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Scrabble   Listen
Scrabble  v. i.  (past & past part. scrabbled; pres. part. scrabbling)  
To scrape, paw, or scratch with the hands; to proceed by clawing with the hands and feet; to scramble; as, to scrabble up a cliff or a tree. "Now after a while Little-faith came to himself, and getting up made shift to scrabble on his way."
To make irregular, crooked, or unmeaning marks; to scribble; to scrawl. "David... scrabbled on the doors of the gate."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Scrabble" Quotes from Famous Books

... counter thinking, a boy whom Captain Shadrach identified as Zenas Atkins' young-one rushed breathlessly into the store to announce between gasps that "Mary-'Gusta Lathrop's wanted on the phone. It's long distance, too, and—and—you've got to scrabble 'cause they're holdin' the wire." Mary hurried out and to the telephone office. She had not answered Shadrach's question as to who she thought was calling. She did not know, of course, but she suspected, and for a cool-headed young ...
— Mary-'Gusta • Joseph C. Lincoln

... meaning.] Unmeaningness — N. meaninglessness, unmeaningness &c adj.^; scrabble. empty sound, dead letter, vox et praeterea nihil [Lat.]; a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing; sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. nonsense, utter nonsense, gibberish; ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... said he, 'My friend, A weighty errand let me send: Go quicker than a wink— Down to the fishes sink, And tell them they are doom'd to die; For, ere eight days have hasten'd by, Its lord will fish this water dry.' The crab, as fast as she could scrabble, Went down, and told the scaly rabble. What bustling, gathering, agitation! Straight up they send a deputation To wait upon the ancient bird. 'Sir Cormorant, whence hast thou heard This dreadful news? And what Assurance of it hast thou got? How such a danger can we shun? ...
— The Fables of La Fontaine - A New Edition, With Notes • Jean de La Fontaine

Words linked to "Scrabble" :   write, doodle, word game, drawing, grope for

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