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Sol-fa   Listen
Sol-fa  v. i.  (past & past part. sol-faed;pres. part. sol-faing)  To sing the notes of the gamut, ascending or descending; as, do or ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do, or the same in reverse order. "Yet can I neither solfe ne sing."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sol-fa" Quotes from Famous Books

... were Greek to Myra, conveying no more to her mind than if Jane had said: "I have been learning Tonic sol-fa." In fact, not quite so much, seeing that Lady Ingleby had herself once tried to master the Tonic sol-fa system in order to instruct her men and maids in part-singing. It was at a time when she owned a distinctly musical household. The ...
— The Rosary • Florence L. Barclay

... still occurring) in these syllables. The first one (ut) was changed to DO as early as the sixteenth century because of the difficulty of producing a good singing tone on ut. For the same reason and also in order to avoid having two diatonic syllables with the same initial letter, the tonic-sol-fa system (invented in England about 1812 and systematized about 1850) changed SI to TI and this change has been almost universally adopted by teachers of sight-singing in this country. The more elaborate tonic-sol-fa spelling of the diatonic syllables (DOH, LAH, etc.), ...
— Music Notation and Terminology • Karl W. Gehrkens

... instincts. Genius and talent. AEsthetic tastes. Musical sound and rhythmic motion. Average child. Frequent blunders. Appeal to intellect. Teacher with strong personality. Experimenting with beginners. Legal protection. Vienna musician. Class instruction. French solfege. English tonic sol-fa. Mrs. John Spencer Curwen. Rev. John Curwen. Time a mental science. Musical perception of the blind. Music in public schools. Phillips Brooks on school song. Compulsory study. Socrates. Mirabeau. ...
— For Every Music Lover - A Series of Practical Essays on Music • Aubertine Woodward Moore

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