextrae; Carmine signavitque brevi, dominumque canemque Quod memoret, ...
— The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, Volume 2 • Charles Lamb

... Berlinguandus, and a rabble of others; and herein he spent more than eighteen years and eleven months, and was so well versed in it that, to try masteries in school disputes with his condisciples, he would recite it by heart backwards, and did sometimes prove on his finger-ends to his mother, quod de modis significandi non erat scientia. Then did he read to him the compost for knowing the age of the moon, the seasons of the year, and tides of the sea, on which he spent sixteen years and two months, and that justly at the time that his said preceptor died of the ...
— Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete. • Francois Rabelais

... There must unquestionably be some mental initiative which is the motive and guide to all philosophical inquiry. We must have some well-grounded conviction, some a priori belief, some pre-cognition "ad intentionem ejus quod quaeritur,"[564] which determines the direction of our thinking. The mind does not go to work aimlessly; it asks a specific question; it demands the "whence" and the "why" of that which is. Neither does it go to work unfurnished with any guiding principles. That which impels the mind to ...
— Christianity and Greek Philosophy • Benjamin Franklin Cocker

... something that would have been abject in the nature of these expressions, had it not been Roman in the excess of the adulation. But there is courage in the letter, too, when he tells his correspondent what he believes to have been the cause of the coldness of which he complains: "Quod verere ne cujus animum offenderes"—"Because you fear lest you should give offence to some one." But let me tell you, he goes on to say, that my Consulship has been of such a nature that you, Scipio, as you are, must ...
— Life of Cicero - Volume One • Anthony Trollope

... removed, even according to the text, 'Auferte malum ex vobis'. For various and heinous are the acts of transgression against the rule of our blessed Order in this lamentable history.—1st, He hath walked according to his proper will, contrary to capital 33, 'Quod nullus juxta propriam voluntatem incedat'.—2d, He hath held communication with an excommunicated person, capital 57, 'Ut fratres non participent cum excommunicatis', and therefore hath a portion in 'Anathema Maranatha'.—3d, He hath conversed with strange women, contrary to the ...
— Ivanhoe - A Romance • Walter Scott

... carried on; for they drained the river towards its mouth, and formed some vast canals, called Fossae Philistinae. Pliny, speaking of the entrance into the Eridanus, says, [171]Inde ostia plana, Carbonaria, ac fossiones Philistinae, quod alii Tartarum vocant: omnia ex Philistinae fossae abundatione nascentia. These canals were, undoubtedly the work of the Canaanites, and particularly of some of the Caphtorim, who came from Philistim: and hence these outlets of the ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.) • Jacob Bryant

... Rom. vederetur, jam primum ornata gemmis ingentibus, ita at ornamentorum onere laboraret. Fertur enim mulier fortissima saepissime restitisse, quum diceret se gemmorum onera ferre non posse. Vincti erant preterea pedes auro, manus etiam catenis aureis; nec collo aureum vinculum deerat, quod scurra Persicus praeferebat. Huic ab Aureliano vivere concessum est. Ferturque vixisse cum liberis, matronae jam more Romanae, data sibi possessione in Tiburti quae hodieque Zenobia dicitur, non longe ab Adriani palatio, atque ab eo loco cui nomen est Conche."—Hist. Aug. Lugd. Batav. ...
— Zenobia - or, The Fall of Palmyra • William Ware

... Chartilari seu Feudorum jure et Ingenuorum immunitate. Volumus etiam ac firmiter praecipimus et concedimus ut omnes LIBERI HOMINES totius Monarchiae regni nostri praedicti habeant et teneant terras suas et possessiones suas bene et in pace, liberi ab omni, exactione iniusta et ab omni Tallagio: Ita quod nihil ab eis exigatur vel capiatur nisi servicium suum liberum quod de iure nobis facere debent et facere tenentur et prout statutum est eis et illis a nobis datum et concessum iure haereditario imperpetuum per commune consilium totius regni ...
— Landholding In England • Joseph Fisher

