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Rebate   Listen
Rebate  v. t.  To cut a rebate in. See Rabbet, v.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Rebate" Quotes from Famous Books

... gird he would his course rebate, Straite would he take him to a statlie gate; Plaie while him list, and thrust he neare so hard, Poore pacient Grissill lyeth at ...
— The Choise of Valentines - Or the Merie Ballad of Nash His Dildo • Thomas Nash

... else, we must strive to keep the highways of commerce open to all on equal terms; and to do this it is necessary to put a complete stop to all rebates. Whether the shipper or the railroad is to blame makes no difference; the rebate must be stopped, the abuses of the private car and private terminal-track and side-track systems must be stopped, and the legislation of the Fifty-eighth Congress which declares it to be unlawful for any person or corporation ...
— Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to the Present • Various

... of the tobacco consumed in the three kingdoms, but that in that year the first Liberal Government which was in power for a generation put down a profitable industry for which the turfy soil of the country was particularly well adapted. With the help of a shilling rebate it is being shown, on an experimental area, that tobacco can be grown successfully in Ireland. At present the Treasury has refused to allow any extension of the area under cultivation, and it remains ...
— Ireland and the Home Rule Movement • Michael F. J. McDonnell

... price than what is just, for the reason that he pays for the goods before they can be delivered, it is likewise a sin of usury; because again this anticipated payment of money has the character of a loan, the price of which is the rebate on the just price of the goods sold. On the other hand, if a man wishes to allow a rebate on the just price in order that he may have his money sooner, he is not guilty of the sin of usury.'[1] If, however, ...
— An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching • George O'Brien

... conscience, so they never quarrelled. If the Ryder interests needed anything in the Senate, Roberts and his followers were there to attend to it. Just now the cohort was marshalled in defence of the railroads against the attacks of the new Rebate bill. In fact, Ryder managed to keep the Senate busy all the time. When, on the other hand, the senators wanted anything—and they often did—Ryder saw that they got it, lower rates for this one, a fat job for ...
— The Lion and The Mouse - A Story Of American Life • Charles Klein

... new sword will he the maid await; For well he knew against the enchanted blade As soft as paste would prove all mail and plate; For never any steel its fury stayed; And heavily with hammer, to rebate Its edge, as well he on this faulchion layed. So armed, Rogero in the lists appeared, When the first dawn ...
— Orlando Furioso • Lodovico Ariosto

Words linked to "Rebate" :   rabbet, refund, rent-rebate, discount, channel, bring together, rusticate, cut, groove

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