"Unrefreshed" Quotes from Famous Books
... terrible thought. "Glaucon! They think I am Glaucon. If I chose to betray the Cyprian—" Further than that he would not suffer the thought to go. He lay sleepless, fighting against it. The dark was full of the harpies of uncanny suggestion. He arose unrefreshed, to proffer every god the same prayer: "Deliver me from evil imaginings. ... — A Victor of Salamis • William Stearns Davis
... of the East River, a broad, red disc of heat. It swept the cross-streets of the city as pitilessly as the search- light of a man-of-war sweeps the ocean. It blazed brazenly into open windows, and changed beds into gridirons on which the sleepers tossed and turned and woke unrefreshed and with throats dry and parched. Its glare awakened Rags into a startled belief that the place about him was on fire, and he stared wildly until the child in his arms brought him back to the knowledge of where he was. He ached ... — Gallegher and Other Stories • Richard Harding Davis
... The man, also unrefreshed by his night's sleep, admitted that he had found the flower and the jewels in Lord Farquhart's coat, that he had placed them on ... — Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905 • Various
... preparation for the coming day! She awoke with a start, unrefreshed, and conscious of some reality worse even than her feverish dreams. It all came back upon her; not merely the sorrow, but the terrible discord in the sorrow. Where, to what distance apart, had her father ... — North and South • Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
... unrefreshed, I should want to inquire into your habits of life. Was there opportunity for fresh air to enter your room? Was there in it no uncovered vessel, no old shoes in the closet, no soiled underclothing, nothing that could contaminate the atmosphere? ... — What a Young Woman Ought to Know • Mary Wood-Allen |