... about to be given, it will be observed that That is never used, whether it correspond to the quod or the ut of the Latin. Nee eme vitzn, nap hibe, I see that you are lax; Nee aguteran, Domincotze amo misa ea vitzaca, I know that you have not heard mass Sunday; where vitzaca or vitzcauh is passive perfect, and the literal rendering is, ...
— Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language - Shea's Library Of American Linguistics. Volume III. • Buckingham Smith

... curious:—"Canenti defixi exardent oculi, sudores manant, frontis venae contumescunt, et quod mirum est, eruditae aures, tanquam alienae et intentae, omnem impetum ...
— Literary Character of Men of Genius - Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions • Isaac D'Israeli

... the ghosts that have ever appeared on the stage, a very learned and judicious foreign critick gives the preference to this of our author. These are his words speaking of this tragedy—"Nec quidquam in illa admirabilius quam phasma quoddam horrendum, quod omnibus abis spectris quibuscum scatet Angelorum tragoedia longe (pace D—ysn V Doctiss dixerim) ...
— Miscellanies, Volume 2 (from Works, Volume 12) • Henry Fielding

... after and swet a drop, Through Goddis help and my counsail, Soon he shall be fresh and hail.' The sooth to say, at wordes few, Slain and sodden was the heathen shrew. Before the king it was forth brought: Quod his men, 'Lord, we have pork sought; Eates and sups of the brewis SOOTE,[Sweet] Thorough grace of God it shall be your boot.' Before King Richard carff a knight, He ate faster than he carve might. The king ate the flesh and GNEW [Gnawed] the bones, And drank well after for ...
— The Talisman • Sir Walter Scott

... "Say, Chief, I don't know what you're thinking about. Do you think you could make a deal with Felix Marchand? Not much. You've got the cinch on him. You could send him to quod, and I'd send him there as quick as lightning. I'd hang him, if I could, for what he done to Lil Sarnia. Years ago when he was a boy he offered me a gold watch for a mare I had. The watch looked as right as could be— solid ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... tractatulum sufficienter inconcinnum lingua vernacula perfeceram. Inde, juveniliter tumefactus, et barathro ineptiae [Greek: ton bibliopolon] (necnon 'Publici Legentis') nusquam explorato, me composuisse quod quasi placentas praefervidas (ut sic dicam) homines ingurgitarent credidi. Sed, quum huic et alio bibliopolae MSS. mea submisissem et nihil solidius responsione valde negativa in Musaeum meum retulissem, horror ingens ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... forth good wine and strong, In cella quod est optimum! We brethren will our sport ...
— Wine, Women, and Song - Mediaeval Latin Students' songs; Now first translated into English verse • Various

... si quis predictorum ullo tempore in fortiam dicti communis pervenerit, talis perveniens igne comburatur, sic quod moriatur." Second sentence of Florence against Dante, and the fourteen accused with him. The Latin is worthy of the sentence. [The decree (March 11, 1302) that he and his associates in exile should be burned, if they fell into the ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 • Lord Byron

... the maritime league, then the foreign powers will see that the administration does not intend to humbug them, but that he, the President, will only preserve intact the fullest exercise of sovereignty, and, as said the Roman legist, he, the President, "nil sibi postulat quod non aliis tribuit." And so he, the President, will only execute the laws of his country, and not any arbitrary measure, to say with the Roman Emperor, "Leges etiam in ipsa arma imperium habere volumus." Warned ...
— Diary from March 4, 1861, to November 12, 1862 • Adam Gurowski

... appearance; but there is some strange bond between us; we seem to have shared experience together, somehow and somewhere; he is interesting, whether he speaks or is silent, whether he agrees or disagrees. We feel that in some secret region he is congenial. Est mihi nescio quid quod me tibi temperat astrum, says the old Latin poet—"There is something, I know not what, which yokes our fortunes, yours and mine." Sometimes indeed we are mistaken, and the momentary nearness fades and grows cold. ...
— At Large • Arthur Christopher Benson

... vocibus humanis, instrumentisque harmonicis musicam illam avium: non quod alia quoque non delectaretur: sed quod ex musica humana relinqueretur in animo continens quaedam, attentionemque et somnum conturbans agitatio; dum ascensus, exscensus, tenores, ac mutationes illae sonorum, et consonantiarum euntque, ...
— The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2 • Gilbert White

