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Ren   Listen
Ren  v. t. & v. i.  See Renne. (Obs.)

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"Ren" Quotes from Famous Books

... made a good beginning in Sanskrit, knew the name of every idol in the temple of the 3,333 images in Kioto, had twice visited the sacred shrine of the Capital, and had uttered the prayer "Namu mi[o] ho ren ge ki[o]," ("Glory be to the sacred lotus of the law"), counting it on his rosary, five hundred thousand times. For sanctity and learning he had no peer among the young neophytes ...
— Japanese Fairy World - Stories from the Wonder-Lore of Japan • William Elliot Griffis

... Ta-ren'tum on the mainland, and Messina and Syr'a-cuse on the Island of Sicily, were now the principal colonies. They were all very rich and prosperous, so Alcibiades told the Athenians that it would be a good plan to send out a fleet to ...
— The Story of the Greeks • H. A. Guerber

... Walter, Renaissance (ren'e-sans), Richard, the Lionhearted, Roads, Roman, Roanoke, Roman Empire, size, origin, Roman type, Romans, language, see Latin, early, contact with Greeks, wars in Italy, early manner of living, war with Carthage, ...
— Introductory American History • Henry Eldridge Bourne and Elbert Jay Benton

... Geisterreich verloren! Wo immer Deine lichte Wohnung sey, Zum hoeh'ren Schaffen bist Du neugeboren, Und singest dort die voll're Litanei. Von jenem Streben das Du auserkoren, Vom reinsten Aether, drin Du athmest frei, O neige Dich zu gnaedigem Erwiedern Des letzten Wiederhalls ...
— Faust • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

... when the intercom came to life and Dr. Nale's voice pleasantly asked for a name two-thirds of the way down on the list of forty names—Ren Gravenard, spaceman/2d cls. ...
— Unthinkable • Roger Phillips Graham

... & Ren.] Oh, thou unkind one! Have I deserved this from you? Look on me, tell me, speak, thou dear deceiver, Why am I separated from thy love? If I am false, accuse me; but if true, Don't, pr'ythee don't, ...
— Venice Preserved - A Tragedy in Five Acts • Thomas Otway

... happy as slaves because we had the best of kere (care). I don't believe none of us was sold off because I never heard tell of it. I have always served nice folks an' never 'sociated with any other kind. I brought up Mis ——'s chil'ren an' now she gives me a life intrust in this place I lives in. I hav'nt never to say really wanted for anything. I hav'nt never bothered with wimmen, an' had ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, North Carolina Narratives, Part 2 • Works Projects Administration

... thyn hornes olde eek by the morwe, Whan hennes rood my righte lady dere, That cause is of my torment and my sorwe; For whiche, O brighte Lucina the clere, 655 For love of god, ren faste aboute thy spere! For whan thyn hornes newe ginne springe, Than shal she come, ...
— Troilus and Criseyde • Geoffrey Chaucer

... this way the convysation ren on—more tears and questions on my missises part, more sturmness and silence on my master's: it ended for the first time since their marridge, in a reglar quarrel. Wery difrent, I can tell you, from all the hammerous billing and kewing ...
— Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush - The Yellowplush Papers • William Makepeace Thackeray

... second, granted to Michael Pauw, included Staten Island and much of what is now Jersey City; it was sold back to the company after a few years. The most successful patroonship was the Van Rensselaer (ren'se-ler) estate on the Hudson near Albany. It extended twenty-four miles along both banks of the river and ran back into the country twenty-four miles from each bank. The family still occupies a ...
— A Brief History of the United States • John Bach McMaster

... a case of fracture of the skull out of which his father took large portions of brain and some fragments of bone. He adds that the man was afterward paralyzed an the opposite side and became singularly irritable. In his "Chirurgical Observations," Job van Meek'ren tells the story of a Russian nobleman who lost part of his skull, and a dog's skull was supplied in its place. The bigoted divines of the country excommunicated the man, and would not annul his sentence until he submitted to have the bit of foreign ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... here once, an' then yo' come out without a cent, and try to look fo' a job, an' befo' yo' can fin' one a cop walks up an' asks yo' whah yo' live, an' ef yo' haven't got a place yet, becaus' yo' ain' got a cent to ren' one with, he says, 'Come with me, I'll fin' yo' a home,' an' hustles yo' off to the p'lice station an' down heah again, an' you're called a 4vag' (vagrant). What chance has we niggahs got, I ask ya? I hopes yo' all gits a vote an' fixes up ...
— Jailed for Freedom • Doris Stevens

