"Sacring" Quotes from Famous Books
... fell out in the sacring of the Mass that right as the priest heaved up the Host there came a beam redder than any rose and smote upon it, and then it was changed bodily into the shape and fashion of a Child having his arms stretched forth, as he had been nailed ... — The Angels of Mons • Arthur Machen
... the roofs were golden in bright sunlight, and the men, drawn up in a hollow square fronting the abbey, were silent and attentive as mass was sung in the great church, so that the sound of the chanting came out to them through the open doors. And when the sacring [xi] bell rang, as though a wave went along the ranks, all knelt, and there was a clash and ring of steel, and then silence ... — A Thane of Wessex • Charles W. Whistler
... a land thy sacring rite, The perfect rule we ne'er shall see Reach Earth's far bourne; yet such we sight, Thou willing:—with such Deity Whoe'er shall dare ... — The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus
... hand. And they set the candles upon the table, and the third the towel upon the vessel, and the fourth the holy spear even upright upon the vessel. And then the bishop made semblaunt[20] as though he would have gone to the sacring[21] of the mass. And then he did that longed[22] to a priest to do a mass. And then he went to Galahad and kissed him, and bade him go and kiss his fellows: and ... — Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 5 • Charles Sylvester |