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Sortes  n.  Pl. of Sors.

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"Sortes" Quotes from Famous Books

... period and our happinesse. Lear. T'is excellent, O would the time were come! Here comes the Queene. enter the Queene. king How now Gertred, why looke you heauily? Queene O my Lord, the yong Ofelia Hauing made a garland of sundry sortes of floures, Sitting vpon a willow by a brooke, The enuious sprig broke, into the brooke she fell, And for a while her clothes spread wide abroade, Bore the yong Lady vp: and there she sate smiling, Euen Mermaide-like, twixt heauen and earth, Chaunting ...
— The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke - The First ('Bad') Quarto • William Shakespeare

... Mons (10/6. 'Arbres Fruitiers' 1836 tome 2 page 290.) reared a multitude of varieties from the seed of one vine, which was completely separated from all others, so that there could not, at least in this generation, have been any crossing, and the seedlings presented "les analogues de toutes les sortes," and differed in almost every possible character both in ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication - Volume I • Charles Darwin

... whereas the peasants had seen the prisoner's teeth through his mask. It appeared as if the theory of Sainte-Foix were going to stand, when a Jesuit father, named Griffet, who was confessor at the Bastille, devoted chapter xiii, of his 'Traite des differentes Sortes de Preuves qui servent a etablir la Verite dans l'Histoire' (12mo, Liege, 1769) to the consideration of the Iron Mask. He was the first to quote an authentic document which certifies that the Man in the Iron Mask about whom there was so much disputing really ...

... At Al-Medinah it is called Khirah and I have suggested (Pilgrimage, ii. 287) that it is a relic of the Azlam or Kidah (divining arrows) of paganism. But the superstition is not local: we have the Sortes Virgilianae (Virgil being a ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 5 • Richard F. Burton

... Monsieur de la Ronde, Capitaine d'Infanterie des Detachements de la Marine, 1711. "Le dit sieur de la Ronde pourroit entrer en negociation et se promettre de faire cesser toutes sortes d'hostilites du cote du Canada, suppose que les Bastonnais promissent d'en faire de meme de leur cote, et qu'ils ne donassent aucun secours a l'avenir, d'hommes ni de vaisseaux, aux puissances de la vieille ...
— A Half Century of Conflict - Volume I - France and England in North America • Francis Parkman

... moment de fatigue se fut peint sur ses traits ou que le feu de son regard se fut un instant amorti. Sa parole nette et accentuee captivait l'auditoire: elle peignait et analysait tout ensemble; une sensibilite delicate en augmentait le feu; elle etait exacte et precise sur toutes sortes de sujets." ...
— Essays of Schopenhauer • Arthur Schopenhauer

... chance; lottery; tombola[obs3]; toss up &c. 621; turn of the table, turn of the cards; hazard of the die, chapter of accidents, fickle finger of fate; cast of the dice, throw of the dice; heads or tails, flip of a coin, wheel of Fortune; sortes[obs3], sortes Virgilianae[obs3]. probability, possibility, odds; long odds, run of luck; accidentalness; main chance, odds on, favorable odds. contingency, dependence (uncertainty) 475; situation (circumstance) 8. statistics, theory of Probabilities, theory of Chances; bookmaking; ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... enseigne l'usage aux Tartares, ont pu donner en Europe l'idee d'artillerie, quoique la forme des fusils et des canons dont ils se servent actuellement, leur ait ete apportee par les Francs, ainsi que l'attestent les noms memes qu'ils donnent a ces sortes d'armes. Abel Remusat, Melanges Asiat. 2d ser. ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon

... somewhat of a high colour, and haue vpon them a very thicke huske, which making the meale somewhat browne causeth the Baker not all together to esteeme them for his purest manchet, yet the yeeld of flower which cometh from them is as great and greater then any other Wheate whatsoeuer. These two sortes of Wheate are to be sowne vpon the fallow field, as crauing the greatest strength and fatnesse of ground, whence it comes that they are most commonly seene to grow vpon the richest and stiffest blacke clayes, being a graine ...
— The English Husbandman • Gervase Markham

... Germani, gens sincera: habitus corporum. 5. Terrae natura: non aurum, non argentum, nec aestimatum. 6. Germanorum arma, equitatus, peditatus, ordo militiae: 7. reges, duces, sacerdotes: 8. feminarum virtus et veneratio: Veleda: Aurinia. 9. dii, sacra, simulacra nulla. 10. Auspicia, sortes: ex equis, e captivo praesagia. 11. Consultationes publicae et conventus. 12. Accusationes, poenae, jus redditum. 13. Scuto frameaque ornati juvenes, principum comites: eorum virtus et fama. 14. Gentis bellica studia. ...
— Germania and Agricola • Caius Cornelius Tacitus

... besoins et ses difficultes de toutes sortes, et plus on est porte a penser que ce changement dans l'etat de sa population agricole serait le vrai remede ...
— England's Case Against Home Rule • Albert Venn Dicey

... The Abbe's words are,—"Si ceux qui promettent une si grande precision dans ces sortes de methodes, avoient navigue quelques temps, ils auroient vu souvent, que dans l'observation la plus simple de toutes, qui est celle de la hauteur du soleil a midi, deux observations, munis de bons ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 15 (of 18) • Robert Kerr

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