... feel pleasure "when it may be in my power to ren- "der service to Lodge No 39, and in "every act of brotherly kindness to the "Members of it; being with ...
— Washington's Masonic Correspondence - As Found among the Washington Papers in the Library of Congress • Julius F. Sachse

... Jacques Ren['e] de Bresay, marquis of Denonville, succeeded La Barre, who succeeded Frontenac, as governor of Canada in 1689. La Barre, an inefficient leader against the insurgent Iroquois, held the administration for only one year. Denonville was of great courage and ability, ...
— The Greatest Highway in the World • Anonymous

... ev'ry uns own chil'ren is smart; but the' does know a heap. John was off ter Charl'ston no great while back, an' the little boy used ter pray ev'ry mornin' an' ev'nin' fur his fader ter cum hum. I larned 'em thet jest so soon as the' talked, 'cause thar's no tellin' how quick the' ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 1862 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy • Various

... on the sher-iff's men, And drived them down bidene. Robin stert to that knight, And cut atwo his band, And took him in his hand a bow, And bade him by him stand. "Leav-e thy horse thee behind, And learn for to ren; Thou shalt with me to green wood, Through mire, moss, and fen; Thou shalt with me to green wood, Without an-y leas-ing, Till that I have get us grace, ...
— A Bundle of Ballads • Various

... quarts of milk and ren it prety cold, and when it is tender come drayn from it your Whey in a strainer, then hang it up till all the Whey be dropt from it, then presse it, change it into dry cloaths till it wet the cloth no longer, then beat it in a stone Morter till it be like butter, then straine it ...
— The Compleat Cook • Anonymous, given as "W. M."

... see the slightest need of traipsing over to the hotel," said Mrs. Dickey, almost offended, as at a slight upon her hospitality. "Take him right up to the spare room, Arnold. There ain't no noise there, it's in the wing. And one of you chil'ren run and tell Aggie we want hot water, and—what else? Well, go ahead and tell ...
— Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby and Other Stories • Kathleen Norris

... Hesse-Darmstadt (hes se daerm'stat) Hindustan (hin doo staen') Hohenzollern (ho en tsol'ern) Holstein (hol'stin) Illyrians (i lyr'i ans) Istria (is'tri a) Janina (ya ni'na) Janus (ja'nus) Jonescu (jo nes'koo) Jutes (juts) Kaiser (ki'zer) Kaspar (kas'paer) Kavala (ka vae' la) Kerensky (ke ren'ski) Khartoom (kaer toom') Korea (ko re'a) Korniloff (kor ni'loff) Koumanova (koo mae'no va) Lamar (la maer') Leon (le'on) Liege (li ezh') Lithuania (lith oo a'nia) Longwy (long'vy) Lorraine (lor ran') Macedonia (ma se do'ni a) Magyar (mod'yaer) ...
— The World War and What was Behind It - The Story of the Map of Europe • Louis P. Benezet

... helped; but to gobern dat wicked natur, dat is de pint. You is sharks, sartin; but if you gobern de shark in you, why den you be angel; for all angel is not'ing more dan de shark well goberned. Now, look here, bred'ren, just try wonst to be cibil, a helping yourselbs from dat whale. Don't be tearin' de blubber out your neighbour's mout, I say. Is not one shark dood right as toder to dat whale? And, by Gor, none on you has de ...
— Moby-Dick • Melville

... foregengan heoldon, tha the me licodon; and manege thara the me ne licodon, ic awearp mid minra witena getheahte, and on othre wisan bebead to healdenne, fortham ic ne dorste gethristlcan thara minra awuht feala on gewrit settan, fortham me ws uncuth, hwt ths tham lician wolde, the fter us wren. Ac tha the ic gemette, awther oththe on Ines dge, mines mges, oththe on Offan, Myrcena cyninges, oththe on thelbryhtes, the rest fulluht onfeng on Angel cynne, tha the me ryhtoste thuhton, ic tha her on gegaderode and tha ...
— Anglo-Saxon Literature • John Earle

