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Visite   Listen
Visite  n.  A light cape or short cloak of silk or lace worn by women in summer.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Visite" Quotes from Famous Books

... ans dans sa couche d'argile, Et rien ne pleure plus sur son dernier asile; Et le rapide oubli, second linceul des morts, A couvert le sentier qui menait vers ces bords. Nul ne visite plus cette pierre efface, Nul n'y songe et n'y prie.... except ma pense, Quand, remontant le flot de mes jours rvolus, Je demande mon coeur tous ceux qui n'y sont plus, Et que, les yeux flottants sur de chres empreintes, Je pleure dans ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... engraving, half- tone, photograph, print, miniature, daguerreotype, chromo, icon, chromotype, mezzotint, pastel, lithograph, lithotint, cartoon, sketch, etching, chromolithograph, pasticcio, tableau, portrait, illustration, cyclorama, silhouette, carte-de-visite, minette, caricature, vignette, draught, aquarelle, thermotype, tintype, ambrotype, cabinet, heliograph, chrysotype, photogravure, oleograph, cut, negative, study, likeness, scene, landscape, view, stereogram, stereograph, panorama, ...
— Putnam's Word Book • Louis A. Flemming

... Baby came to view. She read aloud to me some of your "Virtuoso's Collection," and then to bed, celestial.—A letter came from Mr. Bennoch. He wails like Jeremiah over our war, and longs for a letter from you. He sends cartes de visite of himself and his wife. He looks uncommonly dumpy, with a pair of winged whiskers of astounding effect, and the expression of his face is ...
— Memories of Hawthorne • Rose Hawthorne Lathrop

... accommodating rails. Gentlemen of colour have little respect for the polite arts; they look upon our sanctum as a sort of permanent peep-show, and upon us as a superior order of photographers. Primed with these delusions our Spanish Sambo comes for his carte-de-visite at all hours of the sunny day, persuaded that we undertake black physiognomies at four dollars a dozen; and when we assure him that ours is the legitimate colouring business, and that we have no connexion with Senor Collodion up the street, our swarthy patron produces ...
— The Pearl of the Antilles, or An Artist in Cuba • Walter Goodman

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