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Seyh   Listen
Seyh, Sey  v.  obs. Imp. sing. & 2d pers. pl. of See.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Seyh" Quotes from Famous Books

... unto thame." The nixt day, after that the galayis arryved, thei summoned the hous, which being denyed, (becaus thei knew thame no magistrattis in Scotland,) thei prepared for seage. And, first thei begane to assalt by sey, and schote two dayis. Bott thairof thei nether gat advantage nor honour; for thei dang the sclattis of houssis, but neyther slew man, nor did harme to any wall. [SN: THE GUNNARRIS GODDESS.] But the Castell handilled thame so, ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... [19] Denck's Was geredet sey, dass die Schrift, B. 2. Pascal's saying is: "Comfort thyself; thou wouldst not be seeking Me hadst thou not already found Me."—Le ...
— Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries • Rufus M. Jones

... alle [gh]owre; and give him He seyde he wolde hyder come Arthur's message. And take trywage of alle Rome, 288 We dowte[th] last he wel do soo, For he ys Myghty ynow [th]er-too." Now, erst [th]an we goo fer[th]er, Every man [th]at ys here 292 Sey a Pater noster And ...
— Arthur, Copied And Edited From The Marquis of Bath's MS • Frederick J. Furnivall

... life on, Mrs. Bellamy,' said Mr. Bates. 'Howiver, I'll noot denay that the Goothic stayle's prithy anoof, an' it's woonderful how near them stoon-carvers cuts oot the shapes o' the pine apples, an' shamrucks, an' rooses. I dare sey Sir Cristhifer'll meck a naice thing o' the Manor, an' there woon't be many gentlemen's houses i' the coonthry as'll coom up to't, wi' sich a garden an' pleasure-groons an' wall-fruit as King George ...
— Scenes of Clerical Life • George Eliot

... diastolen] as though it were [Greek: estai] (or [Greek: mellei einai]) [Greek: he diastole], and [Greek: eirekenai ton Kurion] as though it were [Greek: eireken ho Kurios]. This is just as if a translator from a German original were to persist in ignoring the difference between 'es sey' and 'es ist' and between 'der Herr sage' and 'der Herr sagt.' Yet so unconscious is our author of the real point at issue, that he proceeds to support his view by several other passages in which Irenaeus 'interweaves' his own remarks, because they happen to ...
— Essays on "Supernatural Religion" • Joseph B. Lightfoot

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