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Rotatory   Listen
Rotatory  adj.  
Turning as on an axis; rotary.
Going in a circle; following in rotation or succession; as, rotatory assembles.
(Opt.) Producing rotation of the plane of polarization; as, the rotatory power of bodies on light. See the Note under polarization.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Rotatory" Quotes from Famous Books

... in a brown coloured clay) is put into a large calabash, and mixed with a sufficient quantity of water. The woman, whose office it is, then shakes the calabash in such a manner, as to mix the sand and water together, and give the whole a rotatory motion; at first gently, but afterwards more quick, until a small portion of sand and water, at every revolution, flies over the brim of the calabash. The sand thus separated is only the coarsest particles mixed with a little muddy water. After ...
— Life and Travels of Mungo Park in Central Africa • Mungo Park

... no variation in this step; but you can vary the movement by going backwards or forwards at pleasure, instead of continuing the rotatory motion. The Valse a Deux Temps, like the Polka, admits of a reverse step; but it is difficult, and looks awkward unless executed to perfection. The first requisite in this Valse is to avoid all jumping movements. The feet must ...
— Routledge's Manual of Etiquette • George Routledge

... and in other machines of similar type, the problem is simplified by the uniform length of the stroke made by the piston, so that devices such as the crank and eccentric circular discs are readily applicable to the securing of a rotatory motion for a fly-wheel from a reciprocating motion in the cylinders. In the application of wave-power provision must be made for the utilisation of the force derived from movements of differing lengths, as well as of differing ...
— Twentieth Century Inventions - A Forecast • George Sutherland

... the rotatory motion is thus unprovided for; therefore, secondly, to make the head capable of this a further mechanism is introduced, not between the head and the uppermost bone of the neck, where the hinge is, but between that ...
— Evolution, Old & New - Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, - as compared with that of Charles Darwin • Samuel Butler

... planets should go round the Sun in the same direction and nearly in one plane, they cannot thus account for the direction of the axial motions.[16] The mechanical equilibrium would not have been interfered with, had the Sun been without any rotatory movement; or had he revolved on his axis in a direction opposite to that in which the planets go round him; or in a direction at right angles to the average plane of their orbits. With equal safety the motion of the Moon round the Earth might have been the reverse of the ...
— Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative, Vol. I • Herbert Spencer

... bayonets seemed to rise from the very bowels of the earth. Attracted by the novelty of the sight, the bold and daring warriors, although still retaining their firm grasp of the unhappy soldiers, were for a moment diverted from their bloody purpose, and temporarily suspended the quick and rotatory motion of their weapons. Captain Erskine took advantage of this pause to seize the halbert of one of his sergeants, to the extreme point of which he hastily attached a white pocket handkerchief, that ...
— Wacousta: A Tale of the Pontiac Conspiracy (Complete) • John Richardson

... towards the wind, in North latitude, the centre of the circling, or rotatory storm, will be square to your right. In South latitude, square ...
— Barometer and Weather Guide • Robert Fitzroy

... in 1785, by Joseph Bramah, a wonderful projector and inventor.[5] He took out a patent, which included a rotatory steam-engine, and a mode of propelling vessels by means either of a paddle-wheel or a "screw propeller." This propeller was "similar to the fly of a smoke-jack"; but there is no account of Bramah having practically ...
— Men of Invention and Industry • Samuel Smiles

... commenced cutting with sharp spades a strip between two and three feet broad, in a spiral direction round the body. This strip, as it was hoisted up by the tackles, caused the body to perform a rotatory motion, till the whole of the strip or "blanket-piece" was cut off to the flukes; which "blanket-piece," by-the-by, the mate told Walter, was so called because it kept the whale warm. As soon as this was done, the shapeless mass, deprived of its fat, was ...
— The South Sea Whaler • W.H.G. Kingston

Words linked to "Rotatory" :   rotate, rotation, revolutionary

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