... in quod, boss," replied the digger; "I guess that's the whole gang, s'far's Tresco's evidence ...
— The Tale of Timber Town • Alfred Grace

... est valde misticum et myrificum opus, quod majores mei ex Armorica, scilicet Britannia Minore, secum convehebant; et et quidam sanctus clericus semper patri meo in manu ferebat quod penitus illud destrueret, affirmans quod esset ab ipso Sathana conflatum prestigiosa et dyabolica ...
— She • H. Rider Haggard

... this chapel, and in 1350 the Fabric Rolls contain a reference to the glazing of the windows and the better securing of them with nine bars of iron. In accordance with a clause in his will, "Corpus vero meum volo quod sepeliatur extra ostium occidentale Ecclesiae Exon. ita celeriter sicut fieri poterit," his remains were placed under the low arch in the east of the chapel. Here they lay for many years, but in the later years of Elizabeth, apparently without creating any public indignation, ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Exeter - A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See • Percy Addleshaw

... greatly offended; and I told Him, I think with a cheerful heart and a spirit of humility, what the high priest Eli said when Samuel declared to him from God what was to happen to him: 'Dominus est: quod bonum est in oculis suis faciat.' But since the will of our Lord does not reject a contrite and humble heart, and since He both abases and exalts, He gave me to know that the greatest favour He could grant me was to give me a share in the trials which He deigned ...
— The Makers of Canada: Bishop Laval • A. Leblond de Brumath

... convincing as a geometrical demonstration but a speaker can try to make his reasoning so sound, his development so cogent, his delivery so convincing, that at the end of his speech, he can exclaim triumphantly, "Quod erat demonstrandum." ...
— Public Speaking • Clarence Stratton

... erit.' 'Item erit si quis hamsokne qua; dicitur invasio domus contra pacem domini regis in domo sua se defenderit, et invasor occisus fuerit; impersecutus et inultus ramanebit, si ille quem invasit aliter se defendere non potuit; dicitur enim quod non est dignus habere pacem qui non vult observare earn.' L.3. c.23. Sec. 3. 'Qui latronetn Occident, non tenetur, nocturnum vel diurnnm, si aliter periculum evadere non possit; tenetur ta-men, si possit. Item non tenetur si per inforlunium, ...
— Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson - Volume I • Thomas Jefferson

... musae. Primum quod magnis doceo de rebus; et arctis Religionum animos nodis exsolvere ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... possible moment, during the whole of which intervening period he had an imaginary twenty thousand locked up in his desk: and was not this well worth all the money? Who would scruple to give twenty pounds interest for even the ideal enjoyment of as many thousands during two or three months? "Crede quod habes, et habes"; and the usufruct of such a capital is sorely not dear at such a price. Some years ago, a gentleman, in passing along Cheapside, saw the figures 1,069, of which number he was the sole ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864 - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various

... past times, however perfect, can have the same vivid effect on the youthful mind, as the productions of contemporary genius. The discipline, my mind had undergone, Ne falleretur rotundo sono et versuum cursu, cincinnis, et floribus; sed ut inspiceret quidnam subesset, quae, sedes, quod firmamentum, quis fundus verbis; an figures essent mera ornatura et orationis fucus; vel sanguinis e materiae ipsius corde effluentis rubor quidam nativus et incalescentia genuina;—removed all obstacles to the appreciation of excellence in style without diminishing ...
— Biographia Literaria • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... identified. List. and G.-V. rapae—turnips—from rapus, seldom rapa,—a rape, turnip, navew. Tac. and Tor. Lapae (lapathum), kind of sorrel, monk's rhubarb, dock. Tor. explaining at length: conditura Rumicis quod lapathon Graeci, Latini ...
— Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome • Apicius

... enslaved by the popular religion,—they have invariably started with the principle (following in this respect the example of the theologians) that that is infallibly true which has been admitted by all persons, in all places, and at all times—quod ab omnibus, quod ubique, quod semper; as if a general but spontaneous opinion was any thing more than an indication of the truth. Let us not be deceived: the opinion of all nations may serve to authenticate the perception of a ...
— What is Property? - An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government • P. J. Proudhon

