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Residentiary   Listen
Residentiary  n.  
One who is resident. "The residentiary, or the frequent visitor of the favored spot,... will discover that both have been there."
An ecclesiastic who keeps a certain residence.
Synonyms: Inhabitant; inhabiter; dweller; sojourner.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Residentiary" Quotes from Famous Books

... Choir, two by two. Their Almoner, or Master. The Vicars Choral, two by two. The Sub-Dean and Junior Canons, two by two. The Feathers, with Attendant Pages and Mutes. The two Senior Vergers. Honourable and Rev. Dr. Wellesley. The Canon residentiary, and the Rev. ...
— The Life, Studies, And Works Of Benjamin West, Esq. • John Galt

... some is called a lynx and by others an ounce. Such also was the ambition of others upon the like occasion, as appeareth by that very sharp wars and of a long continuance have been made of old betwixt some residentiary kings in Cappadocia upon this only debate, of whose name a certain herb should have the appellation; by reason of which difference, so troublesome and expensive to them all, it was by them called Polemonion, and by us for the same ...
— Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete. • Francois Rabelais

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