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Wich   Listen
wich  n.  A variant of 1st wick.

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"Wich" Quotes from Famous Books

... the paper a page Boy wanted, and begs to say J. Cole is over thertene, and I can clene plate, wich my brutther is under a butler and lernd me, and I can wate, and no how to clene winders and boots. J. Cole opes you will let me cum. I arsks 8 and all found. if you do my washin I will take sevven. J. Cole will serve you well and ...
— J. Cole • Emma Gellibrand

... much to do as I kin posomply 'complish, in keepin' of myself dry, comfable, and singin' ob my hyme-toones. We has all to take our chances dis time, an' do for our own selves, black and white; an' I don't see none ob my own white folks on dis raf', wich I is mighty proud of. Dar, now! I does b'leve dat is a ship sail way off dar. Does ...
— Miriam Monfort - A Novel • Catherine A. Warfield

... as here afore ther hath beyn of old tym a broderhode had and usyd emong the occupacion and craft above said, the wich of long continuaunce have usid, and as yit yerly usis to fynd of thar propir costes a lyght of diwyrs torchis in the fest of Corpus Christi day, or of the morn aftir, in the honour and worship of God and all saintes, and to go in procession with ...
— Life in a Medival City - Illustrated by York in the XVth Century • Edwin Benson

... Offrs & men who had been taken before us; soon after we came here, Capt. Jewett with a number of others were brought in, & Confin'd with us; Capt. Jewett had Recd two Wounds with a Bayonet after he was taken & Strip'd of his Arms, & part of his Cloths, one in ye Brest & ye other in ye Belly, of wich he Languished with great pain untill ye Thirdsday following when he Died; Sargt Graves was also Stab'd in ye Thigh with a Bayonet, after he was taken with Capt Jewett, of wich wound he recovered altho' ...
— The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn • Henry P. Johnston

... seen my William's form, Heighten'd with every martial grace, The ever-varying, unknown charm, Wich beam'd in ...
— Elegies and Other Small Poems • Matilda Betham

... with that authority wherewith God hath vested us, to maintain and defend it in peace and liberty, against all trouble that can come from without, and against all Heresies, Sects, and Schismes, wich may arise from within. All these doe make us hopeful that His Majestie will not oppose, but advance the work of Reformation. In like manner the Honourable Houses of Parliament, as they have many times before witnessed their zeale, so now also ...
— The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

... Sheariff's team wich i have got & his name is denis, tel the Governor to Parden me if i have seeamed Rude i shall go to some new Plais whare i will not be Looked upon with Suchpishion wishing you a mary Crissmus hapy new year and April Fool i will Close from your ...
— Nye and Riley's Wit and Humor (Poems and Yarns) • Bill Nye

... you a 'tory now," broke in little Rosy. "It's a nice 'tory,—a real nice one. Once there was a little girl, and she wanted some pie. She wanted some weal wich pie. And her mother whipped her because she wanted the weal wich pie. Then she kied. And her mother whipped her. Then she kied again. And her mother whipped her again. And the wich pie made her sick. And she died. She couldn't det well, 'cause ...
— Eyebright - A Story • Susan Coolidge

... Crawmound crew nevir at day, For dule of that devillisch deme wes with Mahoun mareit, And the henis of Hadingtoun sensyne wald not lay, For this wild wibroun wich thame widlit sa and wareit; And the same North Berwik Law, as I heir wyvis say, This Carling, with a fals east, wald away careit; For to luck on quha sa lykis, na langer scho tareit: All this languor for love before tymes fell, ...
— Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Vol. II (of 3) • Walter Scott

... the Bishoprick of Durham. From Stamford to the bishoprick I sawe not one elme on the roade, whereas from London to Stamford they are in every hedge almost. In Yorkshire is plenty of trees, which they call elmes; but they are wich-hazells, as wee call them in Wilts (in some counties wich- elmes). I acquainted Mr. Jo. Ray of this, and he told me when he travelled into the north he minded it not, being chiefly intent on herbes; ...
— The Natural History of Wiltshire • John Aubrey

... in thick, young, well-grown Copses, solitary and untraced by Men or Cattle, and not in Old High Woods; and never in open Fields. Which having assured knowledge of, the next thing is to find out the Eye, or Brood of Pheasants, wich according to the best Experience is thus. You must learn and understand the several Notes of a Natural Pheasant-Call, and how usefully to apply them. In the Morning just before, or at Sun-rising, call them to feed, and so at Sun-setting: In the Forenoon, and Afternoon, ...
— The School of Recreation (1684 edition) • Robert Howlett

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