... this man, known to his companions as Ren Downs, had been observing the actions of Big Bob with suspicion. When the renegade talked with the prisoner, as he had many times on the way down, Ren sauntered close to the two in a vain attempt to hear what was being said. He doubted the honesty ...
— Boy Scouts in Mexico; or On Guard with Uncle Sam • G. Harvey Ralphson

... he says, 'but I'll call on ye,' he says. 'Take,' he says, 'this little silver-mounted bottle iv broomo-caffeen,' he says, 'an' think iv me,' he says. 'I will,' says Mack. 'Ar-ren't ye tired iv ye'er long journey?' he says. 'Wudden't ye like to take a bath in th' shark pond before ye go?' he says. An' so they backed away fr'm each other, th' tears rollin' down their cheeks. Frindship, ...
— Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen • Finley Peter Dunne

... I heard Ren Green talkin'. Ren calculates he's got a three-year-old that'll make any other boss in these parts look like it ...
— Scattergood Baines • Clarence Budington Kelland

... which is on the Stone Creek was on 100 acres it would not be thickly timbered, the Soil of those Plains are delightfull Great numbers of Birds are Seen in those Plains, Such as black bird, Ren or Prarie burd a kind of larke about the Sise of a Partridge with a Short tail ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al

... this lonely spot, Retreat and calm, a noble fair one sought; Far from the tumult of contending arms, A solitary castle hid her charms, 160 Her tender form from all mankind conceal'd, While war detain'd her father in the field. But while his sov'reign's toil the vet'ren shar'd, His lovely child the fost'ring graces rear'd. D'Etree (that name the favour'd mortal bore), 165 Of ev'ry, charm exhausted Nature's store. Not on Eurota's bank, so beauteous shone The faithless partner of the Spartan throne; Not she who conquer'd, whom the world obey'd, On Cydnus when in ...
— The Fourth Book of Virgil's Aeneid and the Ninth Book of Voltaire's Henriad • Virgil and Voltaire

... Why so are yours, yet do I dote on you? Beauty is blacke, defam'd by wicked men, And yet must euery beauty make men sue? Too good is worse then bad, you seeme too true Too easie, passionate, loue-sicke, and kinde, Then blame not me, that cannot so soone ren Your course: the fault is ...
— Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624) • Dunstan Gale

... Dieu, queto caud! Beu tems per la Cigalo, Que, trefoulido, se regalo D'uno raisso de fio; beu tems per la meissoun. Dins lis erso d'or, lou segaire, Ren plega, pitre au vent, rustico e canto gaire; Dins soun gousie, la ...
— Social Life in the Insect World • J. H. Fabre

... dis'tant fo'cus atom ed'it din'gy glo'ry ash'es lev'el diz'zy lo'cust cap'tor meth'od fin'ish mo'ment car'rot splen'did gim'let po'tent cav'il ves'per spir'it co'gent ehap'ter west'ern tim'id do'tage chat'tel bed'lam pig'gin no'ted fath'om des'pot tin'sel stor'age gal'lon ren'der tip'pet sto'ry gal'lop ...
— McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book • W. H. McGuffey

... overtopt, Would you not wish his laurels cropt? Dear honest Ned is in the gout, Lies rackt with pain, and you without: How patiently you hear him groan! How glad the case is not your own! What poet would not grieve to see His breth'ren write as well as he? But rather than they should excel, He'd wish his rivals all in hell. Her end when Emulation misses, She turns to Envy, stings and hisses: The strongest friendship yields to pride, Unless the odds ...
— The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume I (of 2) • Jonathan Swift

... dis congregation," he said, "I want you to understan' dat dar's nuffin in dis yer sarmon wot you've jus' heerd ter make you think yousefs angels. By no means, brev'ren; you was all brung up by women, an' you've got ter lib wid' em, an ef anythin' in dis yer worl' is ketchin', my dear brev'ren, it's habin debbils, an' from wot I've seen ob some ob de men ob dis worl' I 'spect dey is persest ob 'bout all de debbils dey got room fur. But de Bible ...
— The Great English Short-Story Writers, Vol. 1 • Various

... Congress, Switzerland is beginning to take the movement seriously. Many classes and lectures have been held, and the university is also now lending its aid. In the present year (1907) an International Esperantist Scientific Office has been founded in Geneva, with M. Ren de Saussure as director, and amongst the members of the auxiliary committee are seventeen professors and eight privat-docents ...
— International Language - Past, Present and Future: With Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar • Walter J. Clark

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