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Tameless   Listen
Tameless  adj.  Incapable of being tamed; wild; untamed; untamable.

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"Tameless" Quotes from Famous Books

... yet a man who raves, however mad, Who bares his heart and tells of his own fall, Reserves some inmost secret good or bad: 10 The phantoms have no reticence at all: The nudity of flesh will blush though tameless The extreme nudity of bone grins shameless, The unsexed skeleton mocks ...
— The City of Dreadful Night • James Thomson

... already walk firmly enough to mount the few rough steps which led to the opening in the rocks and, obeying the tameless yearning of her heart, she rose from the arm-chair and walked as rapidly as her feeble strength permitted ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... his tameless glee, And the hoary locks of age, Together bend the pious knee, To read the sacred page; I've seen the maid with her sunny brow To the silent dust go down, The soil-bound slave forget his woe, The king ...
— Enthusiasm and Other Poems • Susanna Moodie

... is delicately put, dear friend," she replied; "but allow me to justify myself. Your astonishment arises from the fact that you do not know the Mauprat race. It is a tameless, incorrigible race, from which naught but Headbreakers and Hamstringers may issue. Even in those who have been most polished by education there remains many a stubborn knot—a sovereign pride, a will of iron, a profound contempt for life. Look at my father. In spite of his adorable goodness, ...
— Mauprat • George Sand

... catastrophe, and there is something wonderfully grand in the hurried march of events towards the conclusion. As disasters hem her round, Cleopatra gathers up her faculties to meet them, not with the calm fortitude of a great soul, but the haughty, tameless spirit of a wilful woman, unused to ...
— Characteristics of Women - Moral, Poetical, and Historical • Anna Jameson

... question the universe, and demands that the answer shall be personal to itself. The first long ground-swell of awakening emotion swept over her, sitting in the pleasant chintz-hung room, with the Russian woman's wild and tameless heart beating through the book open upon her knees. And these waves of emotion that at recurrent intervals surge over the soul, come from the shores of a farther country than any earthly seas have touched, and recede to depths so profound that only the eyes ...
— Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man • Marie Conway Oemler

... melody of childhood's happy dreams; Pale flowers, the vermeil-tinted, lightly fanned by vernal breeze, Whose fitful breath went sighingly among the solemn trees; Sunny streamlets, gushing clearly in their fresh and tameless glee, Sparkling onward, ever onward, toward a golden summer sea. Fairy isles of green were sleeping on its softly-heaving breast, Where the chime of waves low rippling forever lulled to rest. The slanting ...
— The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, April 1844 - Volume 23, Number 4 • Various

... quiet herd,” I hear some crawler cry; But give to me the mountain mob With the flash of their tameless eye— With the flash of their tameless eye, my boys, As down the rugged spur Dash the wild children of the woods, And the ...
— The Old Bush Songs • A. B. Paterson

... Come, let us drink in silence ere we part. To every fervent yet resolved heart That brought its tameless passion and its tears, Renunciation and laborious years, To lay the deep foundations of our race, To rear its stately fabric overhead And light its pinnacles with golden grace. To ...
— Poems of To-Day: an Anthology • Various

... continents together, made the seas into serviceable highways and held all men secure within the barriers of law and justice. Was it possible that a nation which had given birth to a force like this could also bring forth in due season a love of beauty, a thirst for truth? Could tameless genius and conquering will, could a passion for ideas and a passion for deeds dwell together until side by side men of one blood should add to the glory of worldly power the glory of spiritual conquest, should superimpose upon the beauty of just laws the beauty of ...
— Roads from Rome • Anne C. E. Allinson

... hoar Which steeped their snowy peaks in purging cloud, And down the continent where tropic suns Warmed to her very heart the mother earth, And in the congeal'd north where silence self Ached with intensity of stubborn frost, There lived a soul more wild than barbarous; A tameless soul—the sunburnt savage free— Free, and untainted by the greed of gain: Great Nature's man content ...
— Tecumseh: A Drama • Charles Mair

... Macnaghten's prophetic apprehension that 'the fellow will be after some mischief should the opportunity present itself'; that the Dooranees were still defiant; that an insurgent force was out in the Dehrawat; and that the tameless chief Akram Khan was being blown from a gun by the cruel and feeble Timour. But unquestionably there was a comparative although short-lived lull in the overt hostility of the Afghan peoples against Shah Soojah and his foreign supporters; and Macnaghten characteristically announced that 'the ...
— The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80 • Archibald Forbes

