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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Tue   Listen
Tue  n.  (Zool.) The parson bird.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tue" Quotes from Famous Books

... ombrosa Notte placido figlio; oh de' mortali Egri conforto, oblio dolce de' mali, Si gravi, ond' e la vita aspra, e nojosa: Soccorri al core omai, che langue, e posa Non have; e queste membra stanche, e frali Solleva: a me ten vola, oh sonno, e l'ali Tue brune sovra me distendi, e posa. Ov' e il silenzio, che'l di fugge, e'l lume? E i lievi sogni, che con non secure Vestigia di seguirti han per costume? Lasso, che'nvan te chiamo, e queste oscure, E gelide ombre invan lusingo; ...
— Elegies and Other Small Poems • Matilda Betham

... signore, cum tucte le tue creature, Spetialimento messer lo frate sole, Lo quale jorna, et illumini per lui; Et ello e bello e radiante cum grande splendore. * * * * * Laudato si, me signore per frate Vento Et per aere et nubilo et sereno et omne tempo * * * * * Laudato, si, mi signore, ...
— Renaissance Fancies and Studies - Being a Sequel to Euphorion • Violet Paget (AKA Vernon Lee)

... they allowed the hawk to hunt small birds and field mice. Then his expression changing from jovial good humour to grimness, he added, "You know, I call him 'Zepp,' because he kills the little ones," (parcequ'il tue les tous petits.) ...
— The White Road to Verdun • Kathleen Burke

... letter from France in 1589, narrating the assassination of Henry III., and stating that "the manner in which he had been killed was that a Jacobin monk had given him a pistol-shot in the head" (la facon qua l'on dit qu'il a ette tue, sa ette par un Jacobin qui luy a donna d'un cou de pistolle dans la tayte), he scrawled the following luminous comment upon the margin. Underlining the word "pistolle," he observed, "this is perhaps some kind of knife; and as for 'tayte,' it can ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

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