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Redtop   Listen
Redtop  n.  (Bot.) A kind of grass (Agrostis vulgaris) highly valued in the United States for pasturage and hay for cattle; called also English grass, and in some localities herd's grass. The tall redtop is Triodia seslerioides.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Redtop" Quotes from Famous Books

... kinds of pasture and meadow grasses. In New England, timothy, red clover, and redtop are generally used for the mowing crop. For permanent pasture, in addition to those mentioned, there should be added white clover and either Kentucky or Canadian blue grass. In the Southern states a good meadow or pasture can be made of orchard grass, red clover, and ...
— Agriculture for Beginners - Revised Edition • Charles William Burkett

... straw-plaiting. A Connecticut girl, Miss Sophia Woodhouse, was given a prize for "leghorn hats" which she had plaited; and she took out a patent in 1821 for a new material for bonnets. It was the stalks, above the upper joint, of spear-grass and redtop grass growing so profusely in Weathersfield. From this she had a national reputation, and a prize of twenty guineas was given her the same year by the London Society of Arts. The wife of President John Quincy Adams ...
— Home Life in Colonial Days • Alice Morse Earle

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