... venture—all belong to thee. But thou, thyself not knowing, leavest all For a poor price to strangers; since thy head Is weak, albeit thy limbs are stout and good. Genoa, mistress of the world, recall Thy soul magnanimous! Nay, be not led Slave to base gold, thou and thy tameless brood! ...
— Sonnets • Michael Angelo Buonarroti & Tommaso Campanella

... yore Despised his godship's sovereign power; They call'd her name Alcimadure. A haughty creature, fierce and wild, She sported, Nature's tameless child. Rough paths her wayward feet would lead To darkest glens of mossy trees; Or she would dance on daisied mead, With nought of law but her caprice. A fairer could not be, Nor crueller, than she. Still charming in her sternest mien,— E'en when her ...
— The Fables of La Fontaine - A New Edition, With Notes • Jean de La Fontaine

... was wrought the mighty tameless Boar With foaming jaws; real seemed the pictured thing, As by Aleides' giant strength the brute Was to Eurystheus ...
— The Fall of Troy • Smyrnaeus Quintus

... set my seal upon the nameless West worlds of seas; And my sons as brides took unto them the tameless Hesperides. Till my sins and sons through sinless lands dispersed, With red flame shod, Made accurst the name of man, and thrice accursed The name of God. Lest for those past fires the fires of my repentance Hell's fume ...
— Songs before Sunrise • Algernon Charles Swinburne

... unique triumph can be fancied than such a one violating all the laws of probability? Ronconi's low stature and commonplace features could express a tragic passion which could not be exceeded, or an exuberance of the wildest, quaintest, most spontaneous comedy ever born of mirth's most airy and tameless humor. Those who saw Ronconi's acting in this country saw the great artist as a broken man, his powers partly wrecked by the habitual dejection which came of domestic suffering and professional reverses, but spasmodic gleams of his old energy still lent a deep interest to the work ...
— Great Singers, Second Series - Malibran To Titiens • George T. Ferris

... Rose pliant, as if she had woven for herself a rod of scorpions. The high ground she had taken; the perfect trust in one; the scorn of any judgement, save her own; these had vanished from her. Rose, the tameless heroine who had once put her mother's philosophy in action, was the easiest filly that turbaned matron ever yet drove into the straight road of the world. It even surprised Lady Jocelyn to see how wonderfully she had been broken in by her grandmother. ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... Popolo, the clergy, and the multitude, are transmitted to us by the Milanese Chronicles, in which Heribert figures as the president of a republic. From this date Milan takes the lead in the contests for municipal independence. Her institutions like that of the Carroccio, together with her tameless spirit, are communicated to the neighboring cities of Lombardy, cross the Apennines, and animate ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) • John Addington Symonds

... was a singing woman Came riding across the mead At the time of the mild May weather, Tameless, tireless; This song she sung: "I am fair, I am young!" And ...
— Late Lyrics and Earlier • Thomas Hardy

... I was by his side when death claimed him. It was in the last great battle of the war. In that battle fell also Joan's sturdy old enemy Talbot. He was eighty-five years old, and had spent his whole life in battle. A fine old lion he was, with his flowing white mane and his tameless spirit; yes, and his indestructible energy as well; for he fought as knightly and vigorous a fight that day ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... deep crystalline pools which mirror its hanging shore, in the broad lake and glancing river;—finally, in that which is to all human minds the best emblem of unwearied, unconquerable power the wild, various, fantastic, tameless unity of the sea;—what shall we compare to this mighty, this universal element, for glory and beauty? or how shall we follow its eternal changefulness of feeling? It is like trying to ...
— Frondes Agrestes - Readings in 'Modern Painters' • John Ruskin

... gods, but I won it. I found myself with one foot across the magic circle wherein she moved, and which none but I had entered; and so, I think, I saw her in revelation, not as the wild thing they had all conceived her, but as she really was. I saw no tameless creature, nothing wild or strange. I saw my sweet love placid as a young cow browsing. As I brushed aside the haze and she was truly seen for the first time, she raised her head, like one caught, and gazed at me with meek affrighted ...
— The Little White Bird - or Adventures In Kensington Gardens • J. M. Barrie

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