"Wem" Quotes from Famous Books
... English, "You zing like an angle [I hope he meant angel]. It is as if ze paradise vas opened to us." Then he retired in a corner and wiped his eyes. I sang "Ein Jungling liebt ein Maedchen," of Schumann, and when I came to the line, "Und wem das just passieret, dem bricht das Herz entzwei," I heard a mournful sigh. It came from the Benjamin of the flock, a very young officer, who sat with his hands over his face sobbing audibly. What chord had I struck? Was his the heart ... — In the Courts of Memory 1858-1875. • L. de Hegermann-Lindencrone
... der Bordkajuete, im Feiersaal, Sassen Schiffsoffiziere beim Liebesmahl, Wie ein Saebelhieb, wie ein Segelschwung, Einer riss gruessend empor den Trunk, Knapp hinknallend wie Ruderschlag, Drei Worte sprach er: "Auf den Tag!" Wem galt das Glas? Sie hatten alle nur einen Hass. Wer war gemeint? Sie hatten alle nur ... — The New York Times Current History: the European War, February, 1915 • Various |