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Shent   Listen
Shent  v. t.  To shend. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Shent" Quotes from Famous Books

... we abyde, Let us gon to ben on assent; Wherevere that the ball gan glyde, The houses of Harflew they all to rent. An Englyssh man the bulwerk brent, Women cryed alas! that they were bore, The Frensshmen seide now be we shent, From us this toun now it is lore. Wot ye right ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... voice resounded: "On, to the barbarian's lair! On, and follow me, my brothers, see you keep together there! Should you miss me, you will find me surely in the Pasha's tent! On, with God! Through Him our foemen, death itself through Him is shent! On!" And swift he snatched the bugle from the hands of him that blew, And himself awoke a summons that o'er dale and mountain flew, Till each rock and cliff made answer clear and clearer to the call, But a clearer echo ...
— Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. • F. Max Mueller

... volcano in Europe. It figures in Greek mythology as the burning mountain. ambrosia (am bro' zha). The fabled food of the gods, which conferred immortality upon those who partook of it. Ammon (am' mun). The Egyptian Jupiter, or supreme god. ancient (an' shent). Old; antique. anemone (a nem' o ne) The windflower. Antaeus (an te' us). The son of the sea and earth, or of Neptune and Terra. Apollo (a pol' lo). The god of the sun. Ares (a' rez). The Greek name for Mars. Argo (ar' go). The ship in which Jason sailed. Argus ...
— Classic Myths • Retold by Mary Catherine Judd

... Latines complexio, or conduplicatio, and is a maner of repetion, when one and the selfe word doth begin and end many verses in sute & so wrappes vp both the former figures in one, as he that sportingly complained of his vntrustie mistresse, thus. Who made me shent for her loues sake? Myne owne mistresse. Who would not seeme my part to take, ...
— The Arte of English Poesie • George Puttenham

... but that I compass the destruction of this wolf." So he bore with his injurious usage, saying to himself, "Verily insolence and evil-speaking are causes of perdition and cast into confusion, and it is said, 'The insolent is shent and the ignorant doth repent; and whose feareth, to him safety is sent': moderation marketh the noble and gentle manners are of gains the grandest. It behoveth me to dissemble with this tyrant and needs must he be cast down." Then quoth he to the wolf, "Verily, the Lord pardoneth ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton

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