... and, as he referred to St. Ignatius in proof that he himself was a true Catholic, in spite of being separated from Rome, so he triumphantly referred to the Treatise of Vincentius of Lerins upon the "Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus," in proof that the controversialists of Rome were separated in their creed from ...
— Apologia pro Vita Sua • John Henry Newman

... that the Accrington Town Council will read, mark, learn this epistle and lay these precepts to their hearts, which in Latin I will quote: 'Quod Hoc Sibi Vult.' It means that the exposed food stuffs will not only be impregnated with the volcanic like dust representing the cremated remnant of the town's horrible organic refuse, but will also be tainted with the ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, May 27, 1914 • Various

... say right, venerable doctor: and, nascitur ex eo, quod per conjugium duae personae ...
— Epicoene - Or, The Silent Woman • Ben Jonson

... above: 'Cum processiones divinas secundum aliquas actiones necesse est accipere, secundum bonitatem, et hujusmodi alia attributa, non accipiuntur aliae processiones, nisi Verbi et amoris, secundum quod Deus suam essentiam, veritatem et bonitatem intelligit et amat' (Q. xxvii. Art. 5). The source of the doctrine is to be found in St. Augustine, who habitually speaks of the Holy Spirit as Amor; but, when he refers to the 'Imago Trinitatia' in man ...
— Philosophy and Religion - Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge • Hastings Rashdall

... voluminum sacrorum gnarus, responsum quod dederat aliquamdiu meditatus, mente ad se revocata regem deuno est effatus: Parabo tibi aliud sacrum, genitale, prolis masculae adipiscendae gratia, cum carminibus in ATHARVANIS exordio expressis rite peragendum. ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... you may depend upon it, my solution's right. A hardened villain, like myself, say, would never have got into such a scrape, but Quelch don't know enough of the world to keep himself out of mischief. They've got him in quod, that's clear, and the best thing you can do is to send the coin and get ...
— Stories by English Authors: England • Various

... tesseris. Si illud, quod maxime opus est facto non cadit. Illud quod cecedit forte, id arte ut ...
— Chess History and Reminiscences • H. E. Bird

... omnia vegetabilia inter se connexa sint, terraetractur quos teneant, in aerem atmosphaericum quae sit eorum vis ostendit, saxa atque rupes quibus potissimum algarum primordiis radicibusque destruantur docet, et quo pacto in telluris superficie humus nascatur, commemorat. Est itaque quod differat inter Geognosiam et Physiographiam, 'historia naturalis' perperam nuncupatam quum Zoognosia, Phytognosia, et Oryctognosia, quae quidem omnes in naturae investigatione versantur, non nisi singulorum animalium, plantarum, rerum metallicarum vel (venia sit verbo) fossilium formas, ...
— COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 • Alexander von Humboldt

... Florentino, qui quod in teneris annis ad Ioannem Medicem ducem plures victorias retulit et signifer fuit, facile documentum dedit quantae fortitudinis et consilii vir futurus erat, ni crudelis fati archibuso transfossus, quinto aetatis lustro ...
— The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini • Benvenuto Cellini

... I got work at, It wus by the job, But if I hed my chance agen, I'd rayther go to quod. ...
— A Cotswold Village • J. Arthur Gibbs

... beside the grave; 'A sign, a sign!' quod he. 'Mary Mother who rulest heaven, Send me a sign if I be forgiven By the woman who ...
— Andromeda and Other Poems • Charles Kingsley

... totus quam respicit orbis, Celsior una malis, et quam damnare ruinae Nunc quoque fata timent, alieno in littore resto. Tertius annus abit; toties mutavimus hostem. Saevit hiems pelago, morbisque furentibus aestas; Et nimium est quod fecit Iber crudelior armis. In nos orta lues: nullum est sine funere funus; Nec perimit mors una semel. Fortuna, quid haeres? Qua mercede tenes mixtos in sanguine manes? Quis tumulos moriens hos occupet hoste perempto Quaeritur, et sterili ...
— The Life of the Truly Eminent and Learned Hugo Grotius • Jean Levesque de Burigny

