"Whenas" Quotes from Famous Books
... / Werbel and Schwemmelein, Won they at the wedding / each alone, I ween, Marks a good thousand / or even more than that, Whenas fair Lady Kriemhild / 'neath ... — The Nibelungenlied - Translated into Rhymed English Verse in the Metre of the Original • trans. by George Henry Needler
... "Whenas I harp to the children small, They press me close on either hand: And who are you," True Thomas said, "That you should ride while ... — The Seven Seas • Rudyard Kipling
... broken forest boughs Until each ronyon's stuck in loam. There, then, bivouacs a unco Cheat, Whose limbs were struck with pains of ague, Who lifts his sightless eyes and sows The seeds of Thaumaturgist's arts. Then shakes his fist above all necks (Whenas the dirges pierce the gloom) And sheds his addling tears of woe. Perturbed at sights of flashing darts That dragons hurl amongst soul-wrecks, He smites a staff upon a tomb Where phosphorescent torches glow, And mouths his words at earless owls, Past ribboned dusk and pillared woe, Where sonless ... — Betelguese - A Trip Through Hell • Jean Louis de Esque
... God's House! I rue: What blamers preach of patience I unheed; * Here am I, love path firmly to pursue! Indeed they bar me access to my love, * Here am I by God's ruth no ill I sue! Good sooth my bones, whenas they hear thy name, * Quail as birds quailed when Nisus o'er them flew:[FN72] Ah! say to them who blame my love that I * Will love that face fair cousin till ... — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton
... certain boy was her child—these needed to have their tales evened as to the night the child was born, and how it had been brought from the Lord Edmund's house wrapped in a napkin. In his own pantry, Viridus had three under guard and admonition of his own—these should swear that whenas they served the Lord Edmund they had seen at several times Culpepper with her in thickets, or climbing to her window in the night, or at dawn coming away from her chamber door. These needed to be instructed ... — Privy Seal - His Last Venture • Ford Madox Ford
... LYSISTRATA. Silence then! Now—"Whenas the swallows, fleeing before the hoopoes, shall have all flocked together in one place, and shall refrain them from all amorous commerce, then will be the end of all the ills of life; yea, and Zeus, which doth thunder in the skies, shall set ... — The Eleven Comedies - Vol. I • Aristophanes et al
... it is in the green forest, Among the leaves green, Whenas men hunt east and west With bows ... — Queen Hildegarde • Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
... Some deadly dogged howl, Sounding as from the threatening throat Of beasts and fatal fowl! As ravens, screech-owls, bulls, and bears, We 'll bell, and bawl our parts, Till irksome noise have cloy'd your ears And corrosiv'd your hearts. At last, whenas our choir wants breath, Our bodies being blest, We 'll sing, like swans, to welcome death, And die in ... — The Duchess of Malfi • John Webster
... becometh. Then lightly they learn'd me, my people, this lore, E'en the best that there be of the wise of the churls, O Hrothgar the kingly, that thee should I seek to, Whereas of the might of my craft were they cunning; For they saw me when came I from out of my wargear, Blood-stain'd from the foe whenas five had I bounden, 420 Quell'd the kin of the eotens, and in the wave slain The nicors by night-tide: strait need then I bore, Wreak'd the grief of the Weders, the woe they had gotten; I ground down the wrathful; and ... — The Tale of Beowulf - Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats • Anonymous
... on your breast, "Below the left lappel?" "Oh! that is fra' my auld cigar, "Whenas the ... — The Works of Rudyard Kipling One Volume Edition • Rudyard Kipling
... He was in talk with two fellows, which had little of the air about them of leading honest lives; all I heard him tell them was, 'See ye, without being seen!' Of such sort the orders the noble Prince was charging them withal. And the worst is, he did stop dead whenas he set eyes on me. My own little pearl of price, so true as God is in the Holy Sacrament, an if the Prince find you with the Lord Duke d'Andria, he will kill both the twain of you. You will be a dead woman; and ah! me, what will ... — The Well of Saint Clare • Anatole France
... wenchers several, Embrace three hundred wi' the like requitals, None truly loving and withal of all Bursting the vitals: 20 My love regard she not, my love of yore, Which fell through fault of her, as falls the fair Last meadow-floret whenas passed it o'er Touch ... — The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus
... what thou didst create, Then newly, Love! by whom the heav'n is rul'd, Thou know'st, who by thy light didst bear me up. Whenas the wheel which thou dost ever guide, Desired Spirit! with its harmony Temper'd of thee and measur'd, charm'd mine ear, Then seem'd to me so much of heav'n to blaze With the sun's flame, that rain or flood ne'er made ... — The Divine Comedy, Complete - The Vision of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell • Dante Alighieri |