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Wong   Listen
Wong  n.  A field. (Obs.) "Woods and wonges."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Wong" Quotes from Famous Books

... not give rain; sometimes they publicly depose him from the rank of deity. On the other hand, if the wished-for rain falls, the god is promoted to a higher rank by an imperial decree. In April 1888 the mandarins of Canton prayed to the god Lung-wong to stop the incessant downpour of rain; and when he turned a deaf ear to their petitions they put him in a lock-up for five days. This had a salutary effect. The rain ceased and the god was restored to liberty. Some years before, in time of drought, the same deity had been chained and exposed to ...
— The Golden Bough - A study of magic and religion • Sir James George Frazer

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