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Sphygmometer   Listen
Sphygmometer  n.  (Physiol.) An instrument for measuring the strength of the pulse beat; a sphygmograph.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sphygmometer" Quotes from Famous Books

... melancholy are frequently due to the diminution of the vital energy. And as pain and sorrow mark the diminution, the joy of living and the upspringing of happiness signify the increase of energy.... By using special instruments, such as the plethysmograph of Hallion, the pneumograph of Marey, the sphygmometer of Cheron, and so many others which have come in fashion during these latter years, we have succeeded in proving experimentally that joy, sadness, and pain depend upon our energy." To keep exuberant one must possess more than just enough ...
— The Joyful Heart • Robert Haven Schauffler

... fatigued, the vasomotor center exhausted, the tone of the blood vessels deficient, and the energy of the heart diminished, and the circulation to the cerebral arteries lessened. By means of a simple and accurate instrument (the Hill-Barnard sphygmometer), with which the pressure in the arteries of man can be easily reckoned, it has been recently determined that the arterial pressure falls just as greatly during bodily rest as during sleep. The ordinary pressure of the blood in the arteries of young and healthy men averages 110-120 mm. of mercury. ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 1178, June 25, 1898 • Various

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