... sive de jure quod Batavis competit ad Indicana commercia dissertatio, contained in his De Jure Belli et ...
— Influences of Geographic Environment - On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography • Ellen Churchill Semple

... here. Ye are the oldest man that I can espie in all this companye, so that, if any man can tell any cause of it, ye of likelihode can say most in it, or at leastwise more than any man here assembled.'—'Yea, forsooth, good master,' quod this olde man, 'for I am wellnigh an hundreth years olde, and no man here in this companye anything neare unto mine age.'—'Well, then,' quod Maister More, 'how say you in this matter? What think ye to be the cause of these shelfs and flattes that stop up Sandwich Haven?'—'Forsooth, ...
— England, Picturesque and Descriptive - A Reminiscence of Foreign Travel • Joel Cook

... plundering on his own account. 'Materia munificentiae per bella et raptus. Nec arare terram, aut expectare annum, tam facile persuaseris, quam vocare hostes et vulnera mereri; pigrum quinimmo et iners videtur sudore acquirere, quod possis sanguine parare.' 'War and rapine supply the prince with the means of his munificence. You cannot persuade the German to cultivate the fields and wait patiently for the harvest so easily as you can to challenge the enemy, and ...
— Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official • William Sleeman

... wol precilen us somewhat.' 'Nay by my father's soule! that schal he nat,' Sayde the Schipman, 'here schal he not preche, We schal no gospel glosen here ne teche. We leven all in the gret God,' quod he. He wolden sowen some ...
— Middlemarch • George Eliot

... assemblage of qualities which equally attract love and veneration; to him alone belong in perfection those rare traits which the Roman historian, with affectionate flattery, attributes too absolutely to the merely mortal object of his eulogy: 'Nec illi, quod est rarissimum aut facilitas auctoritatem, aut severitas amorem, deminuit.' Still more beautiful is the Apostles description of superiority to all Human failings, with ineffable pity for human sorrows: 'He can be touched with the feelings ...
— Reason and Faith; Their Claims and Conflicts • Henry Rogers

... larem nostrum, Desideratoque acquiescimus lecto; Hoc est, quod unum est, pro laborious tantis. O quid solutis ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 1 • Horace Walpole

... Gratum est, quod patriae civem populoque dedisti, Si facis, ut patriae sit idoneus, utilis agris, Utilis et bellorum et pacis rebus agendis. Plurimum enim intererit, quibus artibus, et quibus hunc tu Moribus ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, In Nine Volumes - Volume the Third: The Rambler, Vol. II • Samuel Johnson

... sands of St. Valery, by groves of aspen, and glades of poplar, whose grace and gladness seem to spring in every stately avenue instinct with the image of the just man's life,—"Erit tanquam lignum quod ...
— Our Fathers Have Told Us - Part I. The Bible of Amiens • John Ruskin

... quod moschi odorem referat, propter dulcedinem, for the sweetnesse and smell it resembles muske," &c. Minsheu's Guide into Tongues (apud ...
— A Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. II • Various

... which Plato gives to all the objections that might be raised against the community of women, established in his imaginary commonwealth, is, [Greek quotation here]. Scite enim istud et dicitur et dicetur, Id quod utile sit honestum esse, quod autem inutile sit turpe esse. [De Rep lib v p 457 ex edit Ser]. And this maxim will admit of no doubt, where public utility is concerned, which is Plato's meaning. And indeed to what other purpose do all the ideas of chastity and modesty ...
— An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals • David Hume

... usual by the subdeacon, another subdeacon (Uditore di Rota) wearing a white tonacella or tunic announces at the foot of the throne the joyful tidings to His Holiness[124] by chanting aloud; "Pater sancte, annuntio vobis gaudium magnum, quod est, Alleluja": having then kissed the Pope's foot he returns into the sacristy. This word of joy[125] Alleluja, (praise God) which had not been once uttered during the long season of mourning which preceded this solemnity, is now sung thrice by the ...
— The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome • Charles Michael Baggs

