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Shudderingly   Listen
Shudderingly  adv.  In a shuddering manner.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Shudderingly" Quotes from Famous Books

... Shudderingly he looked away from the pretty velvet suit; he scorned the monk's robes that were too redolent of former wearers; he rejected the hot livery of a Russian mujik; he flouted the banality ...
— The Fortieth Door • Mary Hastings Bradley

... terrible thing to a young, strong man," she added, shudderingly, after a moment, and she pressed her hands against her eyes as if to shut out a vision from which she shrank. "May he not still be in danger from this ruffian's revenge?" she asked, ...
— A Face Illumined • E. P. Roe

... silence, and told the wondering Jarl the story of the Star, as far as he knew it, and how, as a family matter, it appeared to be better that Ulf alone should own the mail; to which the Jarl shudderingly agreed, for, brave though he was, he feared witchcraft. Then Ulf set the mail on a post and bade Thorolf the Strong send a spear through it if ...
— The Iron Star - And what It saw on Its Journey through the Ages • John Preston True

... ever such a ghastly prophecy?" I said. "Both stillborn together. The more one goes into the matter, the more shudderingly awful it is." ...
— Jaffery • William J. Locke

... had gone, but the destruction was complete. Not a dwelling stood, the salt works, the grist-mills, the lumber mills, even the little boats of the fishermen had been destroyed. Of that busy, lively, little town not a vestige remained. Shudderingly but with the resolution to be of service, if service should be necessary, the two girls made their way to the spot where the blockhouse had stood. As they drew near they saw the form of a woman moving among the bodies of the dead. She limped ...
— Peggy Owen and Liberty • Lucy Foster Madison

... Mr. Sutherland, in deep emotion. Then, as he looked long and shudderingly at his ...
— Agatha Webb • Anna Katharine Green

... of the mountain, that under me falls away steeply, Wanders the greenish-hued stream, looking like glass as it flows. Endlessly under me see I the ether, and endlessly o'er Giddily look I above, shudderingly look I below, But between the infinite height and the infinite hollow Safely the wanderer moves over a well-guarded path. Smilingly past me are flying the banks all teeming with riches, And the valley so bright boasts of its industry glad. See how yonder hedgerows that sever ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

... he collided with a piece of furniture, his burden fell, and with a terrific clatter rolled from the top of the stairs to the bottom. John rushed out to help gather up the fallen, and Elizabeth ran across the room and hid her face shudderingly in ...
— 'Lizbeth of the Dale • Marian Keith

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