"Archaism" Quotes from Famous Books
... both because the word Ghost is an archaism in Christian worship and more especially because Dr. Palmer's altered version usurps the place of his own hymn. "Olivet" with "My faith looks up to Thee" makes as inviolable a case of psalmodic monogamy as "Toplady" ... — The Story of the Hymns and Tunes • Theron Brown and Hezekiah Butterworth
... they will no doubt in process of time evolve a number of new compositions which differ from ordinary hymns sufficiently to be called carols, but from which the peculiar charm of the carol has evaporated. This charm (let me add) by no means consists in mere primitiveness or mere archaism. Genuine carols (if we could only get rid of affectation and be honest authors in our own century without straining to age ourselves back into the fifteenth) might be written to-day as appropriately as ever. 'Joseph did whistle,' ... — From a Cornish Window - A New Edition • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
... second certainly is not, and makes it very difficult to a modern ear to get a satisfactory swing on the verse. The language, moreover (though this is a point on which I speak with some diffidence), has a slightly more archaic cast, as of intended archaism, than is the case with ... — The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory - (Periods of European Literature, vol. II) • George Saintsbury
... anything that could have existed more than two hundred years ago; yet one cannot but feel that this observer would have been fully equal to drawing our microcosm as well as his own. Earle's is a penetrating observation which is always fresh—so fresh that no archaism of phrase in him, and no cheery optimism in ourselves, can disguise the fact that it is our weaknesses he is probing, ... — Microcosmography - or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters • John Earle
... are commonly of more value than physic. She was to keep her bed, to be allowed no modern literature of any kind, unless Milton and Swift may be admitted as moderns, and even these authors and their predecessors were to be admitted in very sparing quantities. If any signs of inversion, archaism, or neologistic tendencies appeared he was to be summoned at once; but of these (he added) he had little fear. He did not doubt that in a few weeks we should have her up and about again, but he warned me against letting her begin work ... — On Nothing & Kindred Subjects • Hilaire Belloc
... more than in the preceding, there is occasionally an affectation of archaism, which rather adds to than detracts from the poetic effect of his prose, and the number of lines in the prose translation that are really ten-syllable verses is quite remarkable. On one page (page 183 of the third edition, Lemerre) more than ... — Frederic Mistral - Poet and Leader in Provence • Charles Alfred Downer
... Cicero rarely mentions the gods without this epithet. — SPARSISSE: Horace calls the soul divinae particulam aurae. — TUERENTUR: rule, or guard, or care for. Most editors wrongly take tuerentur to be for intuerentur, 'to look upon', and regard it as an intentional archaism. But cf. Rep. 6, 15 (where no archaism can be intended): homines sunt hac lege generati, qui tuerentur illum globum quae terra vocatur; also tuentur below in 82. — CONTEMPLANTES IMITARENTUR: perhaps more Stoic than Platonic; the Stoics laid great stress on the ethical value of ... — Cato Maior de Senectute • Marcus Tullius Cicero
... antique tinge (e.g. his use of archaism, assonance, and alliteration) which for poetical ends he has given to his poem, the best judges have always looked upon it as one of the purest models of the Latin idiom in the age of its greatest ... — Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce |
Words linked to "Archaism" : Negress, stockhorn, archaize, off, menstruum, archaicism, ether, feebleminded, away, fire, innocent, frore, scriptural, acold, palfrey, caitiff, compass, abide, tearaway, the halt, hotheaded, dark-skinned, slow-witted, muchness, puissant, mellowly, madcap, oriental person, octoroon, verily, alienism, bide, quadroon, verbal, archaise, negro, formulation, hornpipe, thrown, commodious, negroid, swart, air, colored, base, simple, leal, impetuous, instancy, mulatto, corroborant, mellow, heartless, quintessence, privily, proportionable, expression, stay, bosom, dowerless, brainish, oriental, amort, sublime, hence, backward, swarthy, meed, archaistic, curtal, scrivened, blackamoor, screw, careful, baseborn, earth, adust, pibgorn, dusky, empirical, meretricious, uplifted, by chance, hold, thrown and twisted, impulsive, brotherly, forth, water, complexion, half-witted, horary, convenient, empiric, dighted, apopemptic, gildhall, sooth, small, control, strait, fardel, perchance, ambages, colored person |
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