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Saddlebow   Listen
Saddlebow  n.  The bow or arch in the front part of a saddle, or the pieces which form the front.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Saddlebow" Quotes from Famous Books

... They mell together either upon other of their spears that they bent and all to-brast in flinders, and hurtle together so stoutly both of their horses and their bodies that the Lord of the Moors loseth his stirrups and hath the hinder saddlebow to-frushed, and falleth down to the ground over his horse croup in such sort that the peak of his helm dinteth a full palm's breadth into the turf. And Messire Gawain taketh the horse that was right rich and good, maugre all of his fellowship, ...
— High History of the Holy Graal • Unknown

... slung the heavy hammer-ax at his saddlebow. One of the guides, who were from the Dark Master's twoscore men, pointed to a twisted peak on their right, whence an almost invisible spiral of gray smoke ...
— Nuala O'Malley • H. Bedford-Jones

... of disgust and indignation that escaped me woke up the Baron, who after drinking deeply from a great pewter flask of skiedam that hung at his saddlebow, muttered schelms several times, rubbed his eyes, and then bellowed through his trumpet to bind up the other prisoner. Human endurance could stand this no more, and though I deemed the offer vain, I proposed to give a hundred English ...
— The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852 • Various

... silently on his circle about the boy, and Dick turned slowly with him, always facing the eyes that faced him. He could dimly make out the shape of a rifle at the saddlebow, but the Sioux did not raise it, he merely rode on in that ceaseless treadmill tramp, and Dick wondered what he meant to do. Was he waiting for ...
— The Last of the Chiefs - A Story of the Great Sioux War • Joseph Altsheler

Words linked to "Saddlebow" :   horn, grip, hold, handle, saddle horn, handgrip, pommel, saddle

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