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Redan   Listen
Redan  n.  (Written sometimes redent and redens)  
(Fort.) A work having two parapets whose faces unite so as to form a salient angle toward the enemy.
A step or vertical offset in a wall on uneven ground, to keep the parts level.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Redan" Quotes from Famous Books

... frise[Fr]; abatis, abattis[obs3], abbatis[obs3]; vallum[obs3], circumvallation[obs3], battlement, rampart, scarp; escarp[obs3], counter-scarp; glacis, casemate[obs3]; vallation[obs3], vanfos[obs3]. buttress, abutment; shore &c. (support) 215. breastwork, banquette, curtain, mantlet[obs3], bastion, redan[obs3], ravelin[obs3]; vauntmure[obs3]; advance work, horn work, outwork; barbacan[obs3], barbican; redoubt; fort-elage[Fr], fort-alice; lines. loophole, machicolation[obs3]; sally port. hold, stronghold, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... February: Givenchy sector. March: Souchez sector. April: " " May: " " June: Carency sector. July: Somme and Battle of Delville Wood. August: Somme, in support. September: Hebuterne sector. October: Redan. November: Battle of Beaumont Hamel. December: ...
— The 23rd (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers (First Sportsman's) - A Record of its Services in the Great War, 1914-1919 • Fred W. Ward

... of Breed's Hill the skilled engineer quickly ran the lines of that world-famous redoubt in which our immortal freemen inflicted a technical defeat upon Britain's bravest soldiers. It was planned and constructed with a redan facing Charlestown which protected the south side of the hill, and was only about eight rods square, continued by a breastwork on its eastern side, from which it was separated by a sallyport protected in front by a "blind," with a passage-way opening rearward ...
— "Old Put" The Patriot • Frederick A. Ober

... at Vienna had touched the national pride. The State visit in the spring to the English Court of the Emperor Napoleon, and his determination not to withdraw his troops from the Crimea until some decisive victory was won, had rekindled its enthusiasm. The repulse at the Redan, the death of Lord Raglan, and the vainglorious boast of Prince Gortschakoff, who declared 'that the hour was at hand when the pride of the enemies of Russia would be lowered, and their armies swept from our soil like chaff ...
— Lord John Russell • Stuart J. Reid

... summit (which is called the Redan Ridge), for all its two hundred yards, is blown into pits and craters from twenty to fifty feet deep, and sometimes fifty yards long. These pits and ponds in rainy weather fill up with water, which ...
— The Old Front Line • John Masefield

... Des Sarts dated back to 1883. I speak of it in the past tense, because the Germans had put it in that tense. As a fort, or as anything resembling a fort, it had ceased to be, absolutely. The inner works of it—the redan and the underground barracks, and the magazines, and all—were built after the style .followed by military engineers back in 1883, having revetments faced up with brick and stone; but only a little while ago—in the summer of 1913, to be exact—the job of inclosing the original ...
— Paths of Glory - Impressions of War Written At and Near the Front • Irvin S. Cobb

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