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Wolle   Listen
Wolle  n.  Wool. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Wolle" Quotes from Famous Books

... erfaehrt von der ihm entgegenkommenden Frau seines Compadre, der Mann sei in die Rosse[105] gegangen, um einige Miljekolben[106] fuer die Mule[107] und einige Bobres[108] fuer die Schweine zu holen, welche im Poteiro[109] seien. Wenn er den Compadre aufsuchen wolle, so wuerde er ihn leicht finden, jenseits der Sange,[110] die aber steile Barankas[111] habe, so dass man beim Ueberschreiten derselben vorsichtig sein muesse. Da unser Freund seinen Compadre in der Rosse nicht findet, so ...
— The German Element in Brazil - Colonies and Dialect • Benjamin Franklin Schappelle

... my mynde, that a good ma is lykened to a shepe, an euyll man to a benemouse best. The serpent after she is dede, ca stynge no more, not withstondyng with her euyll sauour and poyson she infecteth and corruptyth other. The shepe as loge as she is a lyue norryseth with her mylke, clothet with her wolle, makyth riche with her lambes, when she is deade she gyueth vs good and profytable lether, and all her body is good meat. Euen so, cruell men, gyuen all to the world, so longe as they lyue be vnprofitable to all me, when they be deade, ...
— The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion • Desiderius Erasmus

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