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Religieux, Religieuse  n.  A person bound by monastic vows; a nun; a monk.

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"Religieux" Quotes from Famous Books

... to an international inquiry, conducted by Frederic Charpin, for the Mercure de France, formulated in the question, Assistons-nous a une dissolution ou a une evolution de l'idee religieuse et du sentiment religieux? Bergson wrote: "I feel quite unable to foretell what the external manifestation of the religious sense may be in time to come. I can only say that it does not seem to me likely to be disintegrated. Only that which is made up of parts can be disintegrated. ...
— Bergson and His Philosophy • J. Alexander Gunn

... s' etait montre bienveillant pour les Jesuites, encore que les parlemens et tous ceux qui tenoient, a la magistrature ressentoient plus de prevention contre ces religieux que les Hugonots eux-memes.... Henri IV. fit abattre la pyramide qui avait ete elevee en memoire de l' attentat de Jean Chatel contre lui, parce que l' inscription qu' elle portait inculpait les Jesuites d'avoir excite a cet assassinat.—Sismondi: Histoire des Francais. See ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... of the recovered Alkestis deserves to be quoted: "Hercule apprend a Admete qu'il lui est interdit d'entendre sa voix avant qu'elle soit purifiee de sa consecration aux Divinites infernales. J'aime mieux voir dans cette reserve un scrupule religieux du poete laissant a la morte sa dignite d'Ombre. Alceste a ete nitiee aux profonds mysteres de la mort; elle a vu l'invisible, elle a entendu l'ineffable; toute parole sortie de ses levres serait une divulgation sacrilege. Ce silence mysterieux ...
— Robert Browning • Edward Dowden

... getting rid altogether of this sort of tender connexion, he hinted to the new confessor that, however innocent it might be, it was attended with perpetual danger, which the lady herself acknowledged, and, warm with "all the motions of grace," had declared her intention to turn "Religieuse;" and that Caussin ought to dispose the king's mind to see the wisdom of the resolution. It happened, however, that Caussin considered that this lady, whose zeal for the happiness of the people ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli

... exterior manner of living (the motives of which they did not know) led them to suppose that her disposition was frivolous and volatile; and they refused to admit her. But it was not there Almighty God intended her to become a religieuse, and their refusal did not lessen her esteem for the austerities practised by them, and on which she modelled her own penances for the remainder of her life. Neither did a first refusal discourage her; on the contrary, she redoubled her prayers to learn ...
— The Life of Venerable Sister Margaret Bourgeois • Anon.

... and bit consideringly at the end of her pen. Then she added: "If you have any influence with Duff Lindsay, it may be news to you that you can exert it with advantage to keep him from marrying a cheap ethereal little religieuse of the Salvation Army named Filbert. It may seem more fitting that you should expostulate with her, but ...
— The Path of a Star • Mrs. Everard Cotes (AKA Sara Jeannette Duncan)

... the idea of Progress at this epoch may be further illustrated by E. Pelletan's Profession de foi du dix-neuvieme siecle, 1852 (4th ed., 1857), where Progress is described as the general law of the universe; and by Jean Reynaud's Philosophie religieuse: Terre et ciel (3rd ed., 1858), a religious but not orthodox book, which acclaims the "sovran principle of perfectibility" (cp. p. 138). I may refer also to the rhetorical pages of E. Vacherot on the Doctrine du progres, printed (as part of an essay ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... chose his words carefully, "tell me, I suppose that tales like those which Diderot gives in his foolish volume 'La Religieuse' are incorrect?" ...
— En Route • J.-K. (Joris-Karl) Huysmans

... p. 94, and Sale's note, which refers to the authority of Jallaloddin and Al Beidawi. D'Herbelot declares, that Mahomet condemned la vie religieuse; and that the first swarms of fakirs, dervises, &c., did not appear till after the year 300 of the Hegira, ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 5 • Edward Gibbon

... the desire of the Princess Anula to become a nun. Women could receive ordination only from ordained nuns and as these were not to be found on the island it was decided to ask Asoka to send a branch of the sacred tree and also Mahinda's sister Sanghamitta, a religieuse of eminence. The mission was successful. A branch from the Bo-tree was detached, conveyed by Asoka to the coast with much ceremony and received in Ceylon by Tissa with equal respect. The princess accompanied it. The Bo-tree was planted in the Meghavana garden. It may still be seen and attracts ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Charles Eliot

... vos lecteurs je ferai remarquer que le Dictionnaire Genealogique renferme, a l'article Giffard, certaines erreurs. Ainsi, Francoise qui commence l'article est la meme que Marie Francoise qui le termine; elle se fit religieuse a l'Hotel-Dieu. L'epouse de Jean Juchereau de la Ferte fut Marie nee en France, puisque son contrat de mariage en 1645 la dite "agee de 17 ans environ" ce qui reporte sa naissance vers 1628. Charles assiste et signe un contrat. Ce n'est ...
— Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine

