"Swale" Quotes from Famous Books
... bosky glades the imagination can conceive—the rich mixture of pasture and meadow land—the Downs, stretching to King's Ferry, whitened by thousands of sheep, whose bleatings and whose bells made the isle musical—while, beyond, the narrow Swale, widening into the open sea, shone like a silver girdle in the rays of the glorious sun—were objects, ... — The Buccaneer - A Tale • Mrs. S. C. Hall
... suddenly asked Dick, rising in his stirrups and pointing to two or three figures of horsemen, down in a little swale, or valley. They were evidently engaged in some lively occupation, for they were riding rapidly to and fro, and from a fire, about which knelt three figures, ... — The Boy Ranchers - or Solving the Mystery at Diamond X • Willard F. Baker
... uncertain light to shoot by, nor ever had he faced a lion alone—even by day. The thought gave him a distinct nausea. The beast ceased his roaring now. They heard him no more and the Hon. Morison gained courage accordingly. They were riding down wind toward the jungle. The lion lay in a little swale to their right. He was old. For two nights he had not fed, for no longer was his charge as swift or his spring as mighty as in the days of his prime when he spread terror among the creatures of his wild domain. For two nights and days he had gone empty, and for long time before that ... — The Son of Tarzan • Edgar Rice Burroughs
... autumn noons are still, By swale and hill I see their gipsy signs, Trespassing somewhere on my ... — Behind the Arras - A Book of the Unseen • Bliss Carman |