... ut rus venias quod cupio tuo frui sodalitio tum quia tua frequentia haud parvam ferat consolationem parentibus natu grandioribus, persuasum habeto alii qui potentiores sunt et pluribus abundant divitiis plura in te conferant beneficia sed nemo libentiori et ...
— A History of Giggleswick School - From its Foundation 1499 to 1912 • Edward Allen Bell

... nisi materna Vulcanum parte potentem, Sentiet. Aeternum est, a me quod traxit, et expers Atque immune neois, nullaque domabile flamma Idque ego defunctum terra coelestibus oris Accipiam, cunctisque meum laetabile ...
— Woman in the Ninteenth Century - and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition - and Duties, of Woman. • Margaret Fuller Ossoli

... his errand: the coach was called and came. Mrs. Walker slipped into it with her basket, and the page went downstairs to his companions in the kitchen, and said, "It's a-comin'! master's in quod, and missus has gone out to pawn the plate." When the cook went out that day, she somehow had by mistake placed in her basket a dozen of table-knives and a plated egg-stand. When the lady's-maid took a walk in the course of the afternoon, she found she had ...
— Men's Wives • William Makepeace Thackeray

... way home the lieutenant discoursed a lot about prisoners and detention-camps, for at one time he had been on duty at Ruhleben. Peter, who had been in quod more than once in his life, was deeply interested and kept on questioning him. Among other things he told us was that they often put bogus prisoners among the rest, who acted as spies. If any plot to escape was hatched these fellows got into it ...
— Greenmantle • John Buchan

... suspicioso ac difficillimo tempore, sive citius, sive aliquanto tardius, in medio cursu abreptum iri. Quapropter ignarus quid de me futurum sit, quum Dei permissu in carceres et vincula forte detrudendus sim, ad omnem eventum scriptum hoc condidi: quod ut legere, et ex eo causam meam cognoscere velitis, etiam atque etiam rogo. Fiet enim, ut hac re non parvo labore liberemini, dum quod multis ambagibus inquirere vos audio, id totem aperta confessione libere expromo. Atque ut rem omnem, quo melius et intelligi, et memoria comprehendi ...
— Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name • Edmund Campion

... hyed I me to Belynsgate; And one cryed 'hoo, go we hence!' I prayd a barge man for God's sake, That he wold spare me my expence. 'Thou scapst not here,' quod he, 'under 2 pence, I lyst not yet bestow my almes dede;' Thus lacking mony I ...
— Dickens' London • Francis Miltoun

... landlord. He had bought the lease of the house which she rented; he had got her name and her son's to acceptances, and a bill of sale which made him master of the luckless widow's furniture. The young Brixham was a clerk in an insurance office, and Morgan could put him into what he called quod any day. Mrs. Brixham was a clergyman's widow, and Mr. Morgan, after performing his duties on the first floor, had a pleasure in making the old lady fetch him his bootjack and his slippers. She was his slave. The little black ...
— The History of Pendennis • William Makepeace Thackeray

... but for myself I try never to forget the words of Columella, with which a great German scholar began one of his most difficult investigations: "In universa vita pretiosissimum est intellegere quemque nescire se quod nesciat."[22] ...
— The Religious Experience of the Roman People - From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus • W. Warde Fowler

... receptis mandatis errata. Vt deinceps similes errores non eueniant precamur. Ista emendes, et caetera Serenissimae regiae Maiestatis negocia, vti decet vestrae conditionis hominem, melius cures. Nam vnicuique suo officio strenue est laborandum vt debito tramite omnia succedant: quod spero te ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of - The English Nation, Vol. 11 • Richard Hakluyt

... are examples of corrections being adopted: P. 6. Latin ed. "Quod abunde probabitur in principio libri secundi." For the last word subsequentis is substituted, and the English has following. P. 35. "Hippolitus" is added to the authorities in the MS.; and in the English, p. 36., "Anastasius Sinaiti, S. Gaudentius, Q. ...
— Notes & Queries 1850.02.09 • Various

... haven't any reason to like each other, but he's bigger than I am. I won't hit him." Then he hardened his voice. "But I'll remind you, Clark, that personally I don't give a God-damn whether you swing or not. Also that I can keep my mouth shut, walk out of here, and have you in quod in the next hour, if ...
— The Breaking Point • Mary Roberts Rinehart

