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Spooney   Listen
Spooney  adj.  (Spelt also spoony)  Weak-minded; demonstratively fond; as, spooney lovers. (Colloq.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Spooney" Quotes from Famous Books

... street looking eagerly for its reappearance. And then occurred a little thing that was destined to live in his memory for many a day, and that thrilled him with a new and strange delight. He had never been of the so-called "spooney" set at the 'Varsity. Pretty girls galore there were about that famous institute, and he had danced at many a student party and romped through many a reel, but the nearest he had ever come to something more than a mere jolly friendship for a girl was the regard in which he held his partner ...
— Found in the Philippines - The Story of a Woman's Letters • Charles King

... might have knocked me down with a feather yesterday, when that fine funeral came out of the park gates, and I saw your face at the window of one of the coaches. You must have been an uncommonly clever young woman, and an uncommonly sly one, to get a baronite for your husband, and to get a spooney old cove to leave you all his fortune, after behaving so precious bad to him. Did your husband know who you were when he ...
— Run to Earth - A Novel • M. E. Braddon

... "What! Spooney?" says Tedcastle, laughing. "I don't believe he could climb a ladder to save his life. Think of his pretty hands ...
— Molly Bawn • Margaret Wolfe Hamilton

... second stay in hospital the governor from another prison came to rule over our establishment. He was known to most of the prisoners as "Bread and Water Jack," some called him "Captain Spooney," some "the Lurcher," and others "Mr. Martinet." The patients had just completed their out-of-door exercise, and were standing in file two deep when he first made his appearance. Some of the prisoners whispered, "That's the new governor," and the sound having reached his official ear, ...
— Six Years in the Prisons of England • A Merchant - Anonymous

... is," he whispered to Desmond; "the first lieutenant and Tom are spooney on the young ladies; it is my belief that they expect to marry them some day. The colonel and his wife seem to have taken a great ...
— The Three Commanders • W.H.G. Kingston

... you worked all night in the Rue du Doyenne. You really were rather a spooney; you married as a starving man snatches a loaf. You knew nothing of Paris, and you see where you are landed. But you turned a deaf ear to Lisbeth's devotion, as you did to the love of a woman who knows ...
— Cousin Betty • Honore de Balzac

... did. He recognised this way of looking at the unusual as profound and perspicuous. She continued, reinforced by his approval:—"What I was driving at was that when two young folks are very—as the phrase goes—spooney, they won't admit that peculiar conditions have anything to do with it. They have always been destined ...
— When Ghost Meets Ghost • William Frend De Morgan

... your ride with Van Berg has already brightened you up. There is no telling what you might not become if you would only associate with men who had sufficient brains not to grow spooney over ...
— A Face Illumined • E. P. Roe

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