... Duval, the eminent Syriac scholar, has been publishing in the Journal Asiatique a history of the city of Edessa under the title: "Histoire religieuse et litteraire d'Edesse jusqu' la premire Croisade", (Jour. As. t. 18, No. 1 to t. 19, No. 1). This monograph has been crowned by the French Academy. It includes a considerable amount of information concerning the monuments of the city, especially those belonging ...
— The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1 • Various

... Mr. Key," returned the religieuse gently, "but to a well-known man—a man of affairs in the country where this unhappy child's brother lives—a friend who seems to be sent by Heaven to find out this brother for us, and speed this news to him. We come to the old pupil of Father Cipriano, a friend of the Holy Church; to the ...
— In a Hollow of the Hills • Bret Harte

... Austin Friars^, Black Friars, White Friars, Gray Friars, Crossed Friars, Crutched Friars; Bonhomme [Fr.], Carthusian, Benedictine^, Cistercian, Trappist, Cluniac, Premonstatensian, Maturine; Templar, Hospitaler; Bernardine^, Lorettine, pillarist^, stylite^. abbess, prioress, canoness^; religieuse [Fr.], nun, novice, postulant. [Under the Jewish dispensation] prophet, priest, high priest, Levite; Rabbi, Rabbin, Rebbe; scribe. [Mohammedan etc.] mullah, muezzin, ayatollah; ulema, imaum^, imam, sheik; sufi; kahin^, kassis^; mufti, hadji, dervish; fakir, faquir^; brahmin^, guru, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... "A religieuse and a blue stocking!" and the smile of Lavergne was accompanied by a doubtful shrug. "I might devote myself to either, if apart, but never to both in one. Is she then ugly that she ...
— The Bondwoman • Marah Ellis Ryan

... confreres confreres Groeninger Groninger Jesus Jesus l'Eglise l'Eglise reaewakening reawakening Refutation Refutation Religieuse Religieuse religieuse religieuse Remusat Remusat Reville Reville Revue Revue Secretan Secretan Theologie ...
— History of Rationalism Embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology • John F. Hurst

... kind which has been brought forward in public congresses on psychology was that which was considered during the Premier Congres International de Pedologie, Bruxelles, aout, 1911: Quelques observations sur le developpement de l'emotion morale et religieuse chez un enfant, Ghidionescu, Doct. en Philosophie (Bucharest). The child who was the subject of observation had received no religious education whatever. One day he was seen to burst into a sudden fit of weeping, for ...
— Spontaneous Activity in Education • Maria Montessori

... Religieuse, Politique et Litte/raire de la Compagnie de Je/sus', vol. iii., cap. v., p. ...
— A Vanished Arcadia, • R. B. Cunninghame Graham

... Le Plaisant, n'est connu que comme l'auteur d'un petit poeme tautogramme, genre de composition qui ne peut offrir que le frivole merite de la difficulte vaincue. Ne a Saint Trond, au pays de Liege, il fit ses etudes a Bois-le-Duc, dans l'ecole des Hieronomytes; embrassa la vie religieuse, au commencement du seizieme siecle, dans l'ordre des Dominicains, et fut envoye a Louvain pour y faire son cours de theologie. Les autres circonstances de sa vie sont ignorees; et ce n'est que par conjecture qu'on place sa mort a l'annee 1548. On peut consulter sur cet ecrivain, la ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 190, June 18, 1853 • Various

... souls in purgatory; and one of their number remained day and night in prayer before the images of the Holy Family. The bishop came to encourage them; and his prayers and his chants were so fervent that they thought their last hour was come. [Footnote: Recit d'une Religieuse Ursuline, in Les Ursulines ...
— Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV • Francis Parkman

... unresisting, to a chair. I looked at them. The difference in their ages was not so great. Both had suffered cruelly; one had seen the world, the other had not, and yet the contrast lay not here. Both had followed the gospel of helpfulness to others, but one as a religieuse, innocent of the sin around her, though poignant of the sorrow it caused. The other, knowing evil with an insight that went far beyond intuition, ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... Black Friars, White Friars, Gray Friars, Crossed Friars, Crutched Friars; Bonhomme[Fr], Carthusian, Benedictine[obs3], Cistercian, Trappist, Cluniac, Premonstatensian, Maturine; Templar, Hospitaler; Bernardine[obs3], Lorettine, pillarist[obs3], stylite[obs3]. abbess, prioress, canoness[obs3]; religieuse[Fr], nun, novice, postulant. [Under the Jewish dispensation] prophet, priest, high priest, Levite; Rabbi, Rabbin, Rebbe; scribe. [Mohammedan &c.] mullah, muezzin, ayatollah; ulema, imaum[obs3], imam, sheik; sufi; kahin[obs3], ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

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