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Applique   Listen

Sew on as a decoration.

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"Applique" Quotes from Famous Books

... work with the greatest enthusiasm to make one. It was designed by Fiona Campbell, and carried out by a committee of six, chosen for their skill in needlework. It had a cream-coloured ground, on which was a bold pattern, in applique, of pink briar roses with green leaves, meant as a delicate compliment to Briarcroft. In the centre, in large green letters, was the motto chosen by the Guild: "United we Stand". It was decided at a special meeting ...
— The Leader of the Lower School - A Tale of School Life • Angela Brazil

... the richest suits of armour in the world is to be seen at Windsor; it is of Italian workmanship, and is made of steel, blued and gilded, with wonderfully minute decorations of damascene and applique work. This most ornate armour was made chiefly for show, and not for the field: for knights to appear in their official capacity, and for jousting at tournaments, which were practically social ...
— Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages • Julia De Wolf Addison

... d'un seul individu, il a pu naitre tant d'especes si differentes." And again "La Nature contient le fonds de toutes ces varietes: mais le hasard ou l'art les mettent en oeuvre. C'est ainsi que ceux dont l'industrie s'applique a satisfaire le gout des curieux, sont, pour ainsi dire, creatures d'especes nouvelles." ("Venus Physique, contenant deux Dissertations, l'une sur l'origine des Hommes et des Animaux: Et l'autre sur l'origine des Noirs" La Haye, 1746, pages 124 and 129. For an introduction to the writings of ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... for the transverse stitches and over the smooth surface which is thus formed, work close lines of satin stitch in silk or cotton; the effect produced, will bear more resemblance to applique work than to embroidery. The centres of the flowers are filled in with knot stitches, which are either set directly on the stuff ...
— Encyclopedia of Needlework • Therese de Dillmont

... adornment of their sleeping apartments. Accounts of early Greek houses state that, while the bedchambers were hung all about with curtains and draperies, these were usually of plain fabrics with little attempt at decoration. Of patchwork or applique, as known to the Egyptians and Hebrews, the Greeks and Romans have left us no trace. However, as substantiating the regard shown for needlework by the Greeks and Romans, the following two pleasing myths have come ...
— Quilts - Their Story and How to Make Them • Marie D. Webster

... would have worn her beautiful white satin with the fleecy lace; but here it would be out of place, she thought, and so she left it pinned up in towels at the bottom of her trunk, and chose a delicate lavender, trimmed with white applique. Lavender was not the most becoming color Ethelyn could wear, but she looked very handsome in it, with the soft pearls upon her neck and arms. Richard thought her dress too low, while modest Andy averted his ...
— Ethelyn's Mistake • Mary Jane Holmes

... donnent facilite aux Francais et aux autres, qui viennent s'y habituer, de s'y loger des leur arrivee. Il fait faire des matures, dont il envoie cette annee des essais a la Rochelle pour servir a la marine. Il s'est applique, de plus, aux bois propres a la construction des vaisseaux, dont l'epreuve a ete faite en ce pays par la batisse d'une barque, qui se trouve de bon service, et d'un gros vaisseau tout pret a etre mis a l'eau." [338] Dans l'etat de la depense du Roi pour l'annee 1671, nous ...
— Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine

Words linked to "Applique" :   ornament, grace, sew, stitchery, adorn, tailor-make, embellish, decorate, beautify, sewing, tailor

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