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Thundercloud   Listen
Thundercloud  n.  A cloud charged with electricity, and producing lightning and thunder.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Thundercloud" Quotes from Famous Books

... he exclaimed. "Here has been Prince Caramitzo waiting for the last quarter of an hour to lead you out to dance, and you were nowhere to be found—I will not have it." And he looked a black thundercloud at Fleetwood. "Come, Signior Principe, there is your ...
— The Pirate of the Mediterranean - A Tale of the Sea • W.H.G. Kingston

... When a tall tough thundercloud bends across the sky I watch for the first flash, and listen for the first roar, and in my heart stillness seems impossible and at the ...
— This Is the End • Stella Benson

... common, untoward tidings came like water dripping from a roof, bit by bit. And day by day Colonel Clark looked graver. The messengers he had sent to Vincennes came not back, and the coureurs and traders from time to time brought rumors of a British force gathering like a thundercloud in the northeast. Monsieur Vigo himself, who had gone to Vincennes on his own business, did not return. As for the inhabitants, some of them who had once bowed to us with a smile now passed with ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... of anxiety or apprehension which comes over him from time to time. You remember our old friend Squire B., whose companion was killed by lightning when he was standing close to him. You know the look he had whenever anything like a thundercloud came up in the sky. Well, I should say there was a look like that came over this Maurice Kirkwood's face every now and then. I noticed that he looked round once or twice as if to see whether some object or other was in sight. ...
— A Mortal Antipathy • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

... dispersed; the gale continuing, they were ordered to leave the fleet for their destinations. After the gale abated the signal was made for our captain. An hour afterwards he came back looking as black as a thundercloud. As soon as he reached the quarter-deck he stamped with rage, and when it had nearly subsided he informed the officers that we were to proceed to the West Indies without delay. This was an unexpected shock to many of the officers as well as himself, as they had left some ...
— A Sailor of King George • Frederick Hoffman

... resemblance to a thundercloud as he approached the porch; but the greetings he got from Madeline's party, especially from Helen and Dorothy, chased away the blackness from his face and brought ...
— The Light of Western Stars • Zane Grey

... and respectable evening journal you take—while we are to sew, and talk with you if you are talkative, and darn the stockings, and make tea. You come home tired, and likely enough, surly, and gloom about like a thundercloud if dinner isn't ready for you the instant you are ready for it, and then sit mum and eat it; and snap at the children, and show yourselves the selfish, ugly things you are. Am I to have no fun, never go to the opera, never go to ...
— The Potiphar Papers • George William Curtis

... changed with the quick sweet smile which at rare times had power to lighten his face as a shaft of sunshine lights a thundercloud. ...
— Nicanor - Teller of Tales - A Story of Roman Britain • C. Bryson Taylor

... His presence and supporting grace in what she describes as "the fathomless abyss of misery" in which she was plunged. They remind one of the tints of unearthly light and beauty that adorn sometimes the face of a thundercloud. They are ...
— The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss • George L. Prentiss

... beast, and both he and I had clean lost it. A greyhound works by sight, and my eyes are good enough, but that buck simply leaked out of the landscape. Afterwards I found out how it managed it. Against the grey rock of the kopjes it showed no more than a crow against a thundercloud. It didn't need to run away; all it had to do was to stand still and melt ...
— The Thirty-nine Steps • John Buchan

... long, hot days of the armistice, a kind of dull quiet had appeared to brood over the city and its forts and over the camps and entrenchments of the besiegers. It had been something like a thundercloud, which was all the while growing blacker and hanging lower, and before the end of the first day of renewed hostilities the anxious watchers in the city houses could hear something which sounded like distant thunder. It was the occasional roar of a gun from one or another of the batteries on either ...
— Ahead of the Army • W. O. Stoddard

... herself.) Then there was a tooth-glass for Frank, and a teacup—without a handle, but with a gold flower in the middle of it, to make up—for herself. In the center of the pocket-handkerchief stood a crockery jug, with a mauve design of York Minster, with a thundercloud behind it and a lady and gentleman with a child bowling a hoop in front of it. This was the landlady's property, and was half full of beer. Besides all this, there were two plates, one of a cold blue color, with a portrait of the Prince ...
— None Other Gods • Robert Hugh Benson

... himself down in the fields at night in a blanket, and made a map of the heavenly bodies by means of a thread with small beads on it stretched between his eye and the stars. Franklin first robbed the thundercloud of its lightning by means of a kite made with two cross sticks and a silk handkerchief. Watt made his first model of the condensing steam-engine out of an old anatomist's syringe, used to inject the arteries previous to dissection. Gifford worked his first problems in mathematics, ...
— Self Help • Samuel Smiles

... banners through earth unfurled; Rise up, ye nations, ye kings, at the sound— "War against Babylon!" shout thro' the world! Oh thou, that dwellest on many waters,[1] Thy day of pride is ended now; And the dark curse of Israel's daughters Breaks like a thundercloud over thy brow! War, ...
— The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore • Thomas Moore et al

... meantime, however, a heavy bank of thundercloud had been observed rapidly gathering on the southern horizon, and the runaways had scarcely plunged a mile into the forest before the heavens were obscured, and it at once became so pitch-dark that it was utterly ...
— The Voyage of the Aurora • Harry Collingwood

... and kiss me. Okh, my soul, it is hard for thee, I know: but then, life is not easy for any one. That is why I used to envy the flies; here, I thought, is something that finds life good; but once, in the night, I heard a fly grieving in the claws of a spider,—no, I thought, a thundercloud hangs over them also. What is to be done, Fedya? but remember ...
— A Nobleman's Nest • Ivan Turgenieff

Words linked to "Thundercloud" :   cumulonimbus cloud, cloud

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