... to you. Attack, suppress, and all the rest of it. We're goin' to do what we say, all the same!' And then I'd do it. And what'd come of it? Either the U.P. would go beyond the limits of the Law—and then I'd jump on it, suppress its papers, and clap it into quod—or it'd take it lyin' down. Whichever 'appened it'd be all up with the U. P. I'd a broke its chain off my neck for good. But I ain't the Gover'ment, an Gover'ment's got tender feet. I ask you, sir, wot's the good of havin' a Constitooshion, ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... popularization is extended even farther. Aelfric explains[10] that he has abbreviated both the Homilies[11] and the Lives of the Saints,[12] again of deliberate purpose, as appears in his preface to the latter: "Hoc sciendum etiam quod prolixiores passiones breuiamus verbis non adeo sensu, ne fastidiosis ingeratur tedium si tanta prolixitas erit in propria lingua ...
— Early Theories of Translation • Flora Ross Amos

... modo atque in oculis civium magnus, sed intus domique praestantior. Qui sermo! quae praecepta! quanta notitia antiquitatis! quae scientia juris! Omnia memoria tenebat, non domestica solum, sed etiam externa bella. Cujus sermone ita tunc cupide tenebar, quasi jam divinarem, id quod evenit, illo exstincto fore unde discerem neminem" ...
— The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Vol. 2 • Stephen Gwynn

... lovingly with their children it does not at all follow that they can instruct them wisely. Or is it to have faith in what the wisest men of all ages have found peace in believing? The Catholic phrase, "quod semper quod ubique quod omnibus"—"that which has been believed at all times, in all places, and by all men"—has indeed a fine rolling sound, but where is the dogma that satisfies its requirements? Or is it, such and such really good and wise men with ...
— Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development • Francis Galton

... munere a clarissimo illo statu nunc dignissime fungatur. Gratulatur amplissimus Senatus negotiationis ab Excellentia vestra peractae felicem successum, ut et tanti viri in suam civitatem adventum. Quod si apud se in sua civitate aliquid sit Excellentiae vestrae acceptu dignum, illud quicquid sit offerre in ...
— A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke

... hereafter by the said Trustees to be had and obtained, notwithstanding the not writing or misrecital, not naming or misnaming the aforesaid offices, franchises, privileges, immunities, or other the premises or any of them, and notwithstanding a writ of ad quod damnum hath not issued forth to enquire of the premises or any of them before the ensealing hereof, any statute, act, ordinance or proviso, or any other matter or thing ...
— The History of Dartmouth College • Baxter Perry Smith

... dixit, mentis praesaga futurae, Heu, puer infelix! nostro sub sidere natus; Nam tu pectus eris sine corpore, corporis umbra; Sed levitate umbram superabis, voce cicadam: Musca femur, palmas tibi mus dedit, ardea crura. Corpore sed tenui tibi quod natura negavit, Hoc animi dotes supplebunt; teque docente, Nec longum tempus, surget tibi docta juventus, Artibus egregiis animas instructa novellas. Grex hinc Paeonius venit, ecce, salutifer orbi; Ast, illi causas orant: his insula visa est Divinam capiti ...
— Poems (Volume II.) • Jonathan Swift

... material alterations were made. Chief among the latter are the following: In Article 5 the words, "ubi et quando visum est Deo," are omitted. In the 10th Article the rejection of the Reformed doctrine is deleted, and the following is substituted for the article proper: "De coena Domini docent, quod cum pane et vino vere exhibeantur corpus et sanguis Christi vescentibus in Coena Domini." (C. R. 26, 357.) The following sentences have also given offense: "Et cum hoc modo consolamur nos promissione seu Evangelio et erigimus nos fide, certo consequimur remissionem peccatorum, ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... quod non accepi a Domino? Largitur etiam ut quae largitus est sua iterum fiant, bono eorum usu; ut quemadmodum nec officiis hujus mundi, nec loci in quo me posuit dignitati, nec servis, nec egenis, in toto hujus anni curriculo mihi conscius ...
— Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions - Together with Death's Duel • John Donne

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